Preface to the Revised EditionPreface to the First EditionPart I Methods of Estimation Chapter 1. The Free Energy Change in a Chemical Reaction 1. Chemical Thermodynamics in Research 2. Standard Free Energy Change 3. Modified van't Hoff Isochore 4. Statistical Thermodynamic Functions 5. Combined Thermodynamic Functions 6. Free Energy Change and Equilibrium Conversions 7. Effect of Pressure 8. Estimation of Thermodynamic Properties Chapter 2. Thermodynamic Properties of Simple Polyatomic Systems by Statistical Thermodynamic Methods 1. Introduction 2. Molecular Energy of an Ideal Gas 3. Partition Function and Thermodynamic Properties 4. Rigid Rotator-Simple Vibrator 5. Calculation of Statistical Thermodynamic Functions 6. Internal Rotation Chapter 3. Thermodynamic Properties of Long Chain Hydrocarbons 1. Introduction 2. Construction of the Correlations 3. Calculation of Thermodynamic Properties 4. Branch Chain Hydrocarbons 5. Unsaturated Hydrocarbons 6. The Steric Factor 7. Random Kinking and Ball-Like Molecules Chapter 4. The Method of Structural Similarity 1. Introduction 2. Construction of the Correlation 3. Paraffins 4. Unsaturated Hydrocarbons 5. Cyclic Hydrocarbons 6. Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen 7. Nitrogen, Halogen, and Sulfur-Containing Organic Compounds 8. Entropy and Free Energy Regularities Chapter 5. The Methods of Group Contributions 1. Introduction 2. Methods 3. Construction of the Correlations 4. Calculation of Thermodynamic Properties 5. Nonhydrocarbon Groups Addendum Chapter 6. The Method of Group Equations 1. Introduction 2. Symmetry Number 3. Internal Rotation 4. Calculation of Thermodynamic Properties 5. Extension of Thermodynamic Values from the Aliphatic to the Aromatic Series ' 95 Chapter 7. Heat of Formation and Heat Capacity 1. Introduction 2. Heat of Formation 3. Bond Energies and Binding Energies 4. Heat of Formation from Group Increments 5. Gaseous Free Radicals and Ions 6. Heat of Combustion by Group Increments 7. Heat of Vaporization 8. Heat Capacity 9. Method of Generalized Vibrational Assignments 10. Temperature Dependence of Heat Capacity Addendum Chapter 8. Applications of the Thermodynamic Method 1. Introduction 2. Comparison of Comprehensive Estimation Methods 3. Hydrogenation of Benzene 4. The Thermal Dimerization of Butadiene 5. Thermodynamic or Kinetic Control 6. Ring Closure 7. Cyclic Additions 8. Other Applications AddendumPart II Numerical Data Table 1. Bond Energies Table 2. Atomic Covalent Radii and Bond Angles Table 3. A Six-Place Table of the Einstein Functions Table 4. Restricted Internal Rotational Free Energy (— G/T)Contributions Table 5. Free Energy Increase from Free Rotation (G — Gf)/T Table 6. Restricted Internal Rotational Entropy Contribution (Sr,) Table 7. Entropy Decrease from Free Rotation (Sf — Sr,) Table 8. Restricted Internal Rotational Heat Content Contribution, (HT-H0)IT Table 9. Restricted Internal Rotational Heat Capacity Contribution (Cp°) Table 10. Potential Barriers Hindering Internal Rotation Table 11. Additive Increments in Free Energy Function, — (G° — H0°)/T, of Normal Paraffins Table 12. Additive Increments in Heat Content, (H° — H0°)/T, of Normal Paraffins Table 13. Additive Increments in Heat Capacity, Cp°, of Normal Paraffins Table 14. Thermodynamic Properties of Normal Heptane Table 15. [CH2] Increment for Normal Paraffins Table 16. Additional Increments Extending the Infinite Chain Method to Branch Chain Paraffins Table 17. Parent Group Properties Table 18. Contributions of Primary CH3 Substitution Table 19. Secondary Methyl Substitutions Table 20. Multiple Bond Contributions and Additional Corrections Table 21. Nonhydrocarbon Group Contributions Replacing [CH3] Group Table 22. (H° — H0°) Increments for Hydrocarbon Groups Table 23. ΔHf° Increments for Hydrocarbon Groups Table 24. (G° — H0°) Increments for Hydrocarbon Groups Table 25. ΔGf° Increments for Hydrocarbon Groups Table 26. ΔGf° and ΔHf° Increments for Nonhydrocarbon Groups Table 27. Vibrational Group Contributions to Heat Content (Zero Pressure) Table 28. Characteristic Internal Rotational Contributions to Heat Content (Zero Pressure) Table 29. Vibrational Group Contributions to Heat Capacity (Zero Pressure) Table 30. Characteristic Internal Rotational Contributions to Heat Capacity (Zero Pressure) Table 31. Group Contributions to ΔSf° and ΔHf° (Type I Groups) Table 32. Conjugation and Adjacency Contributions to ΔSf° and ΔHf° (Type I Groups) Table 33. Vibrational Group Contributions to (SfT° — Sf298°) (Type II Groups) Table 34. Characteristic Internal Rotational Contributions to (SfT° — Sf298°) Table 35. Vibrational Group Contributions to (HfT° — Hf298°) (Type II Groups) Table 36. Characteristic Internal Rotational Contributions to (HfT° — Hf298°) Table 37. ΔGf° Increments for Hydrocarbon Groups Table 38. ΔGf° Corrections for Ring Formation and Branching Effects Table 39. ΔGf° Increments for Nonhydrocarbon Groups Table 40. ΔGf° Parameters for Some Simple Organic and Inorganic Compounds Table 41. ΔHf298° Group Increments for Radicals Table 42. ΔHf298° Group Increments for Ions Table 43. Atomic Contributions to Cp° and S° (25°C, 1 Atmos.) Table 44. Bond Contributions to Cp°, S°, and ΔHf° at 25°C, 1 Atmos. Table 45. Group Contributions to Cp°, 5°, and ΔHf° for Ideal Gases at 25°C, 1 Atmos. Hydrocarbons Table 46. Group Contributions to Cp°, S°, and ΔHf° for Ideal Gases at 25°C, 1 Atmos. Halogen Compounds Table 47. Group Contributions to Cp°, S°, and AHf° for Ideal Gases at 25°C, 1 Atmos. Miscellaneous Table 48. Values of Group Contributions to the Heat of Formation Used in Bryant Calculations Table 49. Values of Substitution Group Contributions to the Heat of Formation Involving the Halogens Table 50. Log KfG for Paraffinic Groups Table 51. Log KfG for Olefinic Groups Table 52. Log KfG for Acetylenic Groups Table 53. Log KfG for Conjugate Olefin Groups Table 54. Log KfG for Aromatic Groups Table 55. Log KfG for Oxygen-Containing Groups Table 56. Log KfG for Nitrogen-Containing Groups Table 57. Log KfG for Sulfur-Containing Groups Table 58. Log KfG for Halogen-Containing Groups Table 59. Log KfG for Some Organic Compounds Table 60. Correction Factors for Cyclization Table 61. Correction Factors Necessitated by Introducing Lateral Chains Table 62. Thermodynamic Properties for n-Propyl Halides Table 63. Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Groups Table 64. Aromatic Hydrocarbon Groups Table 65. Branching in Paraffin Chains Table 66. Branching in Cycloparaffins Table 67. Branching in Aromatics Table 68. Ring Corrections Table 69. Oxygen-Containing Groups Table 70. Nitrogen- and Sulfur-Containing Groups Table 71. Halogen-Containing Groups Table 72. Bond Contributions for Heats of Atomization, Formation, and Combustion of Gases and Liquids Table 73. Empirical Equations for Heat of Combustion Table 74. Structural Correlations for Calculation of Heat of Combustion Table 75. Atomic and Structural Parachor Contributions Table 76. Generalized Bonding Frequencies and Constants to Evaluate Einstein Functions, (Cp°)t = ai + biT + ciT2 Table 77. Contribution of Generalized Bond Vibrational Frequencies to Heat Capacity Table 78. Heat Capacity Solutions to Einstein Functions (One Degree of Freedom)Author IndexSubject Index