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Transforming Research Libraries for the Global Knowledge Society explores critical aspects of research library transformation needed for successful transition into the 21st century… Read more
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List of figures and tables
About the authors
Chapter 1: Transforming research libraries: an introduction
Transformation from different perspectives
Relevance and effectiveness
Organizing for successful collaboration
Creation literacy: an example of the transformation journey
Knowledge creation is global
Conclusion: building to scale at the interfaces of cultures
Part 1: Framing the Twenty First-Century Research Library
Chapter 2: Advancing from Kumbaya to radical collaboration: redefining the future research library
Collaboration and innovation
Radical collaboration
Strategic leadership for preservation
Accountability and assessment
Library space and collaboration
Big science and data curation
Faculty relationships
The 2CUL Project
Chapter 3: Will universities still need libraries (or librarians) in 2020?
Contours of change
What will the university’s information needs be in 2020?
The ‘library’ in 2020
‘Librarians in 2020’
Some conclusions
Chapter 4: Transforming research libraries: Piano, piano, si va lontano
Starting at the top
Leading organizational transformations
An enabling vision
Creating opportunities for others to do the right things
The acquisition of knowledge, professional networks, and partners
Transformative, collaborative priorities
The continuing involvement of the user community
Piano, piano, si va lontano: toward lasting transformations
Chapter 5: The transformation of academic libraries in China
Yesteryear’s libraries
Today’s libraries
Staffing: recovery
Collections and collection development
Library buildings
Summary and challenges
Part 2: Organization and the University Context
Chapter 6: Organizational and strategic alignment for academic libraries
The strategy focused organization
Aligning strategies to performance
Strategic alignment in the academic environment
Strategic alignment for academic libraries
Organizational alignment for libraries
Organizational and strategic alignment for libraries – the leadership challenge
Chapter 7: Building key relationships with senior campus administrators
About McMaster University
Human performance technology
Systems theory
Applying the HPT model, phase one: performance analysis
Phase two: cause analysis
Phase three: intervention (selection and implementation)
Phase four: evaluation
Appendix A: Interview questions
Appendix B: Focus groups
Appendix C: Web survey questions
Part 3: Partners and Collaborative Environments
Chapter 8: Partnerships and connections
Partners defined
Engaging partners
Sustaining partners
Partnering skills
Future partners
Chapter 9: Common spaces, common ground: shaping intercultural experiences in the learning commons
Impetus for change
The commons concept
The role of Web 2.0
A learning commons and ‘Ready for the World’
Common Ground Book Club
The Sparky Awards
Commons World
Film discussion series
Programming for international students
Part 4: Creating Accessible and Enduring Scholarship
Chapter 10: New modes of scholarly communication: implications of Web 2.0 in the context of research dissemination
Scholarly communication
Social web and interactive tools
Scholarly communication and implications of Web 2.0
Developing academic library services towards scholarly communication 2.0
Chapter 11: Coming home: scholarly publishing returns to the university
Digital publishing issues
Campus publishing stakeholders
University publishing as commodity
Publishing: a university priority
Chapter 12: Confronting challenges of documentation in the digital world: the Human Rights Documentation Initiative at the University of Texas
The birth of the Human Rights Documentation Initiative
Mission and scope of the HRDI
Building external partnerships
Archiving the Internet
Appendix 1: List of Human Rights Documentation Initiative personnel