List of Contributors
General Preface
Contents of Other Volumes
1 Protoporphyrin: Synthesis and Biosynthesis of Its Metabolic Intermediates
I. S-Succinyl-Coenzyme A
II. 5-Aminolevulinic Acid
III. Porphobilinogen
IV. Uroporphyrinogens, Coproporphyrinogens, Protoporphyrin, and Cobyrinic Acid
2 Biosynthesis of Porphyrins
I. Introduction
II. Enzymatic Synthesis of δ-Aminolevulinic Acid
III. Enzymatic Synthesis of Porphobilinogen: ALA Dehydratase
IV. Tetrapyrrole Biosynthesis
V. Biosynthesis of Coproporphyrinogens
VI. Formation of Protoporphyrinogen by the Oxidative Decarboxylation of Coproporphyrinogen III
VII. Enzymatic Conversion of Protoporphyrinogen to Protoporphyrin
VIII. Formation of Iron Protoporphyrin
IX. Control of Porphyrin Biosynthesis
3 Chlorophyll Biosynthesis
I. Introduction
II. Pathway to Chlorophyll a
III. Biosynthesis of Chlorophyll b
IV. Pathway to Bacteriochlorophyll a
V. Biosynthesis of Other Chlorophylls
4 Enzymatic Synthesis of Porphyrins
I. Introduction
II. δ-Aminolevulinic Acid
III. Porphobilinogen
IV. Porphyrinogens
V. Uroporphyrin I
VI.Uroporphyrin III
VII. Porphyrins with Seven, Six, and Five Carboxyl Groups
VIII. Coproporphyrin I
IX. Coproporphyrin III
X. Protoporphyrin
XI. General Methods
XII. Conclusion
5 Formation and Metabolism of Bile Pigments in Vivo
I. General Aspects
II. Formation of Biliverdin
III. Reduction of Biliverdin to Bilirubin
IV. Conjugation and Biliary Excretion of Bilirubin
V. Appendix
6 Bile Pigments: Bilatrienes and 5,15-Biladienes
I. Introduction
II. Preparation and Isolation
III. General Properties
IV. Chemical Reactions
V. Biological Aspects
VI. Spectra
VII. Practical Aspects
VIII. Appendix
7 Bile Pigments of Plants
I. Introduction
II. Phytochrome
III. Phycobiliproteins
8 Derivatives of Bile Pigments
I. Introduction
II. General Structures and Nomenclature
III. Biogenesis
IV. Reactions Revealing Structure
V. Stereochemistry through Optical Rotatory Dispersion and Circular Dichroism
VI. The Compounds
9 Synthesis, Purification, and Characterization of Bile Pigments and Related Compounds
I. Introduction
II. Building Blocks for the Synthesis of Bile Pigments
III. Bilinediones
IV. Biladienediones
V. Bilene-a-diones: Dihydrobilirubins (1,10,15,16,19,21,23,24-Octahydro-1,19-dioxo-22H-bilins)
VI. Bilene-b-diones
VII. Bilanediones
VIII. Chemical Characterization of Bile Pigments
IX. Polarographic Studies
10 The Stokvis Reaction
I. History, Occurrence, and Nomenclature
II. Technique of the Stokvis Reaction
III. Propentdyopents: Source, Structure, and Synthesis
IV. Structure of Propentdyopent Adducts
V. Properties of Propentdyopents and Their Adducts
VI. Structure of Pentdyopent and the Course of the Stokvis Reaction
VII. The Fecal Pigment
11 Clinical Chemistry of the Porphyrins
I. Introduction
II. Chemistry of Clinically Important Porphyrins
III. Heme Biosynthetic Pathway
IV. Evaluation of Porphyrin Metabolism in Health and Disease
V. Survey of Available Methods of Porphyrin Analysis in Excreta, Blood, and Tissues
VI. Values in Normal Subjects and Patients with Nonporphyric Disorders
VII. Classification of Human Porphyric Disorders
VIII. Simple Screening Tests and "Simplified" Screening Procedures
IX. Clinical Manifestations of Porphyrias
X. Biochemical Findings in Porphyric Disorders
XI. Biochemistry of the Acute Attack—Porphyrin Precursors in the Pathogenesis of the Acute Attack
XII. Applications of Thin-Layer Chromatographic Analysis in the Clinical Investigation of Porphyrias
XIII. Porphyrin Biosynthetic Enzyme Activities of the Human Porphyrias
Appendix I. Solvents and Standard Reference Porphyrins
Appendix II. Routine Quantative Methods
Appendix III. Special Techniques
Appendix IV. Advanced Analytical Techniques
Appendix V. Other Ancillary Methods of Structural Analysis
12 Historical and Clinical Aspects of Bile Pigments
I. Milestones in the History of Bile Pigments
II. Bilirubin Metabolism—Clinical Aspects
III. Methods
Author Index
Subject Index