Thermophysics and Temperature Control of Spacecraft and Entry Vehicles
- 1st Edition - December 2, 2012
- Editor: Gerhard Heller
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 1 4 2 0 8 - 3
Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Volume 18: Thermophysics and Temperature Control of Spacecraft and Entry Vehicles is a selection of technical papers based on two American… Read more

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Request a sales quoteProgress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Volume 18: Thermophysics and Temperature Control of Spacecraft and Entry Vehicles is a selection of technical papers based on two American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics meetings, namely, The Thermophysics Specialist Conference, held in Monterey, California on September 13-15, 1965 and the Third Aerospace Sciences Conference, held in New York on January 1966. This book covers the most important problems of thermophysical research and technology. This volume is composed of six parts encompassing 42 chapters. Part I contains papers on the thermal radiation properties of solids, including measuring techniques for solar reflectance and infrared emittance determination, and a paper on radiative transfer. Part II deals with the lunar and planetary thermal environment and includes research papers on emissivities, reflectivities, and polarization by planetary atmospheres and planetary surfaces. Part III discusses the effects of the space environment on the optical properties of thermal control surfaces. This part also presents results of flight experiments with sensors of environmental effects and flight experience with thermal coatings of satellites. Part IV covers the thermophysical measurements of ablative materials and with the char layers formed during the actual vehicle entry period or during laboratory simulation tests. Part V looks into the two comparatively areas of thermophysics, namely, the thermal similitude (thermal modeling) and interface resistance of joints under space conditions. Part VI summarizes the practical experience in thermal design gained on spacecraft flights. Thermophysicists, space engineers and designers, and research workers who are interested in thermophysical technology will find this book invaluable.
The Thermophysics Committee 1965
The Thermophysics Committee 1966
I. Thermal Radiation Properties of Solids
Far Infrared Reflectance of Spacecraft Coatings
Low-Temperature Spectral Emittance Measurements
Total Normal Emittance Measurements to 2200°C in Air
Solar Absorptance and Thermal Emittance of Aluminum Coated with Surface Films of Evaporated Aluminum Oxide
Low-Temperature Emittance Determinations
Thermal Radiation Properties of Binary Mixtures
Directionally Reflective Coating Study
Apparatus for Spectral Bidirectional Reflectance Measurements During Ultraviolet Irradiation in Vacuum
Total Hemispherical Thermal Emittance of Nickel as a Function of Oxide Thickness in the Temperature Range 400°-900°C
Effect of Surface Roughness on Emittance of Nonmetals
Radiant Heat Transfer from Nongray Surfaces with External Radiation
II. Lunar and Planetary Thermal Environment
Effect of Specular Ground Reflection on Radiation Leaving Top of a Planetary Atmosphere
Effect of Surface Properties on Planetary Albedo
Irradiation above Atmosphere Due to Rayleigh Scattering and Diffuse Terrestrial Reflections
Theory of Diffuse Spectral Reflectance of a Thick Layer of Absorbing and Scattering Particles
Far-Infrared Studies of Silicate Minerals
Directional Radiative Characteristics of Conical Cavities and Their Relation to Lunar Phenomena
III. Effects of the Space Environment on Optical Properties of Thermal Control Surfaces
Low-Energy Charged Particle Environment of the Earth
Exploratory Trapped-Particle and Trapped-Particle-Plus-Ultraviolet Effects on the Optical Properties of Spacecraft Thermal Control Coatings
Effects of Simulated Solar-Wind Bombardment on Spacecraft Thermal Control Surfaces
Effects of Low Energy Protons on Thermal Control Coatings
Effects of Protons and Alpha Particles on Thermal Properties of Spacecraft and Solar Concentrator Coatings
Mariner-Mars Absorptance Experiment
Preliminary Results from the Ames Emissivity Experiment on OSO-II
SNAP 10A Thermal Control Coatings
IV. Physics of Vehicle and Missile Entry
Determination of Temperature Profile in Charred Phenolic Compositions by Reconstruction of the Ablation Process
Effects of Uncertainties in Thermophysical Properties on Ablation Efficiency
Determination of Thermal Performance of Char under Heating Conditions Simulating Atmospheric Entry
Ablation of Magnesia
Thermal Diffusivity Measurements of Graphites and Chars Using a Pulsed Laser
V. Thermal Modeling and Interface Conductance in Space
Test on a Thermally Scaled Model Space Station in a Simulated Solar Environment
Results of Transient Thermal Modeling in a Simulated Space Environment
Scaling of Transient Temperature Distributions of Simple Bodies in a Space Chamber
Thermal Scale Modeling of the Mariner IV Spacecraft
Thermal Conductance of Metallic Contacts in a Vacuum
Measurements of Contact Coefficients of Thermal Conductance
Performance of Multilayer Insulation Systems for the 300° to 800°K Temperature Range
Thermal Contact Conductance of Nominally Flat, Rough Surfaces in a Vacuum Environment
VI. Spacecraft Thermal Design: Practical Experience
Ranger and Mariner Temperature Control Experiences
Problems in the Thermal Design of Spacecraft
Thermal Control Experience at TRW Systems
Thermal Problems Revealed by Flight Experience with Small, Spin-Stabilized Satellites
Contributors to Volume 18
- No. of pages: 888
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: December 2, 2012
- Imprint: Academic Press
- eBook ISBN: 9780323142083
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