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The Surgery of the Alimentary Tract
- 1st Edition - September 17, 2013
- Author: Hugh Devine
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 9 5 7 3 - 5
The Surgery of the Alimentary Tract provides information pertinent to the fundamental aspects of the surgery of the alimentary canal and its adnexal organs. This book examines the… Read more
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Request a sales quoteThe Surgery of the Alimentary Tract provides information pertinent to the fundamental aspects of the surgery of the alimentary canal and its adnexal organs. This book examines the selection of operative methods, improvements in the operative method, and the advantages of pre-operative and post-operative treatment. Organized into four parts encompassing 93 chapters, this book begins with an overview of the sites of obstruction in the esophagus. This text then discusses the general symptoms of dyspepsia, including discomfort, pain, heartburn, flatulence, acid eructation, nausea, vomiting, and visceral tenderness. Other chapters consider significant functions of the stomach, which is the main organ concerned with digestion and absorption. This book discusses as well the incidence and causes of dilatations and spasm of the alimentary canal. The final chapter deals with the principles involved when dealing with injuries to the rectum. This book is a valuable resource for surgeons, physicians, and post-graduate students.
Part I—The Diagnosis of Surgical Dyspepsia Section I—Clinical I.—Dysphagia in the Upper Part of the Œsophagus II.—Dysphagia in the Lower Part of the Œsophagus: Dysphagic Dyspepsia III.—The Symptoms of Dyspepsia IV.—The Mechanism of the Causation of Dyspepsia V.—The Incidence of Dyspepsia on the Filling or Emptying of the Stomach VI.—Gross Dilatations and Spasms of the Alimentary Canal VII.—The Significance of Nausea and Vomiting VIII.—Aetiological Classification of Surgical Dyspepsia IX.—Reflex Dyspepsia X.—Gastritis and Duodenitis XI.—The Aetiology of Peptic Ulcer XII.—The Dyspepsia of Acute Gastric Ulcer XIII.—The Dyspepsia of Uncomplicated Chronic Gastric Ulcer XIV.—The Dyspepsia of Complicated Gastric Ulcer XV.—The Dyspepsia of Complicated Gastric Ulcer (Continued) XVI.—Duodenitis XVII.—The Dyspepsia of Acute Duodenal Ulcer XVIII.—The Dyspepsia of Chronic Duodenal Ulcer XIX.—The Dyspepsia of Duodenal Diverticulum XX.—The Dyspepsia of Jejunal Ulcer XXI.—The Dyspepsia of Jejunal Diverticulum and of High Jejunal Obstruction XXII.—Dyspepsia Caused by Adhesions in the Abdominal Cavity XXIII.—The Dyspepsia of Benign and Other Tumors of the Stomach XXIV.—The Dyspepsia of Carcinoma of the Duodenum and Stomach XXV.—The Dyspepsia of Carcinoma of the Duodenum and Stomach (Continued) Section II—Consultative, Radiographic, and Gastroscopic XXVI.—Radio-Surgical Diagnosis XXVII.—Radio-Surgical Problems in the Diagnosis of Obscure Types of Painless Dyspepsia XXVIII.—Radio-Surgical Problems in the Diagnosis of Definite Inflammatory Disease XXIX.—Radio-Surgical Problems in the Diagnosis of Dyspepsia of Malignant or Supposedly Malignant Origin XXX.—The Surgeon's Second Point of View: the Surgery of the Lesion XXXI.—Consultation on a Case of Hæmatemesis and Melæna XXXII.—Gastroscopy with the Flexible GastroscopePart II—The Surgery of Surgical Dyspepsia and of the Upper Part of the Abdomen Section I—Surgical Procedures XXXIII.—The Equipment of an Abdominal Surgeon XXXIV.—General Principles Underlying the Performance of Operations in the Upper Part of the Abdominal Cavity XXXV.—Surgical Handicraft in the Abdominal Cavity XXXVI.—General Principles in the Technique of Operations on Hollow Viscera XXXVII.—The Operability of a Patient on General Grounds XXXVIII.—Important Anatomical Features in the Surgery of the Upper Abdomen XXXIX.—General Principles in Regard to Incisions in the Upper Part of the Abdomen XL.—The Surgery of Abdominal Adhesions XLI.—Tumors of the Abdominal Wall XLII.—The Surgical Treatment of Reflex Dyspepsia XLIII.—Principles Underlying the Treatment of Peptic Ulcer XLIV.—Principles on Which Gastro-Enterostomy is Based XLV.—The Technique of Gastro-Enterostomy XLVI.—Principles on Which Gastric Resection is Based XLVII.—The Technique of Partial Gastrectomy: I. the Choice of an Anæsthetic XLVIII.—The Technique of Partial Gastrectomy: II. the Steps of the Operation XLIX.—The Technique of Partial Gastrectomy: III. Making the Gastro-Entero-Anastomosis L.—The Technique of Partial Gastrectomy: IV. Variations When Dealing with Different Types of Ulcer and with Myoma of the Fundus of the Stomach LI.—Closure of Abdominal Wounds LII.—Extensive Partial Gastric Exclusion (with Resection) LIII.—Operations for Jejunal Ulcer LIV.—Hernia LV.—The Spleen and Splenomegaly LVI.—The Liver and Hepatomegaly LVII.—Diseases of the Gall-Bladder and the Bile-Ducts: General Considerations LVIII.—Cholecystography LIX.—Gall-Stones in the Common Duct and Their Differential Diagnosis LX.—Differential Diagnosis in Gall-Bladder Syndromes LXI.—Cholecystectomy LXII.—Accidents to the Bile-Ducts in Cholecystectomy LXIII.—Non-Malignant Affections of the Pancreas LXIV.—Malignant Conditions of the Pancreas and Common Bile-Duct LXV.—Consultation on a Case of Jaundice LXVI.—Operation-Table Problems in a Case of Jaundice Section II—Post-Operative Complications LXVII.—Complications of Early Post-Operative Period LXVIII.—Complications of Early Post-Operative Period (Continued) LXIX.—Complications of Early Post-Operative Period (Continued) LXX.—Complications of Early Post-Operative Period (Continued) LXXI.—Complications of Middle Post-Operative Period LXXII.—Complications of Late Post-Operative Period LXXIII.—Remote Post-Operative ComplicationsPart III—Abdominal Emergencies Which May Involve Either the Upper or the Lower Part of the Abdomen LXXIV.—The Strategy of the Surgical Approach to a Case of Supposed Perforation of a Hollow Organ LXXV.—The Strategy of the Surgical Approach to a Case of Supposed Intestinal ObstructionPart IV—Surgery of the Lower Part of the Abdomen LXXVI.—Appendicitis: Anatomy and Causation LXXVII.—The Classification of Appendicitis LXXVIII.—The Treatment of Appendicitis LXXIX.—Ileocæcal Mesenteric Lymphadenitis and Regional Ileitis LXXX.—The Diagnosis of Diseases of the Proximal Colon LXXXI.—Principles Underlying Operation for Carcinoma of the Proximal Colon LXXXI I.—Diagnosis of Diseases of the Distal Colon and Rectum (Upper Part) LXXXIII.—Surgical Treatment of Innocent Diseases of the Distal Colon LXXXIV.—The Diagnosis of Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis LXXXV.—The Treatment of Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis LXXXVI.—Principles Underlying Operations on the Distal Colon LXXXVII.—The Technique and Management of the Disconnecting Anus LXXXVIII.—The Technique of Operations on the Defunctioned Distal Colon LXXXIX.—The Surgery of Malignant Disease of the Rectum XC.—Operation on the Defunctioned Rectum XCI.—The Technique of Operation on the Defunctioned Rectum XCII.—Operation on the Functioning Rectum XCIII.—Gross Ischiorectal Sepsis—Injuries to the RectumIndex
- No. of pages: 1058
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: September 17, 2013
- Imprint: Butterworth-Heinemann
- eBook ISBN: 9781483195735