Section I-Mental Abilities: P.A. Vernon, Introduction to the Neuropsychology of Individual Differences: Contributions of Behavioral Genetics. M.I.S. Huettner, Neurosychology of Language and Reading Development. D.K. Detterman, Intelligence and the Brain. H. Nyborg, The Neuropsychology of Sex-Related Differences in Brain and Specific Abilities: Hormones, Developmental Dynamics, and New Paradigm. Section II-Information Processing and Memory: W.G. Willis and A.D. Aspel, Neuropsychological Models of Information Processing: A Framework for Evaluation. M. Rabinowitz and D.W. Kee, A Framework for Understanding Individual Differences in Memory: Knowledge-Strategy Interactions. Section III-Personality: H.J. Eysenck, Personality: Biological Foundations. G. Goldstein, Cognitive Heterogeneity in Psychopathology: The Case of Schizophrenia. J.J. Gonzalez, G.W. Hynd and R.P. Martin, Neuropsychology of Temperament. Author Index. Subject Index.