Computing Technologies, Theories, and Algorithms. The Making of 40 Years and More of Theoretical and
Computational Chemistry (C.E. Dykstra et al.).
A Dynamical, Time-Dependent View of Molecular Theory (Y. Öhrn, E. Deumens).
Computation of Non-covalent Binding Affinities (J. A. McCammon).
Electrodynamics in Computational Chemistry
(Linlin Zhao et al.).
Variational Transition State Theory (B.C. Garrett, D.G. Truhlar).
Attempting to Simulate Large Molecular Systems (E. Clementi).
The Beginnings of Coupled Cluster Theory: An Eyewitness Account (J. Paldus).
Controlling Quantum Phenomena with Photonic Reagents
(H. Rabitz).
First-Principles Calculations of Anharmonic Vibrational Spectroscopy of Large Molecules
(R.B. Gerber et al.).
Finding Minima, Transition States, and Following Reaction Pathways on Ab Initio Potential Energy Surfaces (H.P. Hratchian, H.B. Schlegel).
Progress in the Quantum Description of Vibrational Motion of Polyatomic Molecules (J.M. Bowman et al.).
Toward Accurate Computations in Photobiology
(A. Sinicropi, M. Olivucci).
The Nature of the Chemical Bond in the Light of an Energy Decomposition Analysis (M. Lein, G. Frenking).
Superoperator Many-body Theory of Molecular Currents: Non-equilibrium Green Functions in Real Time (U. Harbola, S. Mukamel).
Role of Computational Chemistry in the Theory of Unimolecular Reaction Rates (W.L. Hase, R. Schinke).
Molecular Dynamics: An Account of its Evolution (R. Kapral, G.I. Ciccotti).
Equations of Motion (EOM) Methods for Computing Electron Affinities and Ionization Potentials
(J. Simons).
Multireference Coupled Cluster Method Based on the Brillouin-Wigner Perturbation Theory
(P. Carsky et al.).
Electronic Structure: The Momentum Perspective
(A.J. Thakkar).
Recent Advances in ab initio, DFT, and Relativistic Electronic Structure Theory (Haruyuki Nakano et al.).
Semiempirical Quantum-Chemical Methods in Computational Chemistry (W. Thiel).
Size-consistent State-specific Multi-reference Methods: A Survey of Some Recent Developments
(D. Pahari et al.).
The Valence Bond Diagram Approach - A Paradigm for Chemical Reactivity (S. Shaik, P.C. Hiberty).
Development of Approximate Exchange-Correlation Functionals (G.E. Scuseria, V.N. Staroverov).
Multiconfigurational Quantum Chemistry (B.O. Roos).
Concepts of Perturbation, Orbital interaction, Orbital Mixing and Orbital Occupation (Myung-Hwan Whangbo).
G2, G3 and Associated Quantum Chemical Models for Accurate Theoretical Thermochemistry (K. Raghavachari, L.A. Curtiss).
Factors that Affect Conductance at the Molecular Level (C.W. Bauschlicher, Jr., A. Ricca).
The CH˙˙O Hydrogen Bond. A Historical Account (S. Scheiner).
Ab Initio and DFT Calculations on the Cope Rearrangement, a Reaction with a Chameleonic Transition State (W. Thatcher Borden).
High-Temperature Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Carbon Nanostructure Self-Assembly Processes (S. Irle et al.).
Computational Chemistry of Isomeric Fullerenes and Endofullerenes (Z. Slanina, S. Nagase).
On the importance of Many-Body Forces in Clusters and Condensed Phase (Krzysztof Szalewicz et al.).
Clusters to Functional Molecules, Nanomaterials, and Molecular Devices: Theoretical Exploration
(Kwang S. Kim et al.).
Monte Carlo Simulations of the Finite Temperature Properties of (H2O)6 (R.A. Christie, K.D. Jordan).
Computational Quantum Chemistry on Polymer Chains: Aspects of the Last Half Century (J-M. André).
Forty Years of Ab Initio Calculations on Intermolecular Forces (P.E.S. Wormer, Ad van der Avoird).
Applied Density Functional Theory and the deMon Codes 1964 to 2004 (D.R. Salahub et al.).
SAC-CI Method Applied to Molecular Spectroscopy (M. Ehara et al.).
Forty Years of Fenske-Hall Molecular Orbital Theory
(C.E. Webster, M.B. Hall).
Advances in Electronic Structure Theory: GAMESS a Decade Later (M.S. Gordon, M.W. Schmidt).
How and Why Coupled-Cluster Theory Became the Preeminent Method in Ab initio Quantum Chemistry
(R.J. Bartlett).