Trade, Stability, Technology, and Equity in Latin America
- 1st Edition - June 28, 2014
- Editors: Moshé Syrquin, Simón Teitel
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 4 7 2 0 - 5
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 6 7 5 3 - 1
Trade, Stability, Technology, and Equity in Latin America provides information pertinent to the substantial social and economic progress in Latin America. This book covers a… Read more

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Request a sales quoteTrade, Stability, Technology, and Equity in Latin America provides information pertinent to the substantial social and economic progress in Latin America. This book covers a variety of topics, including international trade, technology, equity, external instability, and stabilization and growth. Organized into five parts encompassing 21 chapters, this book begins with an overview of the purchasing power parity theory of exchange rate determination and the law of one price. This text then provides a discussion of extending the monetary approach to the balance of payments to incorporate terms of trade effects. Other chapters consider the experience with the promotion of labor-intensive exports of manufacturers. This book discusses as well the pros and cons of external debt in Latin American development. The final chapter deals with economic development and provides an examination of basic needs, income distribution, and employment. This book is a valuable resource for policy makers, industrialists, economists, and structuralists.
List of Contributors
Part I International Trade
Chapter 1 Exchange Rates and Terms of Trade in the Argentine Republic, 1913-1976
I. Real Exchange Rates Since 1913
II. Departures from PPP
III. The Law of One Price
Chapter 2 The Terms of Trade, Real Output, and the Balance of Payments in a Primary Exporting Country: A Model and Some Estimates for Guatemala
I. The Model
II. The Case of Guatemala: Some General Considerations
III. Empirical Results
Chapter 3 Dismantling Foreign Trade Restrictions: Some Evidence and Issues on the Argentine Case
I. Introduction
II. Nominal and Effective Protection
III. An Exercise in Tariff Dismantling
IV. On the Change in Relative Prices
V. Summary and Conclusions
Chapter 4 Manufactured Exports, Labor Productivity, and Employment in Latin America: A Hypothesis Based on the Clothing Industry in Colombia
I. Introduction
II. Protection, Exports, and Labor Productivity
III. Causes of the Rise and Fall of Colombia's Clothing Exports
IV. Generalizing to Other Industries and Other Latin American Countries
V. Conclusion
Part II External Instability
Chapter 5 Old and New Forms of External Instability in Latin America: Sources, Mechanisms of Transmission, and Policies
I. Introduction
II. Sources of External Instability
III. The Transmission of Instability
IV. Policies for Stability: Some Issues for Research
Chapter 6 The Vulnerability of Small Semi-Industrialized Economies to Export Shocks: A Simulation Analysis Based on Peruvian Data
I. The Small Semi-Industrialized Economy and Its Balance-of-Payments Adjustment Mechanism
II. Multisectoral Models of Adjustment to Export Shortfalls
III. Simulation Results for Peru
IV. Policy Conclusions
Chapter 7 Latin American External Debt: The Case of Uncertain Development
I. Introduction
II. The Composition and Magnitude of the Debt
III. The Rate of Return to External Borrowing
IV. Projections of Latin American Financing Needs
V. Conclusion
Part III Stabilization and Growth
Chapter 8 Macroeconomic Disequilibrium and Short-Run Economic Growth in Developing Countries
I. Introduction
II. Possible Macroeconomic Adjustment Mechanism: IS Equilibrium
III. Sample Estimates of the Saving and Investment Functions
IV. Destabilizing IS Adjustment
V. Closing the Model
VI. Supplementary Macroeconomic Adjustment Mechanisms
VII. Macroeconomic Adjustment and Short-Run Growth
VIII. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 9 Investment, Inflation, and Employment: A Macroeconomic Framework
I. Introduction
II. Income and Wealth Accounts
III. Equilibrium
IV. Comparative Statics
Chapter 10 Inflation and Growth: Lessons from the Argentine Experience
I. Introduction
II. The Costs of Inflation
III. Repressed Inflation
IV. Inflation and Growth
V. Free Inflation: The Road to Sustained Price Stability
VI. Conclusions
Chapter 11 Economic Stabilization and Structural Change: The Chilean Economy after 1973
I. Macroeconomic Results
II. The Stabilization Program and Its Phases
III. Structural Changes
IV. Conclusions
Part IV Technology
Chapter 12 Fostering Technological Mastery by Means of Selective Infant-Industry Protection
I. Introduction
II. The Nature of Infant-Industry Costs and Benefits
III. Conventional Prescriptions versus Actual Practice
IV. Reformulation of the Prescription for Infant Industries
V. The Evidence Reconsidered
VI. Export Performance
VII. Infant-Industry Exports
VIII. Conclusion: Implications for Industrial Strategy
IX. Postscript
Chapter 13 Technology and Economic Development: An Overview of Research Findings
I. Introduction
II. Firms, Technology, and Industrial Organization in DCs and LDCs
III. The Production Function for New Technical Knowledge
Chapter 14 The Engineering Sector in a Model of Economic Development
I. The Model
II. Nature and Implications of the Model
III. Final Remarks
Chapter 15 The Skills and Information Requirements of Industrial Technologies: On the Use of Engineers as a Proxy
I. Introduction
II. The Engineering Role
III. Characterization of the Industries by Engineering Skills
IV. Characterization of the Level of Technological Development by the Stock and Utilization of Engineering and Scientific Skills
Chapter 16 The Capital Goods Sector in LDCs: Economic and Technical Development
I. Introduction
II. Evidence of Cost Efficiency
III. Evidence of Design Adaptation to Domestic Factor Proportions
IV. Some Hypotheses about the Research Process
V. Requirements of Cost Efficiency and Design Innovation
VI. Implications for Policy
Part V Equity
Chapter 17 Basic Needs, Distribution, and Growth: The Beginnings of a Framework
I. Introduction
II. Basic Needs within a General Economic System
III. Incomes, Allotments, and Basic Needs
IV. Basic Needs Planning Policy and Organizational Choices
Chapter 18 Trying to Appraise a Decade of Development: Latin America in the Sixties
I. Introduction
II. The Search for a Development Indicator
III. Another Attempt at Quantifying Latin America's Development Between 1960 and 1970
Chapter 19 Growth, Underemployment, and Income Distribution
I. Introduction
II. The Methodology
III. Informal Sector: Underemployment and Equity at Low Income Levels
IV. Intersectoral Income Differentials and Nondecreasing Gaps
V. Employment Pattern and Income Inequality
VI. Growth, Labor Market, and Inequality
VII. Conclusions
Chapter 20 Labor, Education, and Development: Whither Latin America?
I. Sectoral Employment
II. Occupational Distribution of the Labor Force
III. Educational Requirements of Occupations
IV. Whither Latin America?
Chapter 21 Economic Growth, Rural and Urban Wages: The Case of Brazil
I. Introduction
II. Rural Wages
III. Urban Wages
IV. Urban-Rural Wage Ratio
V. Conclusions
- No. of pages: 512
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: June 28, 2014
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483247205
- eBook ISBN: 9781483267531
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