Treatise on Geophysics
- 2nd Edition - April 17, 2015
- Editor: Gerald Schubert
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 5 3 8 0 2 - 4
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 5 3 8 0 3 - 1
Treatise on Geophysics, Second Edition, Eleven Volume Set is a comprehensive and in-depth study of the physics of the Earth beyond what any geophysics text has provided previo… Read more

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Request a sales quoteTreatise on Geophysics, Second Edition, Eleven Volume Set is a comprehensive and in-depth study of the physics of the Earth beyond what any geophysics text has provided previously. Thoroughly revised and updated, it provides fundamental and state-of-the-art discussion of all aspects of geophysics. A highlight of the second edition is a new volume on Near Surface Geophysics that discusses the role of geophysics in the exploitation and conservation of natural resources and the assessment of degradation of natural systems by pollution. Additional features include new material in the Planets and Moon, Mantle Dynamics, Core Dynamics, Crustal and Lithosphere Dynamics, Evolution of the Earth, and Geodesy volumes. New material is also presented on the uses of Earth gravity measurements. This title is essential for professionals, researchers, professors, and advanced undergraduate and graduate students in the fields of Geophysics and Earth system science.
- Comprehensive and detailed coverage of all aspects of geophysics
- Fundamental and state-of-the-art discussions of all research topics
- Integration of topics into a coherent whole
Professionals, researchers, professors, and advanced undergraduate and graduate students working in the fields of geophysics, earth system science, geology, geomagnetism, ocean science, planetary and aerospace science, environmental science, seismology, petrology, mining and construction, urban planning, plus more.
- Preface
- Editor-in-Chief
- Permission Acknowledgments
- Volume 1: Deep Earth Seismology
- 1.01. Deep Earth Seismology: An Introduction and Overview
- Abstract
- 1.01.1 Developments from the Late Nineteenth Century until the Early 1950s
- 1.01.2 Developments from 1950s to the Early 1980s
- 1.01.3 From 1980 to Present: The Era of Tomography and Broadband Digital Seismic Networks
- 1.01.4 Current Issues in Global Tomography
- References
- Relevant Website
- 1.02. Theory and Observations - Instrumentation for Global and Regional Seismology
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 1.02.1 Introduction
- 1.02.2 Seismic Signals and Noise
- 1.02.3 Seismometers and Systems
- References
- Further Reading
- 1.03. Theory and Observations - Earth's Free Oscillations
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 1.03.1 Introduction
- 1.03.2 Equations of Motion and Hamilton's Principle
- 1.03.3 Spherical Harmonics and Generalized Spherical Harmonics
- 1.03.4 The Green's Function for the Spherically Symmetric Earth
- 1.03.5 Numerical Solution of the Radial Equations
- 1.03.6 Elastic Displacement as a Sum Over Modes
- 1.03.7 The Normal Mode Spectrum
- 1.03.8 Normal Modes and Theoretical Seismograms in Three-Dimensional Earth Models
- 1.03.9 Concluding Discussion
- References
- 1.04. Theory and Observations: Normal Mode and Surface Wave Observations
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 1.04.1 Introduction
- 1.04.2 Free Oscillations
- 1.04.3 Surface Waves
- 1.04.4 Concluding Remarks
- References
- Relevant Website
- 1.05. Theory and Observations: Body Waves, Ray Methods, and Finite-Frequency Effects
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 1.05.1 Introduction
- 1.05.2 Ray Theory
- 1.05.3 Rays at Interfaces
- 1.05.4 Ray Seismograms
- 1.05.5 Finite-Frequency Effects
- 1.05.6 Discussion
- 1.05.7 Conclusion
- References
- 1.06. Theory and Observations: Forward Modeling: Synthetic Body Wave Seismograms
- Abstract
- 1.06.1 Introduction
- 1.06.2 Plane Wave Modeling
- 1.06.3 Structural Effects
- 1.06.4 Modeling Algorithms and Codes
- 1.06.5 Parameterization of the Earth Model
- 1.06.6 Instrument and Source
- 1.06.7 Heterogeneity, Attenuation, and Anisotropy
- 1.06.8 Conclusions
- References
- 1.07. Theory and Obeservations - Forward Modeling and Synthetic Seismograms, 3D Numerical Methods
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 1.07.1 Introduction
- 1.07.2 The Challenge
- 1.07.3 Equation of Motion
- 1.07.4 Strong Implementations
- 1.07.5 Weak Implementations
- 1.07.6 Discussion and Conclusions
- References
- 1.08. Theory and Observations - Seismology and the Structure of the Earth: Teleseismic Body-Wave Scattering and Receiver-Side Structure
- Abstract
- 1.08.1 Introduction
- 1.08.2 Geometrical Preliminaries
- 1.08.3 Source Removal
- 1.08.4 1-D Inversion
- 1.08.5 Multidimensional Inversion
- 1.08.6 Beyond the Born Approximation
- 1.08.7 Conclusions
- References
- 1.09. Theory and Observations - Seismic Anisotropy
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 1.09.1 Introduction
- 1.09.2 Basic Theory of Seismic Anisotropy
- 1.09.3 Seismological Observations of Anisotropy
- 1.09.4 Perspectives
- References
- 1.10. Theory and Observations - Seismic Tomography and Inverse Methods
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 1.10.1 Introduction to Seismic Tomography
- 1.10.2 Data Types in Seismic Tomography
- 1.10.3 Model Parameterization
- 1.10.4 Model Solution
- 1.10.5 Solution Quality
- 1.10.6 Future Directions
- References
- 1.11. Crust and Lithospheric Structure - Global Crustal Structure
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 1.11.1 Introduction, Purpose, and Scope
- 1.11.2 Geology, Tectonics, and Earth History
- 1.11.3 Seismic Techniques for Determining the Structure of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle
- 1.11.4 Nonseismic Constraints on Crustal Structure
- 1.11.5 Structure of Oceanic Crust and Continental Margins
- 1.11.6 Structure of Continental Crust
- 1.11.7 Global Crustal Models
- 1.11.8 Discussion and Conclusions
- References
- 1.12. Crust and Lithospheric Structure - Seismic Imaging and Monitoring with Ambient Noise Correlations
- Abstract
- 1.12.1 Introduction
- 1.12.2 Noise Origin
- 1.12.3 Principle of the Method: The Heuristic Approach
- 1.12.4 Mathematical Results
- 1.12.5 Practical Limitations
- 1.12.6 Processing
- 1.12.7 Applications
- 1.12.8 Conclusions
- References
- 1.13. Crust and Lithospheric Structure - Seismic Structure of Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 1.13.1 Introduction
- 1.13.2 Mantle Upwelling and Melting Beneath Oceanic Spreading Centers
- 1.13.3 Formation of Oceanic Crust
- 1.13.4 Remaining Unsolved Problems
- References
- 1.14. Crust and Lithospheric Structure - Hot Spots and Hot-Spot Swells
- Abstract
- Acknowledgment
- 1.14.1 Introduction to Hot Spots
- 1.14.2 Types of Hot Spots
- 1.14.3 Geophysical Characteristics of Hot Spots
- 1.14.4 Seismic Constraints on Crust and Lithosphere
- 1.14.5 Conclusions
- References
- 1.15. Crust and Lithospheric Structure - Active Source Studies of Crust and Lithospheric Structure
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 1.15.1 Introduction
- 1.15.2 Vertical-Incidence and Wide-Angle Seismology
- 1.15.3 Background
- 1.15.4 Reflection Seismology
- 1.15.5 The CMP Method in Reflection Seismology
- 1.15.6 Migration
- 1.15.7 Reflection Seismology Examples
- 1.15.8 Refraction/Wide-Angle Seismology
- 1.15.9 Wide-Angle Seismology Experiments
- 1.15.10 Data Processing
- 1.15.11 Model Dimension
- 1.15.12 Forward Modeling
- 1.15.13 Traveltime Inversion and Tomography: Theory and Practical Issues
- 1.15.14 Traveltime Inversion and Tomography: Algorithms
- 1.15.15 Amplitude Modeling
- 1.15.16 S-Waves, Density, Attenuation, and Anisotropy
- 1.15.17 Fine-Scale Heterogeneities
- 1.15.18 Joint Inversion
- 1.15.19 Model Assessment
- 1.15.20 Wide-Angle Migration
- 1.15.21 Wavefield Inversion
- 1.15.22 Wavefield Inversion Examples
- 1.15.23 Future Directions
- References
- Relevant Website
- 1.16. Crust and Lithospheric Structure – Natural Source Portable Array Studies of the Continental Lithosphere
- Abstract
- 1.16.1 Introduction
- 1.16.2 Natural Source Portable Array Seismology
- 1.16.3 Seismic Structure of Tectonically Active Regions
- 1.16.4 Stable Platforms
- 1.16.5 Archean Cratons
- 1.16.6 Seismic Constraints on Composition and Temperature of the Continental Lithosphere
- 1.16.7 EarthScope, USArray, and the Future of Portable Array Seismology
- 1.16.8 Discussion
- References
- Relevant Websites
- 1.17. Crustal and Lithospheric Structures Between the Alps and East European Craton from Long-Range Controlled Source Seismic Experiments
- Abstract
- 1.17.1 Introduction: Regional Geologic/Tectonic Setting of Central Europe
- 1.17.2 A New Generation of Long-Range Seismic Experiments
- 1.17.3 Characteristics of the Seismic Wavefields along Profiles for Different Tectonic Provinces (Terranes)
- 1.17.4 Examples of 2-D and 3-D Modeling of the Earth's Crust and Lower Lithosphere
- 1.17.5 Geotectonic Models of the Transition from the EEC to the Eastern Alps, Carpathians, and Pannonian Basin
- 1.17.6 Summary
- References
- 1.18. Crust and Lithospheric Structure - Seismological Constraints on the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 1.18.1 Definitions of the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere
- 1.18.2 Origins of the Seismological Lithosphere–Asthenosphere Boundary
- 1.18.3 Imaging the Seismological LAB
- 1.18.4 The Seismological LAB Beneath Oceans
- 1.18.5 The Seismological LAB Beneath Continents
- 1.18.6 Conclusions
- References
- 1.19. Deep Earth Structure - Upper Mantle Structure: Global Isotropic and Anisotropic Elastic Tomography
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 1.19.1 Introduction
- 1.19.2 Effects of Seismic Velocity and Anisotropy on Seismograms
- 1.19.3 Upper Mantle Tomography of Seismic Velocity and Anisotropy
- 1.19.4 Geodynamic Applications
- 1.19.5 Numerical Modeling and Perspectives
- Appendix Effect of Anisotropy on Surface Waves in the Plane-Layered Medium
- References
- Relevant Websites
- 1.20. Deep Earth Structure - Subduction Zone Structure in the Mantle Transition Zone
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 1.20.1 Introduction
- 1.20.2 Global View of Subduction Zone Structure in the Transition Zone
- 1.20.3 Slab Signatures Above and Below the 660-km Discontinuity
- 1.20.4 Seismic Images of Slab Descent Through the Transition Zone
- 1.20.5 Summary
- References
- 1.21. Deep Earth Structure - Transition Zone and Mantle Discontinuities
- Abstract
- Acknowledgment
- 1.21.1 Introduction
- 1.21.2 The Mantle Transition Zone
- 1.21.3 The Gutenberg Discontinuity (LAB)
- 1.21.4 The Lehmann Discontinuity
- 1.21.5 The Hales Discontinuity
- 1.21.6 Conclusions
- References
- Glossary
- 1.22. Deep Earth Structure: Lower Mantle and D″
- Abstract
- Acknowledgment
- 1.22.1 Lower Mantle and D″ Basic Structural Attributes
- 1.22.2 One-Dimensional Lower Mantle Structure
- 1.22.3 Three-Dimensional Lower Mantle Structure
- 1.22.4 D″ Region
- 1.22.5 D″ Discontinuities
- 1.22.6 Large Low-Shear-Velocity Provinces
- 1.22.7 Ultralow-Velocity Zones
- 1.22.8 Lower Mantle Anisotropy
- 1.22.9 Small-Scale Heterogeneities
- 1.22.10 Conclusions
- References
- Glossary
- 1.23. Deep Earth Structure: The Earth’s Cores
- Abstract
- 1.23.1 Introduction
- 1.23.2 The Discovery of the Core
- 1.23.3 Investigation Tools
- 1.23.4 Radial Structure of the Core in Global Earth Models
- 1.23.5 The Major Discontinuities
- 1.23.6 The Liquid Outer Core
- 1.23.7 The Inner Core: Seismic Velocities
- 1.23.8 The Inner Core: Seismic Attenuation
- 1.23.9 Inner Core: Differential Rotation with Respect to the Mantle
- 1.23.10 Conclusion
- References
- 1.24. Deep Earth Structure: Seismic Scattering in the Deep Earth
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 1.24.1 Introduction
- 1.24.2 Scattering Theory
- 1.24.3 Scattering Observations
- 1.24.4 Discussion
- References
- 1.25. Deep Earth Structure: Q of the Earth from Crust to Core
- Abstract
- Acknowledgment
- 1.25.1 Introduction
- 1.25.2 Early Studies
- 1.25.3 Frequency Dependence of Q
- 1.25.4 1D Global Mantle Q Models
- 1.25.5 Q in the Core
- 1.25.6 Global 3D Attenuation Structure in the Upper Mantle
- 1.25.7 Regional Q Variations in the Crust and Uppermost Mantle
- 1.25.8 Conclusions
- References
- Relevant Websites
- 1.26. Constraints on Seismic Models from Other Disciplines - Constraints from Mineral Physics on Seismological Models
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 1.26.1 Introduction
- 1.26.2 Mineral Elasticity
- 1.26.3 Rock Elasticity
- 1.26.4 Seismological Elasticity and Anelasticity
- 1.26.5 Conclusions and Outlook
- References
- 1.27. Constraints on Seismic Models from Other Disciplines - Constraints on 3-D Seismic Models from Global Geodynamic Observables: Implications for the Global Mantle Convective Flow
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 1.27.1 Introduction
- 1.27.2 Geodynamic Observables and Mantle Flow Theory
- 1.27.3 Modeling Geodynamic Observables with Seismic Tomography
- 1.27.4 Joint Seismic–Geodynamic Inversions for 3-D Structure and Flow in the Mantle
- 1.27.5 Concluding Remarks
- References
- 1.01. Deep Earth Seismology: An Introduction and Overview
- Volume 2: Mineral Physics
- 2.01. Mineral Physics: An Introduction and Overview
- Abstract
- References
- 2.02. Mineralogy of the Earth: Phase Transitions and Mineralogy of the Upper Mantle
- Abstract
- Acknowledgment
- 2.02.1 Introduction
- 2.02.2 Chemical and Mineralogical Composition of the Upper Mantle
- 2.02.3 Experimental Petrology and the Mineralogical Composition of the Earth's Upper Mantle
- 2.02.4 Phase Transitions in Dry Earth's Upper Mantle
- 2.02.5 Mineralogy and Transitions in the Upper Mantle at Subduction Zones
- 2.02.6 Conclusions
- References
- 2.03. Phase Transitions and Mineralogy of the Lower Mantle
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 2.03.1 Introduction
- 2.03.2 Experimental and Theoretical Backgrounds
- 2.03.3 Mineral Phase Transitions in the Lower Mantle
- 2.03.4 Phase Transitions and Density Changes in Mantle and Slab Materials
- 2.03.5 Mineralogy of the Lower Mantle
- 2.03.6 Summary
- References
- 2.04. Mineralogy of the Earth: Trace Elements and Hydrogen in the Earth's Transition Zone and Lower Mantle
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 2.04.1 Introduction
- 2.04.2 Crystal–Melt Partition Coefficients and Controlling Factors
- 2.04.3 Implications for Planetary Differentiation and Trace Element Distribution in the Deep Mantle
- 2.04.4 Water in the Deep Mantle
- 2.04.5 Conclusions
- References
- 2.05. Mineralogy of the Deep Mantle – The Post-Perovskite Phase and its Geophysical Significance
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 2.05.1 Lower Mantle Mineralogy
- 2.05.2 Post-Perovskite Phase
- 2.05.3 D″ Region and Evidence for Post-Perovskite
- 2.05.4 Transport Properties
- 2.05.5 Geodynamic Consequences of Post-Perovskite
- 2.05.5 Conclusions
- References
- Glossary
- 2.06. Earth's Core: Iron and Iron Alloys
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 2.06.1 Introduction
- 2.06.2 Seismological Observations of Earth's Core
- 2.06.3 The Structure and Anisotropy of Iron in the Inner Core
- 2.06.4 Thermoelastic Properties of Solid Iron
- 2.06.5 The Temperature in Earth's Core
- 2.06.6 Physical Properties of Liquid Iron
- 2.06.7 Evolution of the Core
- 2.06.8 The Composition of the Core
- 2.06.9 Summary
- References
- 2.07. Mineralogy of Super-Earth Planets
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 2.07.1 Introduction
- 2.07.2 Overview of Super-Earths
- 2.07.3 Theoretical and Experimental Techniques for Ultrahigh-Pressure Research
- 2.07.4 Equations of State
- 2.07.5 Mineralogy at Super-Earth Interior Conditions
- 2.07.6 Physical Properties of Minerals at Super-Earth Conditions
- 2.07.7 Summary and Outlook
- References
- 2.08. Thermodynamics, Phase Transitions, Equations of State, and Elasticity of Minerals at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 2.08.1 Thermodynamics of Crystals
- 2.08.2 Equations of State and Elasticity
- 2.08.3 Phase Transitions of Crystals
- 2.08.4 A Few Examples of the Discussed Concepts
- References
- 2.09. Lattice Vibrations and Spectroscopy of Mantle Phases
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- Outline
- References
- 2.10. Multi-Anvil Cells and High Pressure Experimental Methods
- Abstract
- 2.10.1 Introduction
- 2.10.2 Multi-anvil Apparatuses
- 2.10.3 High-Pressure and High-Temperature Synthesis Experiments
- 2.10.4 In Situ x-Ray Observations Using SR
- 2.10.5 New Applications
- 2.10.6 Future Perspectives
- References
- 2.11. Theory and Practice: Diamond-Anvil Cells and Probes for High-P–T Mineral Physics Studies
- Abstract
- 2.11.1 Diamond-Anvil Cell as a Window to the Earth's Interior
- 2.11.2 Generation and Characterization of High Pressures
- 2.11.3 Temperature
- 2.11.4 Optical Probes
- 2.11.5 x-Ray Probes
- References
- 2.12. Theory and Practice: Techniques for Measuring High-P–T Elasticity
- Abstract
- Acknowledgment
- 2.12.1 Introduction
- 2.12.2 Static Compression
- 2.12.3 Ultrasonic Methods
- 2.12.4 Light Scattering Techniques
- 2.12.5 Inelastic x-Ray Scattering
- 2.12.6 Shock Waves
- 2.12.7 Other Techniques
- References
- 2.13. Measuring High-Pressure Electronic and Magnetic Properties
- Abstract
- Abbreviations
- Acknowledgment
- 2.13.1 Introduction
- 2.13.2 Overview of Fundamentals
- 2.13.3 Electronic and Magnetic Excitations
- 2.13.4 Overview of Experimental Techniques
- 2.13.5 Selected Examples
- 2.13.6 Conclusions
- References
- Glossary
- 2.14. Methods for the Study of High P–T Deformation and Rheology
- Abstract
- 2.14.1 Introduction
- 2.14.2 Importance of High-Pressure Rheology Measurements
- 2.14.3 High-Pressure Tools
- 2.14.4 New Insights
- 2.14.5 Conclusion
- References
- 2.15. The Ab Initio Treatment of High-Pressure and High-Temperature Mineral Properties and Behavior
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 2.15.1 Introduction
- 2.15.2 First-Principles Techniques
- 2.15.3 Mineral Properties and Behavior
- 2.15.4 Conclusions
- References
- 2.16. Dynamic Compression
- Abstract
- 2.16.1 Dynamic Compression Versus Static Compression
- 2.16.2 Experimental Methods
- 2.16.3 Geophysical Applications
- 2.16.4 Future Prospects
- References
- 2.17. Seismic Properties of Rocks and Minerals, and the Structure of Earth
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 2.17.1 Introduction
- 2.17.2 Radial Structure
- 2.17.3 Lateral Heterogeneity
- 2.17.4 Anisotropy
- 2.17.5 Attenuation and Dispersion
- 2.17.6 Conclusions
- References
- 2.18. Constitutive Equations, Rheological Behavior, and Viscosity of Rocks
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 2.18.1 Introduction
- 2.18.2 Role of Lattice Defects in Deformation
- 2.18.3 Mechanisms of Deformation and Constitutive Equations
- 2.18.4 Upper Mantle Viscosity
- 2.18.5 Concluding Remarks
- References
- 2.19. Properties of Rocks and Minerals – Diffusion, Viscosity, and Flow of Melts
- Abstract
- 2.19.1 Mass and Momentum Transport in Melts: Georelevance
- 2.19.2 Dynamics and Relaxation in Melts
- 2.19.3 Diffusion in Melts
- 2.19.4 Melt Rheology
- 2.19.5 Viscosity of Liquids
- 2.19.6 Concluding Statement
- References
- 2.20. Seismic Anisotropy of the Deep Earth from a Mineral and Rock Physics Perspective
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 2.20.1 Introduction
- 2.20.2 Mineral Physics
- 2.20.3 Rock Physics
- 2.20.4 Conclusions
- References
- 2.21. Properties of Rocks and Minerals: Physical Origins of Anelasticity and Attenuation in Rock
- Abstract
- Nomenclature
- 2.21.1 Introduction
- 2.21.2 Theoretical Background
- 2.21.3 Insights from Laboratory Studies of Geologic Materials
- 2.21.4 Geophysical Implications
- 2.21.5 Summary and Outlook
- References
- 2.22. Properties of Rocks and Minerals, High-Pressure Melting
- Abstract
- 2.22.1 Melting Properties of Lower Mantle Components
- 2.22.2 Melting of (Mg,Fe)SiO3-PV
- 2.22.3 Melting of MgO
- 2.22.4 Partial Melting in the Lower Mantle
- 2.22.5 Shock-Wave Measurements
- 2.22.6 Iron at the Earth's Core Conditions
- References
- 2.23. Thermal Conductivity of the Earth
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 2.23.1 Introduction
- 2.23.2 Theory of Heat Flow in Minerals and Rocks
- 2.23.3 Experimental Methods for the Lattice Contribution
- 2.23.4 The LFA Database on Lattice Transport for Geomaterials
- 2.23.5 Thermal Diffusivity of Magnesium Silicate Perovskite at Temperature and Pressure
- 2.23.6 Lattice Thermal Conductivity and Its Temperature Dependence
- 2.23.7 Conclusions
- References
- 2.24. Magnetic Properties of Rocks and Minerals
- Abstract
- 2.24.1 Introduction
- 2.24.2 Magnetism at the Atomic Length Scale
- 2.24.3 Magnetism at the Nanometer Length Scale
- 2.24.4 Magnetism at the Micrometer Length Scale
- 2.24.5 Magnetism at the Macroscopic Length Scale
- 2.24.6 Summary
- References
- 2.25. Properties of Rocks and Minerals – The Electrical Conductivity of Rocks, Minerals, and the Earth
- Abstract
- Nomenclature
- Acknowledgments
- 2.25.1 Introduction
- 2.25.2 Electrical Conductivity of Materials
- 2.25.3 High-Pressure Studies
- 2.25.4 Electrical Conductivity of Melts and Partial Melts
- 2.25.5 Mixing Relationships
- 2.25.6 Application to MT Studies
- 2.25.7 Summary
- References
- Glossary
- 2.01. Mineral Physics: An Introduction and Overview
- Volume 3: Geodesy
- 3.01. Geodesy: An Introduction and Overview
- Abstract
- 3.01.1 Introduction
- 3.01.2 Coordinate Systems
- 3.01.3 Geodetic Methods
- 3.01.4 Error Sources, Signals, and Noise
- 3.01.5 Conclusions
- References
- 3.02. Potential Theory and the Static Gravity Field of the Earth
- Abstract
- 3.02.1 Introduction
- 3.02.2 Newton's Law of Gravitation
- 3.02.3 Boundary-Value Problems
- 3.02.4 Solutions to the Spherical BVP
- 3.02.5 Low-Degree Harmonics: Interpretation and Reference
- 3.02.6 Methods of Determination
- 3.02.7 The Geoid and Heights
- References
- 3.03. Gravimetric Methods – Absolute and Relative Gravity Meter: Instruments Concepts and Implementation
- Abstract
- 3.03.1 Absolute and Relative Gravity Meters
- 3.03.2 Gravity Meters
- References
- 3.04. Superconducting Gravimetry
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 3.04.1 The Superconducting Gravimeter
- 3.04.2 SG Data Analysis
- 3.04.3 Scientific Achievements Using SGs
- References
- 3.05. Gravimetric Methods – Satellite Altimeter Measurements
- Abstract
- Nomenclature
- 3.05.1 Introduction
- 3.05.2 Measuring Range
- 3.05.3 Satellite Orbit
- 3.05.4 Calibration and Validation
- 3.05.5 Applications to Geophysics
- 3.05.6 Conclusions and Future Prospects
- References
- Glossary
- 3.06. Earth Tides
- Abstract
- 3.06.1 Introduction
- 3.06.2 The Tidal Forces
- 3.06.3 Tidal Response of the Solid Earth
- 3.06.4 Tidal Loading
- 3.06.5 Analyzing and Predicting Earth Tides
- 3.06.6 Earth-Tide Instruments and Measurements
- References
- 3.07. Glacial Isostatic Adjustment and the Long-Wavelength Gravity Field
- Abstract
- 3.07.1 Introduction
- 3.07.2 J˙2: A Review of Early GIA Research
- 3.07.3 Assessment of the Long-Wavelength Gravity Trends
- 3.07.4 Degree-Two Trends in Gravity Revisited
- 3.07.5 The Influence of Lateral Variations in Mantle Viscosity
- 3.07.6 Summary
- References
- 3.08. Time-Variable Gravity from Satellites
- Abstract
- 3.08.1 Introduction
- 3.08.2 GRACE
- 3.08.3 Applications
- 3.08.4 The Future
- References
- 3.09. Earth Rotation Variations – Long Period
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 3.09.1 Introduction
- 3.09.2 Theory of Earth Rotation Variations at Long Periods
- 3.09.3 Earth Rotation Measurement Techniques
- 3.09.4 Observed and Modeled Earth Rotation Variations
- 3.09.5 Mass Redistribution, Gravity, and Earth Rotation
- References
- 3.10. Earth Rotation Variations
- Abstract
- Nomenclature
- 3.10.1 Introduction–Concepts–Overview
- 3.10.2 Earth Orientation/Rotation Variables: Reference Frames
- 3.10.3 Equations of Rotational Motion
- 3.10.4 The Tidal Potential and Torque
- 3.10.5 Torque in Celestial Frame: Nutation–Precession in a Simple Model
- 3.10.6 Elliptical Motions: Prograde and Retrograde Circular Components
- 3.10.7 Kinematic Relations between the Nutation of the Figure Axis and the Wobble
- 3.10.8 Rigid Earth Nutation
- 3.10.9 Axially Symmetrical Ellipsoidal Nonrigid Earth: Torque Equations and Solutions
- 3.10.10 Nutation–Precession from the Displacement Field
- 3.10.11 Atmospheric Tides and Nontidal Effects from Surficial Fluids
- 3.10.12 New Conventions for Earth Rotation Variations
- A Annex 1
- B Annex 2
- References
- 3.11. GPS and Space-Based Geodetic Methods
- Abstract
- 3.11.1 The Development of Space Geodetic Methods
- 3.11.2 GPS and Basic Principles
- 3.11.3 Global and Regional Measurement of Geophysical Processes
- References
- 3.12. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Geodesy
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 3.12.1 Introduction
- 3.12.2 InSAR
- 3.12.3 InSAR-Related Techniques
- 3.12.4 A Best-Practices Guide to Using InSAR and Related Observations
- 3.12.5 The Link Between Science and Mission Design
- Appendix A
- References
- 3.13. Geodetic Imaging Using Optical Systems
- Abstract
- 3.13.1 Introduction
- 3.13.2 Principles
- 3.13.3 Background Information on Optical Sensing Systems
- 3.13.4 Matching Techniques
- 3.13.5 Geometric Modeling and Processing of Passive Optical Images
- 3.13.6 Applications to Coseismic Deformation
- 3.13.7 Applications to Geomorphology and Glacier Monitoring
- 3.13.8 Conclusion
- References
- 3.01. Geodesy: An Introduction and Overview
- Volume 4: Earthquake Seismology
- 4.01. Earthquake Seismology: An Introduction and Overview
- Abstract
- 4.01.1 Introduction
- 4.01.2 Seismicity
- 4.01.3 The Earthquake Source
- 4.01.4 Slip Behavior
- 4.01.5 Physics of the Earthquake Source
- 4.01.6 State of Stress, Nucleation, and Triggering
- 4.01.7 Associated Problems
- 4.01.8 Earthquake Risk Mitigation
- 4.01.9 Conclusions
- References
- 4.02. Seismic Source Theory
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 4.02.1 Introduction
- 4.02.2 Seismic Wave Radiation from a Point Force: The Green Function
- 4.02.3 Moment Tensor Sources
- 4.02.4 Finite Source Models
- 4.02.5 Crack Models of Seismic Sources
- 4.02.6 Conclusions
- References
- 4.03. Fracture and Frictional Mechanics: Theory
- Abstract
- Nomenclature
- Acknowledgments
- 4.03.1 Introduction
- 4.03.2 Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics
- 4.03.3 The Governing Equations
- 4.03.4 Exact Solutions for Quasistatic Two-Dimensional Planar Cracks
- 4.03.5 Shear Cracks Governed by Rate-and-State Friction Laws
- 4.03.6 Dynamic Effects
- 4.03.7 Fracture Energy
- 4.03.8 Coupling between Elastodynamics and Shear Heating
- 4.03.9 Conclusions
- References
- 4.04. Applications of Rate- and State-Dependent Friction to Models of Fault-Slip and Earthquake Occurrence
- Abstract
- 4.04.1 Fault-Slip Phenomena
- 4.04.2 Rate- and State-Dependent Friction
- 4.04.3 Models of Sliding Phenomena
- 4.04.4 Earthquake Nucleation
- 4.04.5 Seismicity Rate Models
- 4.04.6 Stress Changes Estimated from Earthquake Rates
- 4.04.7 Conclusions and Future Directions
- References
- 4.05. The Mechanics of Frictional Healing and Slip Instability During the Seismic Cycle
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 4.05.1 Introduction
- 4.05.2 Laboratory Experiments
- 4.05.3 Laboratory Data
- 4.05.4 Analysis and Discussion
- 4.05.5 Conclusions
- References
- 4.06. Mechanisms for Friction of Rock at Earthquake Slip Rates
- Abstract
- Nomenclature
- Acknowledgments
- 4.06.1 Introduction
- 4.06.2 Dynamic Fault-Weakening Mechanisms
- 4.06.3 Friction Resulting from High-Speed Weakening Mechanisms
- 4.06.4 Implications of Low Dynamic Friction for Earthquake Stress Drops and for Orientations and Magnitudes of Tectonic Stress
- 4.06.5 Conclusions
- References
- 4.07. The Role of Fault-Zone Drilling
- Abstract
- 4.07.1 Introduction: Why Drill to Study Earthquakes?
- 4.07.2 Fluids and Faulting
- 4.07.3 Frictional Strength of Faults
- 4.07.4 Near-Field Observations of Earthquake Nucleation and Propagation
- 4.07.5 Fault-Zone Drilling Projects
- 4.07.6 Summary
- References
- 4.08. Dynamic Shear Rupture in Frictional Interfaces: Speeds, Directionality, and Modes
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- 4.08.1 Introduction
- 4.08.2 Experimental Techniques for Creating Earthquakes in the Laboratory
- 4.08.3 Supershear and Sub-Rayleigh to Supershear Transition in Homogeneous Fault Systems
- 4.08.4 Directionality of Ruptures Along Faults Separating Weakly Dissimilar Materials: Supershear and Generalized Rayleigh Wave Speed Ruptures
- 4.08.5 Observing Crack-Like, Pulse-Like, Wrinkle-Like, and Mixed Rupture Modes in the Laboratory
- References
- 4.09. Slip Inversion
- Abstract
- Nomenclature
- Acknowledgments
- 4.09.1 Introduction
- 4.09.2 Construction of Slip Inversion Problem
- 4.09.3 Solving Inverse Problem
- 4.09.4 Example of Slip Model
- 4.09.5 Extended Studies Based on Slip Models
- 4.09.6 Discussion and Conclusion
- References
- 4.10. Fault Interaction, Earthquake Stress Changes, and the Evolution of Seismicity
- Acknowledgment
- 4.10.1 Introduction
- 4.10.2 Stress I
- 4.01. Earthquake Seismology: An Introduction and Overview
- No. of pages: 5604
- Language: English
- Edition: 2
- Published: April 17, 2015
- Imprint: Elsevier
- Hardback ISBN: 9780444538024
- eBook ISBN: 9780444538031
Gerald Schubert
Gerald Schubert is Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Department of Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences at the University of California, Los Angeles. His research interests encompass the physics of the interiors and atmospheres of the Earth, the Moon, and the other moons and planets of the solar system. He is co-author with Donald Turcotte of Geodynamics (ed. 3, Cambridge University Press, 2014) and with Turcotte and Peter Olson of Mantle Convection in the Earth and Planets (Cambridge University Press, 2001). He is the author of over 540 research papers. He has participated in a number of NASA’s planetary missions, including Apollo, Pioneer Venus, Magellan, and Galileo, and has been editor and editorial board member of many journals, including Icarus, Journal of Geophysical Research, Geophysical Research Letters, and Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Professor Schubert is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union and a recipient of the Union’s James B. MacElwane medal and the Harry H. Hess medal. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Affiliations and expertise
Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences , UCLA, USARead Treatise on Geophysics on ScienceDirect