I. Introduction and Overview. II. Experiments on Preconscious Processing: Effects Related to Different Methods and Individual Differences. III. The Further Unfolding of the Perceptual Process: Threat and Defense in Percept-Genetic Procedures. IV. Relating Preconscious Processes to Cognitive and Semantic Structures: Subliminal Perception and Microgenesis Combined. V. Psychophysiological Correlates of the Perceptual Process: EEG and CBF as Indicators. VI. A Critical Look at Subliminal Perception and Microgenesis: Comments and Reviews from Different Standpoints. Contributors: A.L. Andersson, M.J. Antell, M. Bengtsson, I. Carlsson, A. Danielsson, N.F. Dixon, J.G. Draguns, W. Ehlers, R.J. Fernandez, W.D. Fröhlich, C.J. Geisler, P. Glanzmann, L. Goldberger, S.H.A. Henley, U. Hentschel, A.M. Johanson, M. Johnson, L. Klein, U. Kragh, H. Kreitler, S. Kreitler, K.B. Madsen, D. Munz, K. Obuchowski, W. Prinz, J. Risberg, U. Schneider, P. Silfverskiöld, L.H. Silverman, H. Sjöbäck, G.J.W. Smith, D.P. Spence and B. Westerlundh.