Wenner–Gren Center International Symposium Series, Volume 13: The Possibilities of Charting Modern Life presents the proceedings of the symposium on Anthropological Research on the Present, held in Stockholm, Sweden, on March 7–11, 1967. This book discusses the greater dependence of culture on central control and influences from outside. Organized into 13 chapters, this volume begins with an overview of the possibilities of applying the same methods for the study of the present as have been applied in the ethnology concentrated upon history. This text then clarifies the value of certain functional concepts in the light of the field material from the Tuareg culture. Other chapters consider the concept of applied ethnology, which is not historically oriented. This book discusses as well the gradual shifting of the concept of sex-role from its proper import of expression for the individual's biological statuses. This book is a valuable resource for social anthropologists.