I. Introduction
1. Ecological Trade-offs and Social Behavior
II. Theory of Ecological Interactions
2. Cooperation, Aggression, and the Evolution of Social Behavior
3. The Stable Group and the Determinants of Foraging Group Size
4. Monogamy in Relation to Resources
III. Ecology of Social Mammals
5. Resources and Group Sizes of Primates
6. Resources, Philopatry, and Social Interactions among Mammals
7. Resources and Social Organization of Ground-Dwelling Squirrels
8. Social Systems, Resources, and Phylogenetic Inertia: an Experimental Test and Its Limitations
IV. Ecology of Social Birds
9. Ideal Free Coloniality in the Swallows
10. Territory Quality: Key Determinant of Fitness in the Group-Living Green Woodhoopoe
11. Resource and Climatic Variability: Influences on Sociality of Two Southwestern Corvids
12. Food Sharing in the Raven, Corvus corax
V. Ecology of Social Arthropods
13. Social Competition under Mandatory Group Life
14. Relationships between Ecology and Social Behavior in Cockroaches
15. Risk Sensitivity and Foraging in Colonial Spiders
16. Resource Inheritance in Social Evolution from Termites to Man