Foreword to the Second EditionAuthor's PrefaceChapter I. Introduction to Tissue CultureChapter II. Basic Considerations of Space and Equipment Cleanliness, Ventilation, Lighting One Room, Cubicle. Two or More Rooms Permanent Equipment and Its CareChapter III. Details of Equipment Glassware, Instruments, Accessories Amounts Required Cleansing and PackingChapter IV. Sterilizing Procedures General Precautions Use of Heat: Dry Heat, Autoclave, Arnold FiltrationChapter V. Physiological Solutions Preparation of Tyrode Solution, Hydrogen Ion Concentration, Osmotic Pressure Methods of Sterilization: Autoclave, Filtration Storage Sterility Tests Formula for Various Physiological SolutionsChapter VI. Plasma and Serum Preparation of Paraffined Tubes Obtaining Plasma of Chickens: From Carotid Artery, Wing, Heart—Desiccated Plasma Use of Anticoagulants Obtaining Blood of Mammals Obtaining Blood of Cold-Blooded Animals Preparation of Serum From PlasmaChapter VII. Preparation of Tissue Extracts Preparation of Small Amounts: Chick, Mammalian and Amphibian Embryonic Extracts Preparation of Large Amounts; Use of Mechanical Devices Desiccated Extracts Adult Tissue Extracts—Storage; FreezingChapter VIII. Artificial Media Media of Known Composition Fibrinogen and ThrombinChapter IX. Preparation of Tissues Warm Blooded: Embryonic, Adult—Normal and Malignant Cold Blooded: Vertebrate, Invertebrate Storage of Tissues Obtaining Pure Cell CulturesChapter X. Choice of Methods for CulturingChapter XI. Cultures on Coverslips Preparation on Single and Double Coverslips, Renewal of Medium, Transfer For Growth, Cytological StudyChapter XII. Cultures in Flasks Preparation in Carrel or Erlenmeyer, Use of Perforated Cellophane, Use of Fibrinogen Renewal of Medium, Transfer For Encouragement of Differentiation, Study of Metabolic Products of the Cells, Propagation of VirusesChapter XIII. Cultures in Roller Tubes Preparation, Renewal of Medium, Transfer For Study of Metabolic Products and Nutritional Requirements of Cells, Maintenance of Strains of CellsChapter XIV. What One Sees in Tissue Cultures Explants and Outgrowths Types of Cells in Outgrowths from Various Tissues Dark Field Illumination and Phase Contrast MicroscopyChapter XV. Some Experimental Procedures Need for Exactitude in Preparation and Selection of Cultures, Control and Experimental Keeping of Records, Cytological and Physiological Studies, Growth MeasurementsChapter XVI. Micromanipulation of Tissue CulturesChapter XVII. Histological Techniques Vital Staining Fixation and Staining SectioningChapter XVIII. Photomicrography of Tissue CulturesAppendixes A. List of Precautions to Insure Good Growth B. Conversion Tables C. Sources of Supply for Special Tissue Culture MaterialsBibliographySupplementary ReferencesIndex