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The Neuroscience of Depression: Genetics, Cell Biology, Neurology, Behaviour and Diet is a comprehensive reference to the aspects, features and effects of depression. This book… Read more
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The Neuroscience of Depression: Genetics, Cell Biology, Neurology, Behaviour and Diet is a comprehensive reference to the aspects, features and effects of depression. This book provides readers with the behavior and psychopathological effects of depression, linking anxiety, anger and PSTD to depression. Readers are provided with a detailed outline of the genetic aspects of depression including synaptic genes and the genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of depression, followed by a thorough analysis of the neurological and imaging techniques used to study depression. This book also includes three full sections on the various effects of depression, including diet, nutrition and molecular and cellular effects. The Neuroscience of Depression: Genetics, Cell Biology, Neurology, Behaviour and Diet is the only resource for researchers and practitioners studying depression.
Researchers, graduate students, and clinicians in behavioral neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, neurobiology, translational neuroscience, and neuropsychology
Part I. Genetic Aspects of Depression 1. Epigenetics in depressionPiotr Czarny, Katarzyna Bialek, Sylwia Ziolkowska, Monika Talarowska, and Tomasz Sliwinski2. Genes, depression and nuclear DNA Xenia Gonda and Peter Petschner3. Gene expression in depression: Molecular aspects of postpartum depression Anna Landsman4. Genetics and epigenetics of the SLC6A4 gene in depressionM. S. Mendonça, Paula M. Mangiavacchi, and Álvaro F.L. Rios5. Molecular basis of tryptophan metabolism disorders associated with depression Paulina Wigner, Piotr Gałecki, and Tomasz Śliwiński6. Metalloproteinases genes and their relationship with depressionMonika Sienkiewicz, Michał Seweryn Karbownik, Mateusz Kowalczyk, Edward Kowalczyk, and Monika Talarowska7. Linking gene regions jointly with environment and depressionArianna M. Gard and Erin B. Ware
Part II. Molecular and cellular effects of depression
8. Linking depression, mRNA translation, and serotonin Emily Arsenault, Aisha Asad Ahmed, Ayeila Daneshmend, Zeynep JihadMohamad, Edna Matta-Camacho, Melissa Nyveld, Fatimeh-Frouh TaghaviAbkuh, Molly Zhang, Nahum Sonenberg, Jean-Claude Lacaille, and Argel Aguilar-Valles9. Changes in cortical gene expression in major depressive disorders: More evidence implicating inflammatory-related pathways in disease etiologyBrian Dean10. FKBP5 gene expression as a biomarker for treatment outcome in depressionMarcus Ising11. Neuroimaging a cytokine storm by transducing IL-1α to hippocampal cornu ammonis: COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2Patricia A. Broderick and Steven L. Cofresi12. Linking interleukin-6 and depressionManivel Rengasamy and Rebecca B. Price13. The role of inflammatory signaling in comorbid depression and epilepsyJana Dimitrova Tchekalarova, Dimitrinka Atanasova, and Nikolai Lazarov14. Brain inflammasomes in depression Stefanie Hoffmann and Cordian Beyer15. Inflammatory factors and depression in substance use disorder María Flores-López, Oscar Porras-Perales, Nerea Requena-Ocaña, Nuria García-Marchena, Pedro Araos, Antonia Serrano, Manuel Jiménez-Navarro, Fernando Rodríguez de Fonseca, and Francisco Javier Pavón16. Linking Huntington disease, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and depressive-like behaviors Evelini Plácido, Cristine de Paula Nascimento-Castro, Priscilla Gomes Welter, Joana Gil-Mohapel, and Patricia S. Brocardo17. Depression and the NMDA receptor/NO/cGMP pathwayJoão Ronielly Campêlo Araújo and Ana Cristina de Oliveira Monteiro-Moreira18. Translocator protein (18 kDa TSPO) binding in depression Szabolcs Kéri19. Axonal transport proteins: What they are and how they relate to depressive behaviorsArezo Nahavandi and Soraya Mehrabi20. Molecular features of adenylyl cyclase isoforms and cAMP signaling: A link between adenylyl cyclase 7 and depressionGianna Giacoletti, Abdulwhab Shremo Msdi, Ryan Cook, and Tarsis F. Brust 21. Neurobiology of depression: The role of glycogen synthase kinase 3Minal Sonawane, Giuseppe Aceto, Jessica Di Re, Marcello D’Ascenzo, Thomas A Green, and Fernanda Laezza22. Sortilin/neurotensin receptor-3 and its derived peptides in depressionJean Mazella, Marc Borsotto, and Catherine Heurteaux23. Implication of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling and its components in depression and neuropsychiatric disordersAkanksha Mishra, Sonu Singh, and Shubha Shukla24. The prefrontal cortex in depression: Use of proteomicsGábor Juhász, Vanda Tukacs, Dániel Mittli, and Katalin Adrienna KékesiPart III. Neurological and imaging features25. How brain single photon emission computed topography imaging informs the diagnosis and treatment of mood disordersDaniel Amen, Jay Faber, Muneer Ali, Nelson Bennett, Rishi Sood, and Mona Karimpour26. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI) in bipolar and unipolar depressionKristen K. Ellard, Sofia Uribe, and Christopher J. Funes27. Linking amygdala blood oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD) activity and frontal EEG in depressionVadim Zotev and Jerzy Bodurka28. The rostromedial tegmental nucleus: Features and links with alcohol and depressionQi Kang Zuo, Wanhong Zuo, Jean Daniel Eloy, and Jiang-Hong Ye29. Human serotonergic neurons, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) resistance and major depressive disorderKrishna C. Vadodaria, Kelly J. Heard, and Fred H. Gage30. Role of nesfatin-1 in major depressionEce Türkyılmaz Uyar and Efruz Pirdoğan Aydın31. Impact of NGF signaling in neuroplasticity during depression: Insights in neuroplasticity dependent therapeutic approachesMir Hilal Ahmad, M. Moshahid Alam Rizvi, Mahino Fatima, and Amal Chandra Mondal
Part IV. Behaviour and Psychopathological Effects32. Inherited depression and psychological disorders and mental illness by germ cells and their memoryAmani Ahmed and Muaweah Ahmad Alsaleh33. Cognitive function and neurocognitive deficits in depressionMaria Semkovska34. Cognitive and interpersonal contributors to relationship distress and depression: A review of the dyadic partner-schema modelJesse Lee Wilde, Jennifer C.P. Gillies, and David J.A. Dozois35. Cognitive vulnerability to depression in adolescenceRichard T. Liu, Jessica L. Hamilton, and Alexandra H. Bettis36. Determining the cognitive performance in the first episode of depressionMuriel Vicent-Gil and Maria J. Portella37. Body image and depressionPäivi Pylvänäinen (Maria), Anita Forsblom, Joona Muotka, and Katriina Hyvönen38. Sleep, anxiety and depressionLi-Ting Huang and Kelly L. Sullivan39. Depression, anxiety and quality of lifeKeming Gao and Jian Zhang40. Reward processing and depression: Current findings and future directionsDaniel M. Mackin, Brady D. Nelson, and Daniel N. Klein41. Sexual functioning in depressionSandeep Grover and Swapnajeet Sahoo
V. Diet, Nutrition and Botanicals 42. Linking dietary glycemic index and depressionSima Jafarirad and Mehran Rahimlou43. Gut microbiota and depressionAsma Kazemi and Kurosh Djafarian44. Linking dietary methyl donors, maternal separation, and depressionMirian Sanblas, Xabier Bengoetxea, Fermin Milagro, and Maria J. Ramirez45. Convolvulus pluricaulis usage and depressionPriyank Shah and Girdhari Lal Gupta46. Antidepressant activity of Crocus sativus L. and its main constituents: A review Bibi Marjan Razavi, Azar Hosseini, and Hossein Hosseinzadeh47. Mechanisms of action of herbal antidepressantsMahboobeh Ghasemzadeh Rahbardar and Hossein Hosseinzadeh48. Antidepressant-like effects and mechanisms of the herbal formula Xiaochaihutang in depressionKuo Zhang, Jingyu Yang, and Chunfu Wu
Part VI. Resources
49. Recommended resources on the neuroscience of depression: Genetics, cell biology, neurology, behavior, and dietRajkumar Rajendram, Vinood B. Patel, and Victor R. PreedyCR
Dr Rajkumar Rajendram is a clinician scientist with a focus on internal medicine, anaesthesia, intensive care and peri-operative medicine. He graduated with distinctions from Guy’s, King’s and St. Thomas Medical School, King’s College London in 2001. As an undergraduate he was awarded several prizes, merits and distinctions in pre-clinical and clinical subjects.
Dr Rajendram began his post-graduate medical training in general medicine and intensive care in Oxford. He attained membership of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP) in 2004 and completed specialist training in acute and general medicine in Oxford in 2010. Dr Rajendram subsequently practiced as a Consultant in Acute General Medicine at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford.
Dr Rajendram also trained in anaesthesia and intensive care in London and was awarded a fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (FRCA) in 2009. He completed advanced training in regional anaesthesia and intensive care. He was awarded a fellowship of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FFICM) in 2013 and obtained the European diploma of intensive care medicine (EDIC) in 2014. He then moved to the Royal Free London Hospitals as a Consultant in Intensive Care, Anaesthesia and Peri-operative Medicine. He has been a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (FRCP Edin) and the Royal College of Physicians of London (FRCP Lond) since 2017 and 2019 respectively. He is currently a Consultant in Internal Medicine at King Abdulaziz Medical City, National Guard Heath Affairs, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Dr Rajendram’s focus on improving outcomes from Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has involved research on point of care ultrasound and phenotypes of COVID-19. Dr Rajendram also recognises that nutritional support is a fundamental aspect of medical care. This is particularly important for patients with COVID-19. As a clinician scientist he has therefore devoted significant time and effort into nutritional science research and education. He is an affiliated member of the Nutritional Sciences Research Division of King’s College London and has published over 400 textbook chapters, review articles, peer-reviewed papers and abstracts.