Theory and Structure of Complex Compounds
Papers Presented at the Symposium Held in Wrocław, Poland, 15–19 June 1962
- 1st Edition - January 1, 1964
- Editor: B. Jeżowska-Trzebiatowska
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 5 1 6 6 - 0
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 2 8 4 1 - 9
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 8 0 9 5 - 0
Theory and Structure of Complex Compounds presents the development of the chemistry of complex compounds. This book discusses the various applications of complex compounds in the… Read more

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Request a sales quoteTheory and Structure of Complex Compounds presents the development of the chemistry of complex compounds. This book discusses the various applications of complex compounds in the laboratories and industry, particularly for preparation of reactor materials, for identification of chemical elements, and extraction of rare elements. Organized into 88 chapters, this book begins with an overview of the essential role that oxygen plays in chemical compounds, particularly in complex compounds. This text then examines the redox potentials for the manganese hematoporphyrin in a water solution. Other chapters consider the results of applying the treatment to the hexacarbonyls of chromium, tungsten, and molybdenum. This book discusses as well the optical rotatory dispersion of asymmetric organic and inorganic compounds. The final chapter deals with the general equation allowing determination of the equilibrium constants of the complex formation reaction from spectro-photometric measurements. This book is a valuable resource for chemists, physicists, scientists, and mathematicians.
The Role of Oxygen in Coordination Compounds
Chemistry and Photochemistry of Iron and Manganese Porphyrins
On Rhodium Formates and Acetates (O formiatakh i atsetatakh rodia)
On the Structure of Polymeric Fluoroarsenates (Zur Struktur der polymeren Fluoroarsenate)
Nature of Bonding in Metal Carbonyls as Determined from their Vibrational Spectra
Vibrational Spectra and Structure of Complex Nitrites (Spectres de vibration et structure de nitrites complexes)
Some Factors Influencing the Optical Rotatory Dispersion of Asymmetric Complex Inorganic Compounds
Recent Studies on the Kinetics and Mechanisms of Some Substitution Reactions of Metal Complexes
Coordinating Properties of the Molybdenum and Tungsten Atoms (über die Koordinationseigenschaften der Molybdän- und Wolframatome)
Coordination Polymerization in Metal Alkoxides
Conformation Instability of Non-Cubo-Symmetric Inorganic Compounds in Degenerate Electronic States
Some New Structural Investigations of Transition Metal Complexes (Nekotorye rezu'-taty novykh rentgenostrukturnykh issledovanii kompleksnykh soedinenii perekhodnykh metallov)
Tellurium Complexes and Their Application (Complexes du tellure et leur utilisation)
Behaviour of Some Complexes in Solutions (über einige Komplexverbindungen in Lösungen)
Absorption Spectra and Magnetic Moments of Octahedral Titanium(III) Complexes (Lichtabsorptionseigenschaften und magnetische Momente von oktaedrischen Komplexverbindungen des III-wertigen Titans)
Electronic Structure of the Chromium Hexacarbonyl Molecule (Elektronenstruktur der Chromhexakarbonyl-Moleküle)
Theory of the MXg-k Ions and its Application to [Mo(CN)8]4- and [Mo(CN)8(NH3)2]4-
The Properties of Solid Photoproducts of Octacyanides of Molybdenum(IV) and of Tungsten(IV)
Stability, Spectra and Structure of Iron-α-Diimine Complexes
Spectra and Structure of Thiocyanate Complexes
Acid-base Complexes and Fine Structure of the OH Stretching Vibration Band in the Hydrogen Bonding
On the Theory of Spectroscopy of Uranyl Compounds in Solutions
Studies on the Spacial Structure of the Coordinated Uranyl Ion (über die Raumstruktur der Uranylkomplexe)
The Effects of Medium and Ligand Exchange on the Absorption Spectrum of Uranyl Ion in Solutions
Anhydrous Uranyl Salts in Organic Solvents
Structure of Uranyl Complexes with β-Diketones (Struktura kompleksnykh soedinenii uranila s nekotorymi β-diketonami)
Studies on the Absorption Spectra of the U3+ Ion
Dipole Moments of Complexes of Heavy-Metal Nitrates with Tributyl Phosphate (Dipol'nyje momenty kompleksov nitratov nekoiorykh tyazhelykh elementov s tributilfosfatom)
Application of M.O. Method for the Explanation of Diamagnetism of Binuclear Rhenium(IV) Complexes
Studies on the Diamagnetic Oxohalogenorhenate(V) (über die diamagnetischen Oxohalogenorhenate(V))
The Magnetic Properties of "Addition" Compounds of Chromyl Chloride with Hydrocarbons
The Magnetic Properties of Uranium(IV) Compounds
Use of the Beat-Method in Magnetic Measurements (Magnetische Messungen mit Hilfe des Schwebungsverfahrens)
Structure Investigation of Metal-Diphenylcarbazone Complexes by Infrared Spectroscopy
Complex Salts of Tetrazolium Ion with Ions of Tetrachlorogallic, Indic, Thallic, and Chloro-Acids of other Metals
A Series of Derivatives in the Group of Oxime-Cyanides of Molybdenum
Carbonate Complexes of the Lighter Lanthanides
Coordination Chemistry of o-CycIohexyliminediacetic Acid (I) and o-Hydroxyanilinediacetic Acid (II) (Zur Komplexchemie der o-Cyclohexyliminodiessigsäure (I) und der o-Hydroxyanilindiessigsäure (II))
On Clathrates of Me(4-Ethylpyridine)4 (SCN)2 Complexes with C8 Aromatic Compounds (Zur Kenntnis der Clathrate der Μe(4-Athylpyridin)4 (SCH)2-Komplexe mit C8-Aromaten)
Organometallic Studies. VII—The Resolution on an Arene-Chromium Tricarbonyl Racemic Mixture
The Electron Spin Resonance as Proof of Electronic Structure of Binuclear Chromium(III) Complexes
On Some Properties of [Mn(CN)5NO]9 Ions
Investigations on Cyanonitrosyl Complexes of First Transition Metal Series by Radioisotopic Exchange Method
The Chemical Bond and Electronic Structure of Oxalatorhenate(IV) by Radioisotopic Exchange Method
Investigations on Transition Metal Complexes by X-Ray Spectrography (Röntgenspektroskopische Untersuchungen an Komplexverbindungen der übergartgselemente)
The Crystal Structure of Copper Tetrathiocyanatomercurate Cu[Hg(SCN)4]
Application of the Mössbauer Effect for Investigation of Crystalline Iron Complex Compounds
Relation Between Coordination Number and Distribution of Protons
Synthesis of Tc(IV) Complexes Using Re(IV) as Carrier (Poluchenie kompleksov Tc(IV) s ispol'zovaniem Re(IV) ν kachestve nositelya)
Copper(II) Adenine Complexes {Das komplexchemische Verhalten des Adenins gegen-über Kupfer(II))
The Three-Dimensional Refinement of the Structure of AlF3. The Crystal Chemistry of the Complexes of the Type MF3
Effect of Fluoride Ion on the Activation of Molecular Hydrogen by Silver(I)
Coordination Compounds of Some Metals of Group VIII (Composés de coordination de quelques métaux du VI11-èrne groupe)
Extraction Equilibria and Chemical Reactions in Solvents of Low Ionizing Power (équilibre d'extraction et réactions chimiques en solvants peu ionisants)
Determination of Complex Compounds in Aqueous Solutions by Amine Extraction (Bestimmung von Komplexzusammensetzungen in wäβriger Lösung durch Aminextraktion)
Studies on the Mechanism of Extraction of Zirconium and Niobium with Dibutylphosphoric Acid (Untersuchungen über den Extraktionsmechanismus bei der Dibutylphosphorsäureextraktion von Zirkonium und Niob)
Extraction Studies on the Interaction Between GeCl4 Molecules and Organic Diluent
Influence of the Nitrate Group as Ligand on the Kinetic Stability of Divalent Copper Complexes with the Bond CuII—Cl in Acetone (Vliyane nitratnoi gruppy kаk addenda na kineticheskuyu ustoichivost' kompleksov dvukhvalentnoi medi so svyaz'yu CuII—Cl ν atsetone)
Conditions of Formation, and Stabilities of Polysubstituted Complexes (Condition de la formation et stabilité de complexes polysubstitués)
Refractometric Method of Determination of the Instability Constant of Complex Compounds
The Influence of the Component Electronegativities on the Value of the Instability Constant of Complex Compounds
Examination of the Formation of Polysubstituted Complexes by the Potentiometric Surface Method (Détermination de la formation de complexes polysubstitués а l'aide de la méthode de la surface potentiométrique)
The Influence of the Oxidation-Reduction Potential of a Halogeno-Complex Component on the Instability Constant
Paper Ionophoresis of Ferric Thiocyanate Complexes
Some Influences Determining Coordination Number of Cations
On the Formation of Tetrahedral Cobalt(II) Complexes in Solutions
Spectrophotometry Methods Used in the Investigation of Several Complexes in Solutions
Studies on Mixed Mercuric Thiocyanate-Sulphite Complexes
Cr(III) Ammines. Their Thermodynamic Stability and their Robustness
Mechanisms of One-Electron Redox Reactions Involving Destruction of the Mo2 Structure
Hydrolysis of V3+ Ion in NaCl Medium
Complexes of Chromium(III) with DL-α-Alanine
Potentiometric Investigation of Metal-tris-(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane Complexes
Polarographic Properties of Aqueous Solutions of Molybdosilicic Acids
Polarographic Behaviour of cis- and trans-Dichloro-bis-ethylene-diamine-Co(III) Solutions (Polarographisches Verhalten der cis- und trans-Dichloro-bis-äthylendiamin--Co(III)-Lösungen)
Evaluation of Stability Constants of Complexes on the Basis of Polarographic Data on Irreversible Electrode Reactions
Further Investigations on Alkaline Permanganate Decomposition (Weitere Untersuchungen zum alkalischen Permanganatzerfall)
Some New Aspects of the Reduction Mechanism of Manganese Oxyanions
Transfer of Oxygen by Manganese(II) Phthalocyanine
Observations on the Reaction Between U(IV) and Various Halogenates
Formation of Ion Complexes of Uranium(IV) Chloride in a Molten LiCl-KCl Eutectic Mixture
Dielectric Method for Studying Tributylphosphate Complexes in Dilute Organic Solutions (Eine dielektrische Methode zum Studium von Komplexen des Tributylphos-phats in verdünnten organischen Lösungen)
Determination of the Protonation Constants of Monomolybdic Acid by Electromigration Measurements
Investigation on Ligand Exchange in Complex Compounds of Cr(III) by Means of Voltage Sweep Chronoamperometry
The Role of Metal Cations in Degradation of Polyphosphates in Aqueous Solutions (Die Rolle der Metallkationen beim Polyphosphatabbau in wässeriger Lösung)
Determination of Relative Stability of Zinc, Cadmium, and Nickel Complexes with Tartaric Acid by Electrochromatographic Method
On Thermodynamics of Charge-Transfer Complexes (Zur Thermodynatnik der Charge-Transfer-Komplexe)
- No. of pages: 720
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: January 1, 1964
- Imprint: Pergamon
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483251660
- Hardback ISBN: 9781483228419
- eBook ISBN: 9781483280950
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