The Iron Blast Furnace
Theory and Practice
- 1st Edition - October 22, 2013
- Authors: J. G. Peacey, W. G. Davenport
- Editor: D. W. Hopkins
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 1 4 3 6 - 1
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 4 6 7 8 - 2
The Iron Blast Furnace: Theory and Practice presents the significant role of iron blast furnace by which iron is efficiently and rapidly reduced from ore and it is the basis for… Read more

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1. A Brief Description of the Blast-Furnace Process
1.1 Raw Materials
1.2 Products
1.3 Operation
1.4 Improvements in Productivity
1.5 Blast-Furnace Costs
1.6 Summary
2. A Look Inside the Furnace
2.1 Behaviour in Front of the Tuyères
2.2 Reactions in the Hearth, Tuyère Raceways and Bosh
2.3 The Fusion Zone
2.4 Reduction Above the Fusion Zone
2.5 Kinetics of the Coke Gasification Reaction
2.6 Reactions in Regions above the 1200 K Isotherm
2.7 Reduction of Higher Oxides
2.8 The Top Quarter of the Shaft and the Exit Gas
2.9 Residence Times
2.10 Burden Arrangements
2.11 Summary
3. Thermodynamics of the Blast-Furnace Process: Enthalpies and Equilibria
3.1 Enthalpy Requirements in the Blast Furnace
3.2 Critical Hearth Temperature
3.3 Temperature Profiles in the Furnace: The Thermal Reserve Zone
3.4 Free Energy Considerations in the Blast Furnace: The Approach to Equilibrium
3.5 Gas Composition Profiles in the Furnace: The Chemical Reserve Zone
3.6 Summary
4. Blast-Furnace Stoichiometry
4.1 The Stoichiometric Development
4.2 The Stoichiometric Equation
4.3 Calculations
4.4 Graphical Representation of the Stoichiometric Balance
4.5 Summary
5. Development of a Model Framework: Simplified Blast-Furnace Enthalpy Balance
5.1 Simplifications for an Initial Enthalpy Balance
5.2 The Enthalpy Balance
5.3 Heat Supply and Heat Demand
5.4 A General Enthalpy Framework
5.5 Summary
6. The Model Framework: Combination of Stoichiometric and Enthalpy Equations
6.1 Combining Stoichiometric and Enthalpy Equations: Calculations
6.2 Graphical Representation of the Combined Stoichiometric-Enthalpy Equation
6.3 A Graphical Calculation
6.4 Summary and Discussion of Stoichiometry/Enthalpy Graph
7. Completion of the Stoichiometric Part of the Model: Conceptual Division of the Blast Furnace through the Chemical Reserve Zone
7.1 The Blast Furnace as Two Separate Reactors
7.2 Stoichiometric Balances for the Bottom Segment
7.3 Stoichiometric Equation for the Wustite Reduction Zone
7.4 Discussion and Summary
8. Enthalpy Balance for the Bottom Segment of the Furnace
8.1 Enthalpy Balance for the Bottom Segment
8.2 The Demand-Supply Form of the Enthalpy Equation
8.3 Numerical Development
8.4 Summary
9. Combining Bottom Segment Stoichiometry and Enthalpy Equations: A Priori Calculation of Operating Parameters
9.1 Example Calculations
9.2 Implications of the Equations
9.3 Graphical Representation of the Equations
9.4 A Graphical Calculation
9.5 Characteristics of the Operating Line
9.6 Summary
10. Testing of the Mathematical Model and a Discussion of its Premises
10.1 Testing for Thermal Validity
10.2 Top-Gas Temperature Calculation
10.3 Testing for Stoichiometric Validity
10.4 Testing for Thermodynamic Validity
10.5 Validity of the Model Assumptions and Predictions
10.6 Non-Attainment of Equilibrium in the Chemical Reserve Zone
10.7 Thermal Reserve Temperature Effects
10.8 Summary
11. The Effects of Tuyère Injectants on Blast-Furnace Operations
11.1 A General Injectant
11.2 Representing Injected Materials in the Overall Stoichiometric Equation
11.3 Representing Injected Materials in the Bottom Segment Stoichiometric Equation
11.4 Representing Injected Materials in the Bottom Segment Enthalpy Equation
11.5 A Form Convenient for Calculations
11.6 Example Calculations: I. Oxygen Enrichment
11.7 Example Calculations: II. Hydrocarbon Injection
11.8 Graphical Calculations (General Case)
11.9 Top-Gas Composition with Hydrogen Injection
11.10 Discussion of Injection Calculations and Summary
12. Addition of Details into the Operating Equations: Heat Losses; Reduction of Si and Mn; Dissolution of Carbon; Formation of Slag; Decomposition of Carbonates
12.1 Stoichiometric Effects
12.2 Enthalpy Effects
12.3 Summary
13. Summary of Blast-Furnace-Operating Equations: Comparison between Predictions and Practice
13.1 Summary of Model Development Steps
13.2 A Strategy for Computer Calculation
13.3 Comparison of Model Predictions with Industrial Blast-Furnace Data
13.4 Effects of Blast Temperature, Tuyère Injectants, Metallized Ore and Metal Impurities on Coke and Blast Requirements
13.5 Summary
14. Blast-Furnace Optimization by Linear Programming
14.1 A Simplified Optimization Problem
14.2 Graphical Representation of Cost Minimization
14.3 Analytical Optimization Methods
14.4 Computer Inputs and Outputs
14.5 A More Complete Problem
14.6 Summary
Appendix I Tuyère Flame Temperature Calculations
AI.1 Flame Temperature Equations for Linear Programming
AI.2 Additional Items in the Calculations
Appendix II Representing Complex Tuyère Injectants in the Operating Equations
AII.1 Gaseous Injectants with Known Heats of Combustion and Chemical Compositions
AII.2 Injectants with Known Weight Percentages of Carbon and Hydrogen and Known Heats of Combustion
Appendix III Slag Heat Demands
Appendix IV Stoichiometric Data for Minerals and Compounds in Ironmaking
Appendix V Enthalpies of Formation at Temperature T from Elements at Temperature T (HfT)
Appendix VI Enthalpy Increment Equations for Elements and Compounds, [ΗºT — Hº298]
Appendix VII Numerical Values of EB, Blast Enthalpy
Answers to Numerical Problems
List of Symbols
- No. of pages: 266
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: October 22, 2013
- Imprint: Pergamon
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483114361
- eBook ISBN: 9781483146782
D. W. Hopkins
W. G. Davenport
Professor William George Davenport is a graduate of the University of British Columbia and the Royal School of Mines, London. Prior to his academic career he worked with the Linde Division of Union Carbide in Tonawanda, New York. He spent a combined 43 years of teaching at McGill University and the University of Arizona.
His Union Carbide days are recounted in the book Iron Blast Furnace, Analysis, Control and Optimization (English, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Spanish editions).
During the early years of his academic career he spent his summers working in many of Noranda Mines Company’s metallurgical plants, which led quickly to the book Extractive Metallurgy of Copper. This book has gone into five English language editions (with several printings) and Chinese, Farsi and Spanish language editions.
He also had the good fortune to work in Phelps Dodge’s Playas flash smelter soon after coming to the University of Arizona. This experience contributed to the book Flash Smelting, with two English language editions and a Russian language edition and eventually to the book Sulfuric Acid Manufacture (2006), 2nd edition 2013.
In 2013 co-authored Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel, Cobalt and Platinum Group Metals, which took him to all the continents except Antarctica.
He and four co-authors are just finishing up the book Rare Earths: Science, Technology, Production and Use, which has taken him around the United States, Canada and France, visiting rare earth mines, smelters, manufacturing plants, laboratories and recycling facilities.
Professor Davenport’s teaching has centered on ferrous and non-ferrous extractive metallurgy. He has visited (and continues to visit) about 10 metallurgical plants per year around the world to determine the relationships between theory and industrial practice. He has also taught plant design and economics throughout his career and has found this aspect of his work particularly rewarding. The delight of his life at the university has, however, always been academic advising of students on a one-on-one basis.
Professor Davenport is a Fellow (and life member) of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum and a twenty-five year member of the (U.S.) Society of Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration. He is recipient of the CIM Alcan Award, the TMS Extractive Metallurgy Lecture Award, the AusIMM Sir George Fisher Award, the AIME Mineral Industry Education Award, the American Mining Hall of Fame Medal of Merit and the SME Milton E. Wadsworth award. In September 2014 he will be honored by the Conference of Metallurgists’ Bill Davenport Honorary Symposium in Vancouver, British Columbia (his home town).