List of Contributors
Preview: Theory in Ecosystem Analysis
1. Introduction
2. Aggregation and Organization
3. Model Structures, Formalisms, and Theory of Modeling
4. System Identification
5. Model Analysis, Control Theory, and Stability
6. Outlook
Part I Aggregation and Organization
Chapter 1 Multilevel Multiformalism Modeling: An Ecosystem Example
1. Introduction
2. The Ecosystem: Questions of Interest and Models
3. Organization of Questions and Models
4. Experimental Frames
5. Constructed Models
6. Organization of Models
7. Applicability of Frames to Models
8. Summary
9. Discussion
Appendix: Some Results on Estimated Parameters and Model Cross Comparison
Chapter 2 Concerning Aggregation in Ecosystem Modeling
1. Introduction
2. Modeling: General
3. Modeling: Specific
4. The Aggregation Model
5. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 3 Use of First-Order Analysis in Estimating Mass Balance Errors and Planning
Sampling Activities
1. Introduction
2. First-Order Analysis
3. Results
4. Applications to Experimental Design
5. Summary
Appendix: Notation
Part II Model Structures, Formalisms, and Theory of Modeling
Chapter 4 Prediction, Chaos, and Ecological Perspective
1. Introduction
2. Determinism and Chaos
3. Ecological Perspective
4. Summary
Chapter 5 Hierarchical Organization of Ecosystems
1. Introduction
2. Definition of Hierarchy
3. The Hierarchical Organization of Nature
4. Hierarchical Levels of Ecological Interest
5. Application of Hierarchy Theory to Ecosystems
Chapter 6 Hierarchical Adaptability Theory and Its Cross-Correlation with Dynamical Ecological Models
1. Introduction
2. Review of Adaptability Theory
3. Hierarchical Adaptability Theory
4. Cross-Correlation with Dynamical Ecological Models
5. Conclusion
Chapter 7 Structure and Stability of Model Ecosystems
1. Introduction
2. System Structure
3. Partitions and Condensations
4. Vulnerability of Structure
5. Vulnerability of Stability
6. Conclusion
Chapter 8 Systems Approach to Continental Shelf Ecosystems
1. Introduction
2. Causal Theory of Environment
3. Causal Analysis of Ecosystems
4. Flow Analysis of the Ross Sea Pelagic Ecosystem
5. Summary
Chapter 9 A Framework for Dynamical System Models: Cause-Effect Relationships and State Representations
1. Introduction
2. Input-Output System
3. Causality
4. State
5. Discussion of Ecological Examples
Part III System Identification
Chapter 10 Structural Identifiability of Linear Compartmental Models
1. Introduction
2. Linear Time-Invariant Compartmental Models
3. The Problem of Structural Identifiability
4. Structural Properties Related to Identifiability
5. The Analysis of Structural Identifiability
6. Examples and Conclusions
Chapter 11 Model Structure Identification from Experimental Data
1. Introduction
2. System Identification: A Brief Review
3. Model Structure Identification: Black Box Models
4. Model Structure Identification: Internally Descriptive Models
5. Conclusions
Chapter 12 Computer-Aided Systems Modeling
1. Introduction
2. Relevant Concepts
3. Systems Modeling
4. Examples of Systems Modeling in Ecology
5. Conclusions
Chapter 13 Identification of the Mathematical Model of a Complex System by the Self-Organization Method
1. Introduction
2. Present State of the Theory of Computer-Aided Self-Organization of Mathematical Models
3. Computer-Aided Self-Organization of Models
4. Discovery of Laws with the Aid of GMDH
5. Application of GMDH to Environmental Problems
6. Conclusions
Part IV Model Analysis, Control Theory, and Stability
Chapter 14 An Analysis of Turnover Times in a Lake Ecosystem and Some Implications for System Properties
1. Introduction
2. Methods
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Summary and Conclusions
Chapter 15 The Usefulness of Optimal Control Theory to Ecological Problem
1. Introduction
2. Discrete-Time Optimal Control
3. Continuous-Time Optimal Control
4. Conclusions
Chapter 16 Toward Optimal Impulsive Control of Agroecosystems
1. Introduction
2. Optimal Single-Impulse Control of S-Shaped Growth
3. Numerical Experiments
4. Comments on the Optimal Impulse Control of J-Shaped Growth
5. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 17 Hierarchical Methods in River Pollution Control
1. Introduction
2. Problem Formulation
3. The Three-Level Method of Tamura
4. The Time Delay Algorithm of Tamura
5. The Interaction Prediction Approach
6. River Pollution Control
7. Hierarchical Feedback Control for Linear Quadratic Problems
8. Extension to the Servomechanism Case
9. Conclusions
Chapter 18 Ecosystem Stability and the Distribution of Community Matrix Eigenvalues
1. Introduction
2. A Practical Measure of Stability
3. Analysis of the Stability Measure
4. Discussion
Chapter 19 Robust Stability Concepts for Ecosystems Models
1. Introduction
2. Global and Finite Stability
3. Nonvulnerability
4. Sector Stability
5. Conclusion
Chapter 20 Stability of Holistic Ecosystem Models
1. Introduction
2. Holistic Ecosystem Modeling
3. Discussion
4. Conclusion