The Fear of Looking or Scopophilic–Exhibitionistic Conflicts presents the importance of socophilic–exhibitionistic or look–show factors in neuroses, in the treatment situation, and in everyday life. This book examines some of the implications of scopophilic–exhibitionistic cathexes for creativity. Organized into six chapters, this book begins with an overview of the emotional impact made through scopophilic–exhibitionistic modalities. This text then explains that the social, fighting, and mating rituals of many species involve looking and showing. Other chapters consider the typical connection between the screen function of a memory or remembered fantasy and the screen function of compulsive scopophilic–exhibitionistic reenactment in reducing current anxiety. This book discusses as well the partial instincts of scopophilia and exhibitionism that are present in everyone. The final chapter deals with the concept of psychic masochism that predominates in scopophilic–exhibitionistic suffering. This book is a valuable resource for psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, and behavioral scientists.