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Comprehensive coverage of topics in the theory of classical liquids Widely regarded as the standard text in its field, Theory of Simple Liquids gives an advanced but self-contain… Read more
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Comprehensive coverage of topics in the theory of classical liquids
Widely regarded as the standard text in its field, Theory of Simple Liquids gives an advanced but self-contained account of liquid state theory within the unifying framework provided by classical statistical mechanics. The structure of this revised and updated Fourth Edition is similar to that of the previous one but there are significant shifts in emphasis and much new material has been added.
Major changes and Key Features in content include:
Preface to the Fourth Edition
Preface to the Third Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 The Liquid State
1.2 Intermolecular Forces and Model Potentials
1.3 Experimental Methods
Chapter 2. Statistical Mechanics
2.1 Time Evolution and Kinetic Equations
2.2 Time Averages and Ensemble Averages
2.3 Canonical and Isothermal–Isobaric Ensembles
2.4 The Grand Canonical Ensemble and Chemical Potential
2.5 Particle Densities and Distribution Functions
2.6 Particle Densities in the Grand Canonical Ensemble
2.7 Molecular Dynamics Simulation
2.8 Monte Carlo Methods
Chapter 3. Static Properties of Liquids: Thermodynamics and Structure
3.1 A Fluid in an External Field
3.2 Functionals and Functional Differentiation
3.3 Functional Derivatives of the Grand Potential
3.4 Density Functional Theory
3.5 Direct Correlation Functions
3.6 The Density Response Function
3.7 Diagrammatic Methods
3.8 Diagrammatic Expansions of the Direct Correlation Functions
3.9 Virial Expansion of the Equation of State
3.10 Binary Systems
Chapter 4. Distribution Function Theories
4.1 The Static Structure Factor
4.2 The YBG Hierarchy and the Born–Green Equation
4.3 Functional Expansions and Integral Equations
4.4 The Percus–Yevick Equation
4.5 The Mean Spherical Approximation
4.6 Diagrammatic Expansions of the Pair Functions
4.7 Extensions of Integral Equations
4.8 Asymptotic Decay of the Pair Correlation Function
Chapter 5. Perturbation Theory
5.1 Introduction: The van der Waals Model
5.2 The -Expansion
5.3 Singular Perturbations: The -Expansion
5.4 Soft-Core Reference Systems
5.5 An Example: The Lennard-Jones Fluid
5.6 Treatment of Attractive Forces
5.7 Mean Field Theory of Liquid–Vapour Coexistence
5.8 Scaling Concepts and Hierarchical Reference Theory
Chapter 6. Inhomogeneous Fluids
6.1 Liquids at Interfaces
6.2 Approximate Free Energy Functionals
6.3 The Liquid–Vapour Interface
6.4 A Microscopic Expression for the Surface Tension
6.5 Fundamental Measure Theory
6.6 Confined Fluids
6.7 Density Functional Theory of Wetting
6.8 Density Functional Theory of Freezing
6.9 Fluids Adsorbed in Porous Media
6.10 Thermodynamics of Glasses
Chapter 7. Time-dependent Correlation and Response Functions
7.1 General Properties of Time Correlation Functions
7.2 An Illustration: The Velocity Autocorrelation Function and Self-Diffusion
7.3 Brownian Motion and a Generalised Langevin Equation
7.4 Correlations in Space and Time
7.5 Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons and X-Rays
7.6 Linear Response Theory
7.7 Applications of the Linear Response Formalism
Chapter 8. Hydrodynamics and Transport Coefficients
8.1 Thermal Fluctuations at Long Wavelengths and Low Frequencies
8.2 Space-Dependent Self Motion
8.3 The Navier–Stokes Equation and Hydrodynamic Collective Modes
8.4 Transverse Current Correlations
8.5 Longitudinal Collective Modes
8.6 Generalised Hydrodynamics
8.7 Long-Time Tails in Time Correlation Functions
8.8 Dynamics of Supercooled Liquids
8.9 Flow of Liquids at the Interface with a Solid
Chapter 9. Theories of Time Correlation Functions
9.1 The Projection Operator Formalism
9.2 Self Correlation Functions
9.3 Transverse Collective Modes
9.4 Density Fluctuations
9.5 Mode Coupling Theory I. The Velocity Autocorrelation Function
9.6 Mode Coupling Theory II. The Kinetic Glass Transition
Chapter 10. Ionic Liquids
10.1 Classes and Models of Ionic Liquids
10.2 Screening and Charge Ordering
10.3 Integral Equation Theories
10.4 Frequency-Dependent Electric Response
10.5 Microscopic Dynamics in Molten Salts
10.6 The Electric Double Layer
10.7 Liquid Metals: Electrons and Ions
10.8 Ionic Dynamics in Liquid Metals
Chapter 11. Molecular Liquids
11.1 The Molecular Pair Distribution Function
11.2 Expansions of the Pair Distribution Function
11.3 Site–Site Distribution Functions
11.4 Correlation Function Expansions for Simple Polar Fluids
11.5 The Static Dielectric Constant
11.6 Integral Equation Approximations for Dipolar Hard Spheres
11.7 Interaction–Site Diagrams
11.8 Interaction-Site Models: The RISM Equations
11.9 Angular Correlations and the RISM Formalism
11.10 Associating Liquids
11.11 Reorientational Time-Correlation Functions
Chapter 12. Applications to Soft Matter
12.1 Coarse Graining and Effective Interactions
12.2 Polymer Solutions
12.3 Polymer Melts
12.4 Colloidal Dispersions
12.5 Colloid–Polymer Mixtures
12.6 Charge-Stabilised Colloids
12.7 Colloidal Liquid Crystals
12.8 Clustering and Gelation
12.9 The Fokker–Planck and Smoluchowski Equations
12.10 Dynamical Density Functional Theory
Appendix A: Fluctuations
Appendix B: Two Theorems in Density Functional Theory
Appendix C: Lemmas on Diagrams
Appendix D: Solution of the PY Equation for Hard Spheres
Appendix E: Scaled Particle Theory
Appendix F: An Exact Integral Equation for
Appendix G: Some Basic Properties of Polymers
Appendix H: Density Profile of a Polymer Brush