Thermoelectricity and Heat Transport in Graphene and Other 2D Nanomaterials
- 1st Edition - July 15, 2017
- Author: Serhii Shafraniuk
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 4 4 3 9 7 - 5
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 4 4 4 9 0 - 3
Thermoelectricity and Heat Transport in Graphene and Other 2D Nanomaterials describes thermoelectric phenomena and thermal transport in graphene and other 2-dimentional nanomater… Read more

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Request a sales quoteThermoelectricity and Heat Transport in Graphene and Other 2D Nanomaterials describes thermoelectric phenomena and thermal transport in graphene and other 2-dimentional nanomaterials and devices. Graphene, which is an example of an atomic monolayered material, has become the most important growth area in materials science research, stimulating an interest in other atomic monolayeric materials.
The book analyses flow management, measurement of the local temperature at the nanoscale level and thermoelectric transducers, with reference to both graphene and other 2D nanomaterials. The book covers in detail the mechanisms of thermoelectricity, thermal transport, interface phenomena, quantum dots, non-equilibrium states, scattering and dissipation, as well as coherent transport in low-dimensional junctions in graphene and its allotropes, transition metal dichalcogenides and boron nitride.
This book aims to show readers how to improve thermoelectric transducer efficiency in graphene and other nanomaterials. The book describes basic ingredients of such activity, allowing readers to gain a greater understanding of fundamental issues related to the heat transport and the thermoelectric phenomena of nanomaterials. It contains a thorough analysis and comparison between theory and experiments, complemented with a variety of practical examples.
- Shows readers how to improve the efficiency of heat transfer in graphene and other nanomaterials with analysis of different methodologies
- Includes fundamental information on the thermoelectric properties of graphene and other atomic monolayers, providing a valuable reference source for materials scientists and engineers
- Covers the important models of thermoelectric phenomena and thermal transport in the 2D nanomaterials and nanodevices, allowing readers to gain a greater understanding of the factors behind the efficiency of heat transport in a variety of nanomaterials
Materials scientists, solid state physicists and engineers working in the areas of carbon nanomaterials and seeking to increase their efficiency with a view to industrial application
I. LOW-ENERGY ELECTRON EXCITATIONS IN GRAPHENE1.1. Dirac equation for chiral fermions1.2.1. Tight binding scheme1.2.2. Density of electron states in graphene1.3. Berry phase and topological singularity in graphene1.4. Klein paradox and chiral tunnelling.
II. THERMAL TRANSPORT OF CHARGE CARRIERS2.1. Components of the heat transport2.2. Modelling of heat transport of charge carriers in graphene and carbon nanotube devices2.3. Quantum confined Stark effect2.4. PT-invariance the Dirac Hamiltonian2.5. Heavy chiral fermions at zigzag edges of graphene stripe
III. PHONON TRANSPORT AND HEAT CONDUCTIVITY3.1. Phonon modes in the two-dimensional graphene3.2. Phonon spectra in graphene, and graphene nanoribbons 3.3. The phonon transport in two-dimensional crystals3.4. Momentum diagram of phonon transport in graphene3.5. Thermal conductivity due to phonons in graphene nanoribbons
IV. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE THERMAL TRANSPORT4.1. Raman scattering4.2. Role of the degrees of freedom4.3. Molecular vibrations and infrared radiation4.4. Various processes of light scattering4.5. Stokes and anti-Stokes scattering4.6. Raman scattering versus fluorescence4.7. Selection rules for Raman scattering4.8. Raman amplification and Stimulated Raman scattering 4.9. A requirement of the coherence4.10. Practical applications4.11. Higher-order Raman spectra 4.12. Raman spectroscopy of graphene 4.13. Kohn anomalies, double resonance, and D and G peaks 4.14. Deriving the electron–phonon coupling from Raman line width 4.15. Raman spectroscopy of graphene and graphene layers 4.16. Failure the adiabatic Born–Oppenheimer approximation and the Raman spectrum of doped graphene4.17. Influence of the atomic and structural disorders4.18. Graphene ribbons and edges
V. ROLE OF STRUCTURAL DEFECTS AND IMPERFECTIONS5.1. Pseudospin conservation during the scattering of chiral fermions 5.2. Phonon drag effect5.3. Screening by interacting electrons5.4. Plasma oscillations5.5. Plasma excitations in graphene5.6. Electron-impurity scattering time in graphene5.7. Scattering of phonons in a few-layer graphene
VI. MANY BODY EFFECTS IN GRAPHENE 6.1. Electron-electron interaction6.2. Electron self-energy effects6.3. Quasi-particle excitations 6.4. Numeric results6.5. Excitons in graphene and in the other atomic monolayers6.6. Wannier-Mott excitons6.7. Excitonic states6.8. Experimental observation of excitons in graphene and in the other atomic monolayers6.9. Electron scattering on indirect excitons6.10. Tomonaga–Luttinger liquid6.11. Probing of intrinsic state of one-dimensional quantum well with a photon-assisted tunneling6.12. The TLL tunneling density of states of a long quantum well6.13. Identifying the charge and the spin boson energy levels6.14. Useful relationships
IX. THERMOELECTRIC DEVICES BASED ON GRAPHENE AND OTHER ATOMIC MONOLAYERS7.1. Thermoelectric phenomena on nanoscale7.2. Performance and efficiency of the thermoelectric device 7.3. Quantum theory of electronic thermal transport 7.4. Electron transport and elastic collisions7.5. Reversible Peltier effect in carbon nano-junctions7.6. Thermoelectric figure of merit and Fourier law7.6.1. The linear heat flow7.6.2. The cooling power.7.6.3. Seebeck coefficient.7.6.4. Electron thermal conductivity.7.6.5. Figure of merit.7.7. Phonon Transport and Thermal Conductivity7.7.1. Estimation of phonon thermal conductivity.7.8. Recent experiments for measuring the thermal conductivity of graphene7.9. Microscopic model of the thermoelectric effect7.9.1. The electron Green function of infinite space.7.9.2. The d.c. electric current.7.9.3. The d.c. heat current.7.9.4. Fourier Law.7.9.5. The cooling efficiency of a gated stack of nanotubes.7.9.6. Cooling Power.7.10. Converting the heat into electricity by a graphene stripe with heavy chiral fermions7.11. Blocking the phonon flow by multilayered electrodes7.12. Molecular dynamics simulations7.13. Non-equilibrium thermal injection7.13.1. Transparency of the H/RR interface7.16. Perspectives of Thermoelectric Research for Graphene
XI. OTHER ATOMIC MONOLAYERS 8.1. Heat transport in atomic monolayers8.2. A few-layered materials8.2.1. Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN)8.2.2. Transition metal dichalcogenides8.2.3. Chalcogenides of group III, group IV and group V8.2.4. Synthesis8.2.5. Bottom-up fabrication8.2.6. Electronic bandstructure of atomic monolayers8.3. Electric transport in nanodevices8.4. Electronic transport versus scattering mechanisms8.5. TMDC thermoelectric devices 8.6. Perspectives of the TMDC transducers 8.7. Vibrational and optical properties of TMDCs8.7.1. Transparent and flexible transducers8.7.2. Photodetection and photovoltaics8.7.3. Emission of light8.8. The future thermolectric applications of 2D materials
- No. of pages: 546
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: July 15, 2017
- Imprint: Elsevier
- Hardback ISBN: 9780323443975
- eBook ISBN: 9780323444903