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Transformative Paleobotany: Papers to Commemorate the Life and Legacy of Thomas N. Taylor features the broadest possible spectrum of topics analyzing the structure, function… Read more
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Transformative Paleobotany: Papers to Commemorate the Life and Legacy of Thomas N. Taylor features the broadest possible spectrum of topics analyzing the structure, function and evolution of fossil plants, microorganisms, and organismal interactions in fossil ecosystems (e.g., plant paleobiography, paleoecology, early evolution of land plants, fossil fungi and microbial interactions with plants, systematics and phylogeny of major plant and fungal lineages, biostratigraphy, evolution of organismal interactions, ultrastructure, Antarctic paleobotany). The book includes the latest research from top scientists who have made transformative contributions.
Sections are richly illustrated, well concepted, and characterize and summarize the most up-to-date understanding of this respective and important field of study.
Multidisciplinary and comprised of researchers, practitioners, professionals, and advanced students in the areas of paleobotany, botany, mycology, paleomycology, ecology, evolutionary biology, phytogeography, geology, Antarctic science, and several related areas, and for seminars or an advanced topics course
1. The evolutionary origin of the plant spore in relation to the antithetic origin of the plant sporophyte
Paul K. Strother, Wilson A. Taylor
2. Early Devonian woody plants and implications for the early evolution of vascular cambia
Patricia G. Gensel
3. Using architecture modeling of the Devonian tree Pseudosporochnus to compute its biomass
Anaëlle Dambreville, Brigitte Meyer-Berthaud, Jean-François Barczi, Anne-Laure Decombeix, Sébastien Griffon, Hervé Rey
4. The advantages and frustrations of a plant Lagerstätte as illustrated by a new taxon from the Lower Devonian of the Welsh Borderland, UK
Jennifer L. Morris, Dianne Edwards, John B. Richardson
5. Early Tracheophyte Phylogeny: A Preliminary Assessment of Homologies
William L. Crepet, Karl J. Niklas
6. Lower Permian flora of the Sanzenbacher Ranch, Clay County, Texas
William A. DiMichele, Robert W. Hook, Hans Kerp, Carol L. Hotton, Cindy V. Looy, Dan S. Chaney
7. Permian ginkgophytes of Angaraland
Serge V. Naugolnykh
8. Glossopterid plant remains in permineralization: What do they tell us?
Harufumi Nishida, Kathleen B. Pigg, Melanie L. DeVore
9. Pachytestopsis tayloriorum gen. et sp. nov., an anatomically preserved glossopterid seed from the Lopingian of Queensland, Australia
Stephen McLoughlin, Benjamin Bomfleur, Andrew N. Drinnan
10. A Triassic Mystery Solved: Fertile Pekinopteris from the Triassic of North Carolina, U.S.A.
Brian Axsmith, Judith Skog, Christian Pott
11. Enigmatic, structurally preserved stems from the Triassic of central Europe: A fern or not a fern?
Jean Galtier, Carla J. Harper, Ronny Rößler, Evelyn Kustatscher, Michael Krings
12. A comprehensive assessment of the fossil record of liverworts in amber
Jochen Heinrichs, Kathrin Feldberg, Julia Bechteler, Ledis Regalado, Matthew A.M. Renner, Alfons Schäfer-Verwimp, Carsten Gröhn, Patrick Müller, Harald Schneider, Michael Krings
13. Aerodynamics of Fossil Pollen: Implications for Understanding Pollination Biology in Extinct Plants
Lisa Grega, Adam Novotny, Christopher Stabile, Mackenzie L. Taylor, Charles P. Daghlian, Jeffrey M. Osborn
14. Escapia gen. nov.: Morphological evolution, paleogeographic diversification, and the environmental distribution of marattialean ferns through time
Gar W. Rothwell, M. A. Millay, Ruth A. Stockey
15. Heterosporous ferns from Patagonia: The case of Azolla
Facundo De Benedetti, María del C. Zamaloa, María A. Gandolfo, Néstor R. Cúneo
16. Why are bryophytes so rare in the fossil record? A spotlight on taphonomy and fossil preservation
Alexandru M.F. Tomescu, Benjamin Bomfleur, Alexander C. Bippus, Adolfina Savoretti
17. Fossil seeds with affinities to Austrobaileyales and Nymphaeales from the Early Cretaceous (early to middle Albian) of Virginia and Maryland, U.S.A: new evidence for extensive extinction near the base of the angiosperm tree.
Else Marie Friis, Peter R. Crane, Kaj Raunsgaard Pedersen
18. Reactive Oxygen Defense Against Cellular Endoparasites and the Origin of Eukaryotes
James F. White, Jr., Kathryn Kingsley, Carla J. Harper, Satish K. Verma, Lara Brindisi, Qiang Chen, Xiaoqian Chang, April Micci, Marshall Bergen
19. Fossils of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi give insights into the history of a successful partnership with plants
Mark C. Brundrett, Christopher Walker, Carla J. Harper, Michael Krings
20. Looking for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the fossil record – an illustrated guide
Christopher Walker, Carla J. Harper, Mark C. Brundrett, Michael Krings
21. Exceptional preservation of sessile, long-stalked microorganisms in the Lower Devonian Windyfield chert (Scotland)
Michael Krings, Carla J. Harper, Hans Kerp, Edith L. Taylor
22. Morphological convergence in forest microfungi provides a proxy for Paleogene forest structure
Jouko Rikkinen, Alexander R. Schmidt
23. Ediacarans, protolichens, and lichen-derived Penicillium: A critical reassessment of the evolution of lichenization in fungi
Robert Lücking, Matthew P. Nelsen
24. Polar Regions of the Mesozoic–Paleogene greenhouse world as refugia for relict plant groups
Benjamin Bomfleur, Patrick Blomenkemper, Hans Kerp, Stephen McLoughlin
25. Leaf venation density and calculated physiological characteristics of fossil leaves from the Permian of Gondwana
Andrew B. Schwendemann
26. Functional significance of cambial development in Vertebraria roots: How do unusual xylem traits serve life at a high latitude?
Anne-Laure Decombeix, Nicholas. P. Rowe
27. Cretaceous to Paleogene vegetation transition in Antarctica
David J Cantrill
with their systematics, paleoecology, bio-chronostratigraphy and paleoclimatology.