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The yeasts are a phylogenetically diverse group of fungi characterized by unicellular growth. Yeasts have been used for bread making and brewing beverages for millennia, and have… Read more
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Molecular comparisons have now provided a phylogenetic distinction between the yeasts and other fungi, some of which have a unicellular growth phase.
This book is the most definitive treatment of taxonomy and systematics of yeasts available and has been prepared by an international team of experts and is directed at taxonomists, ecologists, mycologists, microbiologists, clinicians, molecular geneticists, and biotechnologists.
Use of this Book
Chapter 1. Definition, Classification and Nomenclature of the Yeasts
1. Definition and Classification of the Yeasts
2. Taxonomy
Chapter 2. Yeasts Pathogenic to Humans
1. Introduction to the Medically Important Yeasts
2. Ascomycetous Yeasts of Clinical Significance
3. Basidiomycetous Yeasts of Clinical Significance
4. Medically-important Dimorphic Dungi
5. Other Yeast-like Mycotic Agents
6. Summary
Chapter 3. Yeast Biotechnology
1. Introduction
2. Historical Highlights
3. Overview of the Industrial Importance of Yeasts
4. Principal Yeast Species of Industrial Importance
5. Traditional Food Fermentations
6. Food and Feed Yeasts
7. Bioethanol and Biodiesel
8. Food and Agricultural Yeast Enzymes
9. Biocatalysts for Pharmaceutical and Fine Chemical Production
10. Yeast Metabolites and Bulk Chemicals
11. Heterologous Protein Production in Yeasts
12. Secondary Metabolites, Non-Protein Pharmaceuticals, and Fine Chemicals from Yeasts
13. Probiotics and Prebiotics
14. Yeast Glucans and Cell Wall Polysaccharides
15. Degradation of Pollutants, Xenobiotics, and Roles in Bioremediation
16. Yeasts for Functional Testing of Human Genes and Disease Discovery
17. Genomes of Yeasts and their Industrial Relevance
18. Functional Genomics, Metabolic Engineering, and Systems Biology of Yeasts
19. Summary and Perspectives
Chapter 4. Agriculturally Important Yeasts
1. Reduction of Soil-borne Fungal Plant Diseases Using Yeasts
2. Introduction to Yeast Pathogens of Plants
Chapter 5. Yeast Spoilage of Foods and Beverages
1. Recognition of Yeast Spoilage and its Ecological Study
2. The Diversity of Yeasts Causing Food and Beverage Spoilage
3. Yeasts and Food Safety
4. Factors Affecting the Growth and Survival of Yeasts in Foods and Beverages
5. New Processing Technologies
6. Microbial Interactions
7. Biochemistry and Physiology of Food Spoilage by Yeasts
8. Stress, Adaptation, and Genomics
9. Isolation, Enumeration, and Identification
10. Quality Assurance and Control
Chapter 6. Yeast Ecology
1. Introduction
2. The Niche and the Habitat of Yeasts
3. Symbiosis
4. The Killer Yeast Phenomenon
5. Yeast Community Ecology
6. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 7. Methods for Isolation, Phenotypic Characterization and Maintenance of Yeasts
1. Introduction
2. Isolation of Yeasts
3. Morphological Characterization of Yeasts
4. Physiological and Biochemical Tests
5. Rapid Identification Systems Based on Growth Reactions
6. Maintenance of Yeast Cultures
Chapter 8. Cytology, Cell Walls and Septa
1. Introduction
2. Yeast Cytology
3. Microscopy of Yeast Cells
4. Molecular Architecture of the Cell Wall of Yeasts
5. Septal Pore Ultrastructure
6. Other Ultrastructural Characteristics
7. Perspective
Chapter 9. Chemotaxonomy of Yeasts
1. Introduction
2. Cell wall Carbohydrate Composition
3. Coenzyme Q (Ubiquinone) Composition
4. Electrophoretic Comparison of Enzymes
5. Lipids in Chemotaxonomy
Chapter 10. Gene Sequence Analyses and other DNA-Based Methods for Yeast Species Recognition
1. Introduction
2. Nuclear DNA Reassociation
3. Gene Sequence Comparisons
4. Recognition of Species from Multigene Phylogenetic Analysis
5. Rapid Molecular Methods for Species Identification and Quantitation
Chapter 11. Genome Sequences of Saccharomycotina
1. Summary of the Sequenced Yeast Genomes
2. Online Resources for Accessing the Data
3. Gene Losses, Gains and Duplications
4. Whole-Genome Phylogenetic Analysis
5. Taxon Sampling: more Genes or more Species?
Chapter 12. Molecular Phylogenetic Reconstruction
1. Introduction
2. Phylogenetic Trees and Networks
3. Alignments
4. Distance-Based Methods
5. Maximum Parsimony
6. Probabilistic Methods of Phylogenetic Inference
7. Bootstrap and Jackknife
8. Heuristic Searching Strategies
9. Phylogenetic Analysis using Non-DNA Data
10. Phylogenetic Analysis Based on Genome or Proteome Data
11. Conclusion
Chapter 13. Discussion of Teleomorphic and Anamorphic Ascomycetous Yeasts and Yeast-like Taxa
1. Introduction
2. Saccharomyces, Kluyveromyces and Other Genera of the Saccharomycetaceae
3. Pichia and Associated Genera
4. Debaryomyces, lodderomyces, yamadazyma and related genera
5. Sugiyamaella, Trichomonascus, Wickerhamiella and Related Genera
6. Ambrosiozyma, Ogataea and Related Genera
7. Lipomycetaceae
8. Correlation of Phenotypic Characters Commonly Used for Separation of Ascomycetous Taxa with Phylogenetic Relationships Determined from Gene Sequence Analyses
Chapter 14. Ambrosiozyma van der Walt (1972)
Chapter 15. Ascobotryozyma J. Kerrigan, M.Th. Smith & J.D. Rogers (2001)
Chapter 16. Ascoidea Brefeld & Lindau (1891)
Chapter 17. Babjeviella Kurtzman & M. Suzuki (2010)
Chapter 18. Barnettozyma Kurtzman, Robnett & Basehoar-Powers (2008)
Chapter 19. CephaloascusHanawa (1920)
Chapter 20. Citeromyces Santa María (1957)
Chapter 21. Clavispora Rodrigues de Miranda (1979)
Chapter 22. Coccidiascus Chatton emend. Lushbaugh, Rowton & McGhee (1976)
Chapter 23. Cyniclomyces van der Walt & D.B. Scott (1971)
Chapter 24. Debaryomyces Lodder & Kreger-van Rij (1952)
Chapter 25. Dekkera van der Walt (1964)
Chapter 26. Dipodascopsis Batra & P. Millner emend. Kurtzman, Albertyn & Basehoar-Powers (2007)
Chapter 27. Dipodascusde Lagerheim (1892)
Chapter 28. Endomyces Reess (1870)
Chapter 29. Endomycete-Like Genera of Mycoparasitic Fungi
29.1. Helicogonium W.L. White (1942)
29.2. Phialoascus Redhead & Malloch (1977)
Chapter 30. Eremothecium Borzi emend. Kurtzman (1995)
Chapter 31. Galactomyces Redhead & Malloch (1977)
Chapter 32. Hanseniaspora Zikes (1912)
Chapter 33. Hyphopichia von Arx & van der Walt (1976)
Chapter 34. Kazachstania Zubkova (1971)
Chapter 35. Kluyveromyces van der Walt (1971)
Chapter 36. Kodamaea Y. Yamada, T. Suzuki, Matsuda & Mikata emend. Rosa, Lachance, Starmer, Barker, Bowles & Schlag-Edler (1999)
Chapter 37. Komagataella Y. Yamada, Matsuda, Maeda & Mikata (1995)
Chapter 38. Kregervanrija Kurtzman (2006)
Chapter 39. Kuraishia Y. Yamada, Maeda & Mikata (1994)
Chapter 40. Kurtzmaniella Lachance & Starmer (2008)
Chapter 41. LachanceaKurtzman (2003)
Chapter 42. Lindnera Kurtzman, Robnett & Basehoar-Powers (2008)
Chapter 43. Lipomyces Lodder & Kreger-van Rij (1952)
Chapter 44. Lodderomyces van der Walt (1971)
Chapter 45. Magnusiomyces Zender (1977)
Chapter 46. MetschnikowiaKamienski (1899)
Chapter 47. Meyerozyma Kurtzman & M. Suzuki (2010)
Chapter 48. Millerozyma Kurtzman & M. Suzuki (2010)
Chapter 49. Nadsonia Sydow (1912)
Chapter 50. NakaseomycesKurtzman (2003)
Chapter 51. Nakazawaea Y. Yamada, Maeda & Mikata (1994)
Chapter 52. NaumovozymaKurtzman (2008)
Chapter 53. Ogataea Y. Yamada, K. Maeda & Mikata (1994)
Chapter 54. Pachysolen Boidin & Adzet (1957)
Chapter 55. Peterozyma Kurtzman & Robnett (2010)
Chapter 56. Phaffomyces Y. Yamada, Higashi, S. Ando & Mikata (1997)
Chapter 57. Pichia E.C. Hansen (1904)
Chapter 58. Pneumocystis Delanoë & Delanoë (1912)
Chapter 59. Priceomyces M. Suzuki & Kurtzman (2010)
Chapter 60. Protomyces Unger (1833)
Chapter 61. Saccharomyces Meyen ex Reess (1870)
Chapter 62. Saccharomycodes E.C. Hansen (1904)
Chapter 63. Saccharomycopsis Schiönning (1903)
Chapter 64. Saturnispora Liu & Kurtzman (1991)
Chapter 65. Scheffersomyces Kurtzman & M. Suzuki (2010)
Chapter 66. SchizosaccharomycesLindner (1893)
Chapter 67. Schwanniomyces Klöcker emend. M. Suzuki & Kurtzman (2010)
Chapter 68. Spathaspora N.H. Nguyen, S.-O. Suh & M. Blackwell (2006)
Chapter 69. Sporopachydermia Rodrigues de Miranda (1978)
Chapter 70. Starmera Y. Yamada, Higashi, Ando & Mikata (1997)
Chapter 71. Starmerella Rosa & Lachance (1998)
Chapter 72. Sugiyamaella Kurtzman & Robnett (2007)
Chapter 73. TaphrinaFries (1832)
Chapter 74. Tetrapisispora Ueda-Nishimura & Mikata emend. Kurtzman (2003)
Chapter 75. TorulasporaLindner (1904)
Chapter 76. Trichomonascus H.S. Jackson emend. Kurtzman & Robnett (2007)
Chapter 77. VanderwaltozymaKurtzman (2003)
Chapter 78. Wickerhamia Soneda (1960)
Chapter 79. Wickerhamiella van der Walt (1973)
Chapter 80. Wickerhamomyces Kurtzman, Robnett & Basehoar-Powers (2008)
Chapter 81. Yamadazyma Billon-Grand (1989)
Chapter 82. Yarrowia van der Walt & von Arx (1980)
Chapter 83. Zygoascus M.Th. Smith (1986)
Chapter 84. ZygosaccharomycesBarker (1901)
Chapter 85. ZygotorulasporaKurtzman (2003)
Chapter 86. Aciculoconidium D.S. King & S.-C. Jong (1976)
Chapter 87. Blastobotrys von Klopotek (1967)
Chapter 88. Botryozyma Shann & M.Th. Smith (1992)
Chapter 89. Brettanomyces Kufferath & van Laer (1921)
Chapter 90. CandidaBerkhout (1923)
Chapter 91. Geotrichum Link: Fries (1832)
Chapter 92. KloeckeraJanke (1928)
Chapter 93. Lalaria R.T. Moore emend. Á. Fonseca (2004)
Chapter 94. Macrorhabdus Tomaszewski, Logan, Snowden, Kurtzman & Phalen (2003)
Chapter 95. Myxozyma van der Walt, Weijman & von Arx (1981)
Chapter 96. Saitoella S. Goto, Sugiyama, Hamamoto & Komagata (1987)
Chapter 97. Saprochaete Coker & Shanor ex D.T.S. Wagner & Dawes (1970)
Chapter 98. Schizoblastosporion Ciferri (1930)
Chapter 99. Trigonopsis Schachner emend. Kurtzman & Robnett (2007)
Chapter 100. Discussion of Teleomorphic and Anamorphic Basidiomycetous Yeasts
1. Introduction
2. Characteristics of Basidiomycetous Yeasts
3. Taxonomic History of Basidiomycetous Yeasts
4. Molecular Phylogeny
5. Discussion of Higher Taxa
6. Outlook
Chapter 101. AgaricostilbumWright (1970)
Chapter 102. Auriculibuller Sampaio & Fonseca (2004)
Chapter 103. Bannoa Hamamoto (2002)
Chapter 104. Bulleribasidium Sampaio, Weiss & Bauer (2002)
Chapter 105. Bulleromyces Boekhout & Á. Fonseca (1991)
Chapter 106. ChionosphaeraCox (1976)
Chapter 107. Colacogloea Oberwinkler & Bandoni (1990)
Chapter 108. Cuniculitrema Sampaio & R. Kirschner (2001)
Chapter 109. Curvibasidium Sampaio & Golubev (2004)
Chapter 110. Cystobasidium (Lagerheim) Neuhoff (1924)
Chapter 111. Cystofilobasidium Oberwinkler & Bandoni (1983)
Chapter 112. Erythrobasidium Hamamoto, Sugiyama & Komagata (1991)
Chapter 113. FibulobasidiumBandoni (1979)
Chapter 114. Filobasidiella Kwon-Chung (1975)
Chapter 115. Filobasidium Olive (1968)
Chapter 116. Holtermannia Saccardo & Traverso (1910)
Chapter 117. Kondoa Y. Yamada, Nakagawa & Banno emend. Á. Fonseca, Sampaio & Fell (2000)
Chapter 118. KriegeriaBresadola (1891)
Chapter 119. Kwoniella Statzell-Tallman & Fell (2007)
Chapter 120. Leucosporidium Fell, Statzell, I.L. Hunter & Phaff (1969)
Chapter 121. MastigobasidiumGolubev (1999)
Chapter 122. Mixia C.L. Kramer emend. H. Nishida, K. Ando, Y. Ando, Hirata & Sugiyama (1995)
Chapter 123. Mrakia Y. Yamada & Komagata (1987)
Chapter 124. Naohidea Oberwinkler (1990)
Chapter 125. OccultifurOberwinkler (1990)
Chapter 126. Papiliotrema Sampaio, Weiss & Bauer (2002)
Chapter 127. RhodosporidiumBanno (1967)
Chapter 128. Sakaguchia Y. Yamada, Maeda & Mikata (1994)
Chapter 129. Sirobasidium de Lagerheim & Patouillard (1892)
Chapter 130. Sporidiobolus Nyland (1949)
Chapter 131. Tilletiaria Bandoni & Johri (1972)
Chapter 132. Tremella Persoon (1794)
Chapter 133. Trimorphomyces Bandoni & Oberwinkler (1983)
Chapter 134. XanthophyllomycesGolubev (1995)
Chapter 135. Acaromyces Boekhout, Scorzetti, Gerson & Sztejnberg (2003)
Chapter 136. Bensingtonia Ingold emend. Nakase & Boekhout (1986)
Chapter 137. BulleraDerx (1930)
Chapter 138. Cryptococcus Vuillemin (1901)
Chapter 139. Cryptotrichosporon Okoli & Boekhout (2007)
Chapter 140. CyrenellaGochenaur (1981)
Chapter 141. Dioszegia Zsolt emend. Takashima, Deák & Nakase (2001)
Chapter 142. Fellomyces Y. Yamada & Banno (1984)
Chapter 143. Guehomyces Fell & Scorzetti (2004)
Chapter 144. ItersoniliaDerx (1948)
Chapter 145. Kockovaella Nakase, Banno & Y. Yamada (1991)
Chapter 146. Kurtzmanomyces Y. Yamada, M. Itoh, Kawasaki, Banno & Nakase (1988)
Chapter 147. Leucosporidiella Sampaio (2003)
Chapter 148. MalasseziaBaillon (1889)
Chapter 149. MeiraBoekhout, Scorzetti, Gerson & Sztejnberg (2003)
Chapter 150. Moniliella Stolk & Dakin (1966)
Chapter 151. MrakiellaMargesin & Fell (2008)
Chapter 152. Phaffia M.W. Miller, Yoneyama & Soneda (1976)
Chapter 153. Pseudozyma Bandoni emend. Boekhout (1985) and a comparison with the yeast state of Ustilago maydis (De Candolle) Corda (1842)
Chapter 154. Reniforma Pore & Sorenson (1990)
Chapter 155. RhodotorulaHarrison (1928)
Chapter 156. Sporobolomyces Kluyver & van Niel (1924)
Chapter 157. SterigmatomycesFell (1966)
Chapter 158. Sympodiomycopsis Sugiyama, Tokuoka & Komagata (1991)
Chapter 159. Tausonia Bab’eva (1998)
Chapter 160. Tilletiopsis Derx ex Derx (1930)
Chapter 161. TrichosporonBehrend (1890)
Chapter 162. Udeniomyces Nakase & Takematsu (1992)
Chapter 163. Prototheca Krüger (1894)
Key to Species
Summary of Species Characteristics
Glossary of Terms Used in This Book,
Index to Taxa by Genus and Species
Index to Species and Varietal Names