Preface. Speech and Language in Normal Speakers. Acoustics of Speech (H.J. Wakita), Auditory Models of Speech Processing (S. Greenberg). Speech Perception (D.W. Massaro). Functional and Clinical Anatomy of the Speech Mechanism (J.C. Kahane). Neuromuscular Aspects of Speech (H. Hirose). The Neurophysiology of Speech (V.L. Gracco, K.G. Munhall). Psycholinguistics (M.A. Garman). Language Production (H.L. Petrie). Development of Language Perception in Infants (P.W. Jusczyk). Babbling in Hearing and Deaf Infants (C. Stoel-Gammon). Acquisition of Phonemes (C. Stoel-Gammon, L. Menn). Acquisition of Vocabulary (M.D. Barrett). Acquisition of Grammar (H. Tager-Flusberg). Acquisition of Reading (J. Oakhill). Language Development and Brain Development (J.L. Locke). Biological Bases of Speech (B. Lindblom). Aging and Language (J. Maxim). Pragmatic Principles in Verbal Communication (O. Togeby). Sociolinguistics and Language Pathology (L. Wei, Z. Hua). General Aspects of Speech and Language Pathologies. Overview (J.M. Cooper). Historical Perspective (J.M. Cooper). Models (D. Crystal). Acquired Causes (B.M. Ansel, R.L. Ringel). Developmental Causes (S.O. Richardson). Incidence and Prevalence (P.M. Enderby). International Perspective (K. G. Butler). Developmental Speech and Language Pathologies. Deafness and Sign Language (E. Pizzuto, V. Volterra). Developmental Dysarthrias (E. Davies). Disorders of Fluency (H.H. Gregory, C.B. Gregory). Disorders of Fluency: Intervention (L. Rustin, F. Cook). Learning Disabilities (A. Van Hout). General Aspects of Developmental Language Disorders (S.L. James). Specific Language Impairment: Subtypes and Assessment (M. Korkman). Developmental Disorders of Language: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Intervention (G. Bedi, E. Dorsett). Reading Difficulties (M.J. Snowling). Classification of Developmental Dyslexia and Intervention (J. Robertson, D.J. Bakker). Acquired Speech Pathologies. Disorders of Voice (L. Mathieson). Acquired Dysarthrias (H. Hirose). Acquired Disorders of Articulation: Classification and Intervention (H. Ackermann). Verbal Apraxia (J. Rosenbek). Acquired Language Pathologies. Historical Perspective of Aphasia (Y. Lebrun). Neurolinguistics (J.C. Marshall, J.M. Gurd). Language and the Brain (J.M. Gurd, J.C. Marshall). Neurolinguistic Assessment of Aphasia (C. Luzzatti). Aphasia (R. Lesser). Syndromes of Aphasia (D. Tranel, S.W. Anderson). Subcortical Aphasia (S. Cappa, J. Abutalebi). Acquired Childhood Aphasia (B. E. Murdoch). Aphasia in Multilinguals (F. Fabbro). Phonological Disorders of Language (A. R. Butcher). Morphosyntactical Disorders of Language (W.D. Dressler). Disorders of Reading and Writing (M. Snowling, A. Edmundson). Language Dysfunction in Dementia (R. Morris). The Right Hemisphere and Verbal Communication (D. Van Lancker). Language and Memory Systems (S. Aglioti). Rehabilitation of Acquired Language Disorders (G. Demeurisse). Acquired Disorders of Language (Aphasia): Evaluation of Effectiveness of Intervention (R. Whurr, M Lorch). Language Pathology in Neuropshychiatric Disorders. Autism (S. Baron-Cohen). Mutism (Y. Lebrun). Language Disorders in Psychoses (L.C. Sanfilippo, R.E. Hoffman)