The Molecular Basis of Mutant Hemoglobin Dysfunction contains the proceedings of the Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center Symposium on the Molecular Basis of Mutant Hemoglobin Dysfunction held at the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA, on 7-10 October 1979. The symposium aims to document the progress of research efforts and bring together biochemists, geneticists, clinicians, counselors, and administrators, so that ensuing research will bring science to bear more effectively on these diseases. The volume contains 31 chapters organized into six sections. Section I presents two papers on the influence of fetal hemoglobin on the risk of complications and ocular manifestations of sickle cell disease. The papers in Section II deal with normal and abnormal gene expression. Section IIII is devoted to the structural analysis of mutant hemoglobins and their aggregates. Section IV focuses on evaluations of the physical and molecular basis of mutant hemoglobin dysfunction. The presentations in Section V cover cell biology and pathophysiology of sickle cell disease. Section VI reviews the status of the therapy of sickle cell disease.