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The Role of Colloidal Systems in Environmental Protection describes the importance of colloids in many applications that contribute to environmental protection, including drinki… Read more
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The Role of Colloidal Systems in Environmental Protection describes the importance of colloids in many applications that contribute to environmental protection, including drinking water and wastewater treatment, heavy metal remediation, treatment of radioactive materials, corrosion, and energy conversion. Knowledge of the physical and chemical composition of colloids is important to understand and accurately model the relevant processes. The book familiarizes the reader with the technological features of the application of colloids in environmental protection, and provides chemical engineers, researchers, and scientists in academic and corporate communities with the latest developments in this field. Each chapter covers the whole spectrum of the relevant science, from the fundamentals to applications.
Chemical engineers; post-graduate students and scientists in colloid, surface, physical and polymer chemistry, and in environmental and materials science working in a wide variety of industries
List of Contributors
Chapter 1. Biosolid Colloids as Environmental Contaminant Carriers
1 Biosolid materials in the environment
2 Biocolloid properties
3 Biocolloid stability and mobilization
4 Biocolloid transport studies
5 Contaminant transport associated with biocolloids
6 Fate of transported contaminants and contamination risks
7 Prevention and remediation strategies
8 Conclusions
Symbols and Terminology
Chapter 2. Influence of Natural Organic Matter on Contaminant Removal by Permeable Reactive Barrier
1 Introduction
2 Natural organic matter in the environment
3 Influence on permeable reactive barrier
4 Summary
Symbols and terminology
Chapter 3. Role of Microbial Surface-Active Compounds in Environmental Protection
1 Introduction
2 Biosurfactants
3 Bioremediation/Biodegradation of polluted compounds
4 New aspects in the process of bioremediation of low-soluble contaminants: biosurfactant effects on microbial cell-surface characteristics and on microbial cell-surface structure
5 Permeabilizing ability of biosurfactants: from activation to inhibition
6 Industrial perspectives on biosurfactants application
7 Risk assessment aspects of biosurfactant application
8 Conclusions
Chapter 4. Review on the Utilization of Low-cost Substrates to Obtain Metabolites for Protection of the Environment
1 Introduction
2 Microorganisms that produce surface-active compounds
3 Biosurfactants from lactic acid bacteria
4 Low-cost substrates as a carbon source for obtaining biosurfactants
5 Lignocellulosic residues
6 Vegetable oil residues
7 Other agricultural residues
Symbols and Terminology
Chapter 5. Use of Cloud Point Extraction with Ethoxylated Surfactants for Organic Pollution Removal
1 Cloud point extraction (CPE): principle
2 CPE of soluble species
3 CPE of dyes
4 CPE of dispersed pollutants
5 Salting-out effect on CPE
6 Scaling-up and process
7 Coacervate regeneration
8 Conclusion
Symbols and terminology
Chapter 6. Adsorption of Synthetic Surfactants from Aqueous Solutions on Natural Adsorbents
1 Introduction
2 Problems of change and pollution of water resources
3 Surfactants as a factor of surface- and groundwater pollution
4 Self-purification and quality of water
5 Natural adsorbents
6 Laws of adsorption of the surfactants from aqueous solution at air–water and water–adsorbent interfaces
7 Thermodynamic evaluation of the adsorbent efficiency for water purification
8 Ecological and resource-keeping aspects of surfactants and detergents
9 Conclusions
Chapter 7. Co-Contaminant-Aided Removal of Organics from Produced Water Using Micellar-Enhanced Ultrafiltration
1 Introduction
2 Experimental
3 Results and discussion
4 Modeling
5 Conclusions
Symbols and Terminology
Chapter 8. Heavy Metals Uptake from Aqueous Effluents by Novel Adsorbent Derived from Tannin Extracts: Role of Tannin Source
1 Introduction
2 Materials and methods
3 Results and discussion
4 Conclusions
Chapter 9. The Contribution of the Coagulation Process in Controlling Microbial Risk and Disinfection By-products Formation in Drinking Water
1 Introduction
2 Disinfection of drinking water
3 The coagulation process
4 NOM and turbidity removal by coagulation
5 Advances in the coagulation process
6 Conclusions
Chapter 10. Coagulation–Flocculation Method for the Treatment of Pulp and Paper Mill Wastewater
1 Introduction
2 The coagulation-flocculation process for wastewater treatment
3 Experimental studies
4 Results and discussion
5 Conclusions
Chapter 11. Arsenic Removal from Water by the Coagulation Process
1 Arsenic and its removal from water
2 The coagulation process for arsenic removal
3 Mechanisms of coagulation
4 Important factors in the coagulation process
5 Application of the coagulation process
Chapter 12. Optimization and Modeling of Decolorization and COD Reduction of Reactive Dye Solutions by Coagulation Processes with SIWW’s Coagulant
1 Introduction
2 Materials and methods
3 Results and discussion
4 Conclusion
Symbols and Terminology
Greek Letters
Chapter 13. Modified and Nonmodified TiO2 Nanoparticles for Environmental Applications
1 Introduction
2 Wastewater treatment technologies
3 Nanostructured TiO2 and modified TiO2 for environmental applications
4 Conclusions
Symbols and terminology
Chapter 14. Groundwater Purification and Soil Remediation Using Carbon Colloids
1 Introduction
2 Materials and equipment
3 Results and discussion
4 Conclusion
Chapter 15. Quebracho colorado: A New Source for Water Coagulant—Performance on Dye Removal
1 Introduction
2 Materials and methods
3 Results and discussion
4 Conclusions
Chapter 16. Biosorption of Uranium and Thorium by Biopolymers
1 Introduction
2 Biopolymers and biosorbents
3 Biosorption
4 Mechanism of biosorption
5 Evaluation of biosorption studies
6 Assessment of biosorption
7 Application of biosorption
8 Industrial perspective and aspects of biosorption
9 The future of biosorption
10 Biosorption of radionuclides
11 Biosorption of uranium and thorium by Ca-alginate biopolymer beads
12 Conclusion
Symbols and terminology
Chapter 17. Colloid-Mediated Transport and the Fate of Contaminants in Soils
1 Introduction
2 Soil structure and spatial variability
3 Contaminants in soils
4 Colloid-mediated transport of contaminants in soils
5 Anthropogenic colloids and engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) in soil
6 Hazards and risks of engineered nanoparticles/colloids for the environment and human health
7 Concluding remarks
Symbols and abbreviations
Chapter 18. Micellar Solutions to Recover Diesel in Sand
1 Introduction
2 Background
3 Surfactant-enhanced site remediation
4 Laboratory studies in columns of diesel recovery using micellar solutions
5 Application of micellar solution in situ to a diesel-contaminated site
6 Biodegradation of diesel-contaminated soil in soil column with synthetic surfactants and biosurfactants
7 Mathematical models
8 Conclusions
General Symbols
Greek symbols
Chapter 19. Recent Advances on the Use of Surfactant Systems as Inhibitors of Corrosion on Metallic Surfaces
1 A review on the use of surfactant systems in the inhibition of corrosion on metallic surfaces
2 Current research on novel corrosion inhibitors
3 Conclusions
Symbols and terminology
Greek letters
Chapter 20. The Role of Corrosion Inhibitors in Protecting Metallic Structures against Corrosion in Harsh Environments
1 Introduction
2 Classification of corrosion inhibitors
2 Inhibition efficiencies of corrosion inhibitors
3 Uses of corrosion inhibitors in industry
4 Summary
Symbols and terminology
Chapter 21. Petroleum Products Transporting Pipeline Corrosion—A Review
1 Corrosion
2 Corrosion of petroleum production and transportation pipelines
3 Corrosion control and prevention
4 Corrosion inhibitors
5 An overview of corrosion and its control in petroleum production pipeline
6 Recommendations and summary
Description of terminal symbols
Chapter 22. Aerogels in the Environment Protection
1 Introduction
2 Preparation of aerogels
3 Adsorption applications of aerogels
4 Catalytic applications of aerogels
5 Other applications of aerogels for environmental purposes
6 Conclusions
Chapter 23. Effective Utilization of Solid Waste from Leather Industry
1 Origin of pollution from the leather industry: an overview
2 Solid waste: new source for creating wealth
3 Treatment of solid waste: state of the art
4 Significant characteristics of solid waste from tanneries
5 Chromium—an insight into the metal and its toxicological evidences
6 Dye: a ubiquitous pollutant
7 Solid wastes to remove toxic liquid wastes: new paradigm
8 Removal of chromium(VI) using fleshing
9 Removal of dye using fleshing
10 Manufacture of tanning salt from pollutant-loaded solid wastes: a holistic solution
11 Conclusions
Symbols and terminology
Chapter 24. Applications of Porous Media Combustion Technology
1 Introduction
2 Applications of PMC technology
3 Conclusion
Chapter 25. Colloids in the Environmental Protection—Current and Future Trends
1 Introduction
2 Current and future trends in colloidal use for environmental protection
3 Conclusions
Symbols and abbreviations