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The previous two editions of the Human Nervous System have been the standard reference for the anatomy of the central and peripheral nervous system of the human. The work has attra… Read more
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The previous two editions of the Human Nervous System have been the standard reference for the anatomy of the central and peripheral nervous system of the human. The work has attracted nearly 2,000 citations, demonstrating that it has a major influence in the field of neuroscience. The 3e is a complete and updated revision, with new chapters covering genes and anatomy, gene expression studies, and glia cells. The book continues to be an excellent companion to the Atlas of the Human Brain, and a common nomenclature throughout the book is enforced. Physiological data, functional concepts, and correlates to the neuroanatomy of the major model systems (rat and mouse) as well as brain function round out the new edition.
Neuroscientists, neurologists, and neuropsychologists working on brain anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, behavior, or neurological disease
I. Evolution and development
Chapter 1. Brain Evolution
The Human Brain as an Outlier
The Human Brain in Numbers
Cerebral Cortex and Connectivity
Concerted Expansion of Cerebral Cortex and Cerebellum
Human Brain Evolution: Comparison with Great Apes
Hominin Evolution: Estimates of Numbers of Brain Neurons in Prehistoric Homo
Human Brain Metabolism Revisited
Conclusion: Remarkable, Yet not Extraordinary
Chapter 2. Development of the Peripheral Nervous System
Cranial Nerves
Somatic Peripheral Nervous System
Autonomic and Enteric Nervous System
Chapter 3. Fetal Development of the Central Nervous System
Cerebral Cortex
Deep Telencephalic Nuclei
Cerebellum and Pre-Cerebellar Nuclei
Pons and Medulla
Spinal Cord
II. Peripheral nervous system and spinal cord
Chapter 4. Peripheral Nervous System Topics
Dorsal Root Ganglion and the Pseudo-Unipolar Neurons
Schwann Cells, Satellite Cells, and Mast Cells
Nerve Fibers
Proprioception and Endplates
Peripheral Nervous System Engineering
Chapter 5. Peripheral Autonomic Pathways
General Organization of Autonomic Pathways
Cranial Autonomic Pathways
Sympathetic Pathways
Pelvic Autonomic Pathways
Enteric Plexuses
Adrenal Medulla and Paraganglia
Concluding Remarks
Chapter 6. Spinal Cord: Regional Anatomy, Cytoarchitecture and Chemoarchitecture
Cytoarchitecture of the Human Spinal Cord
Chemoarchitecture of the Human Spinal Cord
Chapter 7. Spinal Cord: Connections
Primary Afferent Projections to the Spinal Cord
Propriospinal Pathways
Ascending Spinal Projections
Descending Spinal Projections
Descending Brainstem Projections
Projections from the Retroambiguus Nucleus to the Spinal Cord
Hypothalamic and Diencephalic Projections to the Spinal Cord
Coeruleospinal and Raphespinal Tracts
Other Descending Projections from the Trigeminal and Dorsal Column Nuclei
Cerebellospinal Projections
III. Brainstem and cerebellum
Chapter 8. Organization of Brainstem Nuclei
Abbreviations Used in the Figures
Autonomic Regulatory Centers
Reticular Formation
Tegmental Nuclei
Locus Coeruleus
Raphe Nuclei
Ventral Mesencephalic Tegmentum and Substantia Nigra
Cranial Motor Nuclei
Somatosensory System
Vestibular Nuclei
Auditory System
Visual System
Precerebellar Nuclei and Red Nucleus
Chapter 9. Reticular Formation
Eye and Head Movements
Eyelid and Blink
Chapter 10. Periaqueductal Gray
External Boundaries of the PAG
Internal Boundaries of the PAG
Chemoarchitecture of the Primate PAG
Connectivity of the Primate PAG
Functional Aspects
Chapter 11. Raphe Nuclei
Divisions of the Raphe Nuclei
Functional Considerations
Chapter 12. Locus Coeruleus
Development and Topographical Organization
Morphology and Neurochemistry of LC Neurons
Functional Connectivity
Physiology and Behavior
LC Involvement in the Pathophysiology of Age-Related Neurologic Disease
Chapter 13. Substantia Nigra, Ventral Tegmental Area, and Retrorubral Fields
Substantia Nigra
Ventral Tegmental Area
Retrorubral Fields
Functional Connections
Chapter 14. Brainstem Cholinergic Systems
Cholinergic Neurons of the Brainstem Reticular Formation
Cytochemical Signatures
Axonal Targets
Postsynaptic Effects
Functional Affiliations
Summary and Conclusions
Anatomical Abbreviations
Chapter 15. Cerebellum and Precerebellar Nuclei
External Form and Subdivision of the Human Cerebellum
The Cerebellar Cortex
The Cerebellar Nuclei
The Cerebellar Peduncles
The Corticonuclear Projection
The Inferior Olive and the Olivocerebellar Projection
Zonal Organization of the Primate Cerebellar Cortex
Brainstem and Thalamo-Cortical Projections of the Cerebellar Nuclei Recurrent Cerebello-Olivary Loops
The Distribution of Mossy Fiber Systems
The Skeletomotor Cerebellum
The Oculomotor Cerebellum
Non-Motor Functions of the Cerebellum
Phylogenetic and Functional Subdivisions of the Cerebellum and their Somatotopical Organization
IV. Diencephalon, basal ganglia, basal forebrain and amygdala
Chapter 16. Hypothalamus
Cytoarchitecture of the Human Hypothalamus
Fiber Connections of the Hypothalamus
Functional Organization of the Hypothalamus
Chapter 17. Hypophysis
Anatomy of the Hypophysis
Imaging of the Hypophysis
Chapter 18. Circumventricular Organs
General Characteristics of Circumventricular Organs
Subfornical Organ
Vascular Organ of the Lamina Terminalis (OVLT)
Median Eminence and Neurohypophysis
Pineal Gland
The Subcommissural Organ
Area Postrema
Choroid Plexus
Chapter 19. Thalamus
Superior Region
Medial Region
Lateral Region
Intralaminar Formation
Periventricular Formation
Posterior Region
Dedication and Acknowledgments
Chapter 20. The Basal Ganglia
Topography, Cytoarchitecture, and Basic Circuitry
Functional Basal Ganglia Connections
Functional Considerations
Chapter 21. Sex Differences in the Forebrain
Sex Hormone Receptors
Nucleus Basalis of Meynert (NBM) and Diagonal Band of Broca (DB)
Islands of Calleja (Insulae Terminalis)
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN)
Sexually Dimorphic Nucleus of the Preoptic Area (SDN-POA)
Interstitial Nucleus of Anterior Hypothalamus INAH-3 and INAH-4, or Uncinate Nucleus
Anterior Commissure and Interthalamic Adhesion or Massa Intermedia
Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis (BST)
Supraoptic and Paraventricular Nucleus (SON, PVN)
The Ventromedial Nucleus (VMH; Nucleus of Cajal)
Infundibular Nucleus (Arcuate Nucleus), Subventricular Nucleus, and Median Eminence
Tuberomamilary Nucleus (TMN)
Corpora Mamillaria
Abbreviations used in the Figures
Chapter 22. Amygdala
Definition of the Amygdala and Overview of Terminology
Anatomical Divisions
Abbreviations (including Figures and Tables)
V. Cortex
Chapter 23. Architecture of the Cerebral Cortex
Principal Subdivisions of the Cerebral Cortex
Quantitative Aspects of the Cerebral Cortex and Gender Differences
Asymmetries in the Cerebral Cortex
Cortical Maps of the Human Brain: Past, Present, Future
Chapter 24. Hippocampal Formation
Gross Anatomical Features
Cytoarchitectonic Organization of the Hippocampal Formation
Hippocampal Connectivity
A Note on the Development of the Human Hippocampal Formation
Clinical Anatomy
Functional Considerations
Chapter 25. Cingulate Cortex
The Four-Region Neurobiological Model: Circuitry
Anterior Cingulate Cortex: Autonomic Regulation and Emotion
Midcingulate Cortex
Posterior Cingulate Cortex; Dorsal and Ventral Subregions
Retrosplenial Cortex Functions
Limbic Functions of Cingulate Subregions
Medial Surface Features
Flat Maps of Primate Medial Cortex
Cytology of Anterior Cingulate Cortex
Cytology of Midcingulate Cortex
Ectocallosal, Ectosplenial, and Retrosplenial Cortices
Posterior Cingulate Cortex
Caudomedial Subregion
The Cingulate Dysgranular Belt
Overview of Receptor Binding by Region and Layer
Some Comparative Features of Human and Monkey
Anterior Cingulate Cortex
Midcingulate Cortex
Retrosplenial Cortex
Posterior Cingulate Cortex
Is all Cortex in the Monkey Cingulate Sulcus Cingulate Cortex?
Perspectives on Human Imaging of Cingulate Cortex Structure and Functions
Chapter 26. The Frontal Cortex
Sulcal and Gyral Morphology of the Frontal Cortex
Architectonic Organization
Corticocortical Connection Patterns
Chapter 27. Motor Cortex
Macaque Motor Cortex
Human Motor Cortex
Concluding Remarks
Chapter 28. Posterior Parietal Cortex
Macroanatomy of Posterior Parietal Cortex
Architectonical Organization
Functional Segregation
Connectivity Pattern
VI. Systems
Chapter 29. Lower Brainstem Regulation of Visceral, Cardiovascular, and Respiratory Function
Classification of Brainstem Neuronal Groups
Cardiovascular Function
Respiratory Function
Salivation, Swallowing and Gastrointestinal Function, Nausea, and Vomiting
Lower Brainstem Regulation of Pituitary Vasopressin and ACTH Secretion
Lower Brainstem Regulation of Pelvic Viscera
Involvement of Putative Brainstem Autonomic and Respiratory Neurons in Human Neurodegenerative Disease
Chapter 30. Somatosensory System
Receptor Types and Afferent Pathways
Relay Nuclei of the Medulla and Upper Spinal Cord
Somatosensory Regions of the Midbrain
Somatosensory Thalamus
Anterior Parietal Cortex
Somatosensory Cortex of the Lateral (Sylvian) Sulcus Including Insula
Posterior Parietal Cortex
Somatosensory Cortex of the Medial Wall: The Supplementary Sensory Area and Cingulate Cortex
Chapter 31. Trigeminal Sensory System
Receptors and their Innervation
Trigeminal Nerves, Ganglion, and Root
Brainstem Trigeminal Sensory Nuclei
Pain Perception in the Trigeminal Pathway
Thalamic Sites for Trigeminal Somatic Sensations
Cranial Somatosensory Cortex
Plasticity of Trigeminal Responses
Chapter 32. Pain System
Pain Transmission Neurons and Pathways
Descending Pain Modulatory Systems
Brain Structures Involved in Pain Perception and Integration
Summary and Conclusions
Chapter 33. Gustatory System
Gustatory Apparatus and Peripheral Innervation
The Central Nervous System
Further Gustatory Processing
Chapter 34. The Olfactory System
The Olfactory System
Olfactory Mucosa
The Vomeronasal Organ
Olfactory Bulb
Primary Olfactory Cortex
Piriform Cortex
Accessory Olfactory Cortical Areas
Olfactory Projections Beyond the Primary Olfactory Cortex
Human Imaging of Olfactory Sensory Activity
Chapter 35. The Vestibular System
Regional Anatomy of the Vestibular System
Systems Anatomy
Chapter 36. Auditory System
Sensory Organ and Cochlear Nerve
Auditory Cortex
Connectional Structure of the Auditory System
Structural Asymmetry and Functional Lateralization
The Concept of Wernicke’s Region
Chapter 37. Visual System
Central Visual Pathway
Primary Visual Cortex
Extrastriate Cortex
Chapter 38. The Emotional Systems
Emotions Defined, and an Anatomical Framework
The Orbitofrontal Cortex
The Amygdala
The Pregenual Cingulate Cortex
Beyond the Orbitofrontal Cortex to Choice Decision-Making
Chapter 39. Cerebral Vascular System
Anatomy of Cerebral Blood Vessels
Anatomy of Spinal Cord Blood Vessels
Vascular Innervation
Mapping Cerebral Function with Blood Flow
Global Responses of the Cerebral Circulation