Time Series Analysis: Methods and Applications
- 1st Edition, Volume 30 - May 18, 2012
- Editors: Tata Subba Rao, Suhasini Subba Rao, C.R. Rao
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 9 3 3 - 0 2 4 2 - 0
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 5 3 8 5 8 - 1
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 5 3 8 6 3 - 5
The field of statistics not only affects all areas of scientific activity, but also many other matters such as public policy. It is branching rapidly into so many different su… Read more

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Request a sales quoteThe field of statistics not only affects all areas of scientific activity, but also many other matters such as public policy. It is branching rapidly into so many different subjects that a series of handbooks is the only way of comprehensively presenting the various aspects of statistical methodology, applications, and recent developments.The Handbook of Statistics is a series of self-contained reference books. Each volume is devoted to a particular topic in statistics, with Volume 30 dealing with time series. The series is addressed to the entire community of statisticians and scientists in various disciplines who use statistical methodology in their work. At the same time, special emphasis is placed on applications-oriented techniques, with the applied statistician in mind as the primary audience.
- Comprehensively presents the various aspects of statistical methodology
- Discusses a wide variety of diverse applications and recent developments
- Contributors are internationally renowened experts in their respective areas
Statisticians and scientists in various disciplines who use statistical methodology in their work
1. Bootstrap methods for time series, J-P. Kreiss and S. Lahiri.
2. Testing time series linearity: traditional and bootstrap methods, A. Berg, T. McMurry
and D. N. Politis
3. The quest for nonlinearity in Time Series, S. Giannerini
Part II Nonlinear time series
4. Modelling nonlinear and nonstationary time series, D. Tjøstheim
5. Markov switching time series models, J. Franke
6. A review of robust estimation under conditional heteroscedasticity, K. Mukherjee
Part III High dimensional time series
7. Functional time series, S. Hörmann and P. Kokoszka
8. Covariance matrix estimation in Time Series, W. B. Wu and H. Xiao
Part IV Time series and quantile regression
9. Time series quantile regressions, Z. Xiao
Part V Biostatistical applications
10. Frequency domain techniques in the analysis of DNA sequences, D. Stoffer
11. Spatial time series modelling for fMRI data analysis in neurosciences, T. Ozaki
12. Count time series models, K. Fokianos
Part VI Nonstationary time series
13. Locally stationary processes, R. Dahlhaus
14. Analysis of multivariate non-stationary time series using the localised Fourier Library,
H. Ombao
15. An alternative perspective on stochastic coefficient regression models, S. Subba Rao
Part VII Spatio-Temporal Time Series
16. Hierarachical Bayesian models for space-time air pollution data, S. Sahu
17. Karhunen-Loeve expansion for temporal and spatio-temporal processes, L. Fontanella
and L. Ippoliti
18. Statistical analysis of spatio-temporal models and their applications, T. Subba Rao and
G. Terdik
Part VIII Continuous time series
19. Lévy-driven time series models for financial data, P. Brockwell and A. Lindner
20. Discrete and continuous time extremes of stationary processes, K. F. Turkman
Part IX Spectral and Wavelet Methods
21. The estimation of Frequency, B. G. Quinn
22. A wavelet variance primer, D. B. Percival and D. Mondal
Part X Computational methods
23. Time Series Analysis with R, A. I. McLeod, H. Yu and E. Mahdi
- No. of pages: 776
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Volume: 30
- Published: May 18, 2012
- Imprint: North Holland
- Paperback ISBN: 9781493302420
- Hardback ISBN: 9780444538581
- eBook ISBN: 9780444538635
Tata Subba Rao
C.R. Rao
He retired from ISI in 1980 at the mandatory age of 60 after working for 40 years during which period he developed ISI as an international center for statistical education and research. He also took an active part in establishing state statistical bureaus to collect local statistics and transmitting them to Central Statistical Organization in New Delhi. Rao played a pivitol role in launching undergraduate and postgraduate courses at ISI. He is the author of 475 research publications and several breakthrough papers contributing to statistical theory and methodology for applications to problems in all areas of human endeavor. There are a number of classical statistical terms named after him, the most popular of which are Cramer-Rao inequality, Rao-Blackwellization, Rao’s Orthogonal arrays used in quality control, Rao’s score test, Rao’s Quadratic Entropy used in ecological work, Rao’s metric and distance which are incorporated in most statistical books.
He is the author of 10 books, of which two important books are, Linear Statistical Inference which is translated into German, Russian, Czec, Polish and Japanese languages,and Statistics and Truth which is translated into, French, German, Japanese, Mainland Chinese, Taiwan Chinese, Turkish and Korean languages.
He directed the research work of 50 students for the Ph.D. degrees who in turn produced 500 Ph.D.’s. Rao received 38 hon. Doctorate degree from universities in 19 countries spanning 6 continents. He received the highest awards in statistics in USA,UK and India: National Medal of Science awarded by the president of USA, Indian National Medal of Science awarded by the Prime Minister of India and the Guy Medal in Gold awarded by the Royal Statistical Society, UK. Rao was a recipient of the first batch of Bhatnagar awards in 1959 for mathematical sciences and and numerous medals in India and abroad from Science Academies. He is a Fellow of Royal Society (FRS),UK, and member of National Academy of Sciences, USA, Lithuania and Europe. In his honor a research Institute named as CRRAO ADVANCED INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE was established in the campus of Hyderabad University.