List of Contributors
Evan Tom Davies
Reminiscences of E. T. Davies
1. Projective Differential Geometry
2. Theory of Connections
The Uniqueness of the Neutrino Energy-Momentum Tensor and the Einstein-Weyl Equations
1. Introduction
2. Proofs of the Theorems
(G, E) Structures
Tensorial Concomitants of an Almost Complex Structure
1. Introduction
2. A Special Chart for an Almost Complex Structure
3. A "Natural" Hermitian, Symmetric, Bilinear Form on an Almost Complex Manifold
4. The S Derivative
Variétés Symplectiques, Variétés Canoniques, et Systèmes Dynamiques
I. Variétés Symplectiques et Variétés de Contact
1. Variétés Symplectiques Exactes
2. Variétés Symplectiques Exactes et Varietes de Contact
II. Systèmes Dynamiques
3. La Variété de Contact des États d'un Systeme Dynamique
4. Systeme Differentiel sur la Variete de Contact des Etats
5. Le Système Différentiel Usuel de Hamilton
III. Transformations Canoniques
6. Notion de Structure Canonique
7. L'ideal I, de l'Algèbre Extérieure des Formes d'Une Variété Canonique et Les Cartes Canoniques
8. Transformations Canoniques de (W, F, t)
9. Transformations Canoniques de (W˜, G˜, t)
10. Cas d'Une Variété Canonique á 2-forme
11. Variétés Exactes
Divergence-Free Third Order Concomitants of the Metric Tensor in Three Dimensions
1. Introduction
2. The Uniqueness of Hij
A Functional Equation in the Characterization of Null Cone Preserving Maps
1. Introduction
2. Basic Hypotheses
3. Reduction to Functional Equations
4. Reduction to One Unknown Function
5. Reduction to Cauchy's Equation
6. Unification of Results
7. Additional Remarks
Generalized Clebsch Representations on Manifolds
1. Introduction
2. The Generalized Clebsch Representation
3. The Gauge Transformations
4. Associated Variational Problems
5. The Case n = 3
6. The Case n = 4
7. Higher Order Variational Problems Resulting from Clebsch Representations
Note on Locally Symmetric Vector Fields in a Riemannian Space
1. Introduction
2. Symmetry
3. First Order Local Symmetry
4. n > 3
5. n > 3: Spaces of Constant Curvature
6. n = 3
7. n = 3: Spaces of Constant Curvature
8. Second Order Local Symmetry
9. Second Order Symmetry: n > 3
10. Second Order Symmetry: n = 3
11. Orientation of Galaxies
Mean Curvature of Immersed Manifolds
3. Immersions in Riemannian Manifolds
4. Immersions of Surfaces in S3
5. Conformai Invariants
Connections and M-Tensors on the Tangent Bundle TM
1. Introduction
2. The Tangent Bundle and the Slit Tangent Bundle
3. Connections and M-Tensors and Their Simple Properties
4. (1, 1)-Connections as Horizontal Distributions on TM
5. Vector Fields on TM and Their Relation with a (1, 1)-Connection
6. (1, 0)-Connection on STM as Systems of Paths in M and as Second Order Differential Equations on M
7. Mappings Between Connections of Different Types and Their Compositions
8. Decomposition Theorems
Differential Geometry of Totally Real Submanifolds
0. Introduction
1. Preliminaries
2. Totally Real Submanifolds
3. Covariant Derivatives of fxi, fhy, and fxy
4. The Case in Which M2m Is a Complex Space Form
5. The Case in Which the Bochner Curvature Tensor of M2m Vanishes