1. Fixed target Methods for time-resolved and serial crystallography
Robin Owen, Mike Hough and Sofia Jaho
2. What are the limitations of time-resolved strctural biology?
Ivo Tews
3. The application of tape-drive and in-situ techniques for time-resolved crystallography
Pierre Aller
4. Time-resolved IR spectroscopy for monitoring protein dynamics in microcrystals
Minoru Kubo
5. Development of microfluidic mixers for time-resolved SFX and spectroscopy and their applications
Tetsunari Kimura
6. Data processing DIALS
James Beilsten-Edmands
7. "Multiplexing methods in time-resolved crystallography”
Briony Alissa Yorke
8. The Growth of Microcrystals for Time Resolved Serial Crystallography
Alex McPherson
9. Experimental approaches for time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography at PAL-XFEL
Jaehyun Park
10. Sample delivery for time-resolved structural biology at the European XFEL
Katerina Dörner
11. Time resolved SAXS/WAXS
Ann Terry, Javier Perez, Fátima Herranz-Trillo, Henrik Vinther Sørensen, Cedric Dicko, Samuel J. Lenton, Vito Foderà, Anna Fornell, Marie Skepö, Tomás S. Plivelic, Oskar Berntsson, Magnus Andersson, Konstantinos Magkakis, Fredrik Orädd, Byungnam Ahn, Roberto Appio, Jackson Da Silva, Vanessa Da Silva and Marco Lerato
12. Microfluidics based time-resolved cryoEM grid preparation
Radoslav I. Enchev