The Coal Handbook: Towards Cleaner Production
Volume 2: Coal Utilisation
- 1st Edition - October 31, 2013
- Editor: Dave Osborne
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 1 0 1 3 7 5 - 5
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 7 8 2 4 2 - 1 1 6 - 0
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 7 8 2 4 2 - 1 1 7 - 7
Coal remains an important fossil fuel resource for many nations due to its large remaining resources, relatively low production and processing cost and potential high energy… Read more

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Request a sales quotePart one is an introductory section which reviews the social and economic value of coal, emissions from coal utilisation, the handling, impact and utilisation of coal waste, and an exploration of emerging and future issues around industrial coal utilization. Chapters in part two highlight coal resources, production and use in established markets as well as the emerging markets of Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, Indonesia, and China. Part three focuses specifically on coal utilisation in industry. Chapters consider thermal coal utilisation, coal use in iron and steel metallurgy, advances in pulverised fuel technology, and the evaluation of coal for thermal and metallurgical applications. Further chapters explore coal utilisation in the cement and concrete industries, coal gasification and conversion, and value-in-use assessment for thermal and metallurgical coal. A final chapter summarises the anticipated future pathway towards sustainable, long-term coal use, suggesting transitions that will be needed to ensure cleaner utilisation for many decades to come.
With its distinguished editor and international team of expert contributors, The coal handbook Volumes 1 and 2 is a comprehensive and invaluable resource for professionals in the coal mining, preparation, and utilisation industry, those in the power sector, including plant operators and engineers, and researchers and academics interested in this field.
- Reviews the social and economic value of coal, emissions from coal utilisation, and the handling, impact and utilisation of coal waste
- Explores emerging and future issues around industrial coal utilization
- Highlights coal resources, production and use in established markets, as well as emerging markets such as Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, Indonesia, and China
Contributor contact details
Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy
Professor Peter FeÄko
Part I: Introduction
Chapter 1: Social and economic value of coal
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The importance of electricity and low cost power
1.3 The role of coal in meeting growing energy demand
1.4 Clean coal technologies
1.5 Conclusion
Chapter 2: Environmental issues: emissions, pollution control, assessment and management
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Emissions of acid gases
2.3 Fine particles
2.4 Trace elements
2.5 Environmental issues in iron making and advanced coal processing technologies
2.6 Control of emissions
2.7 Future trends
2.8 Sources of further information and advice
Chapter 3: Coal waste: handling, pollution impacts and utilization
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Potential uses of recoverable materials
3.3 Size enlargement, dewatering and drying of coal waste
3.4 Waste storage
3.5 Coal recovery from colliery waste dumps in the United Kingdom
Chapter 4: Future industrial coal utilization: forecasts and emerging technological and regulatory issues
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Forecasts for worldwide energy consumption
4.3 Major technology and regulatory issues for coal-fired power plants
4.4 Major technological issues for the production of metallurgical quality coke
Part II: Global coal production
Chapter 5: Coal resources, production and use in established markets
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Australia
5.3 Canada
5.4 Germany
5.5 Hungary
5.6 Poland
5.7 South Africa
5.8 Turkey
5.9 UK
5.10 Ukraine
5.11 USA
Chapter 6: Coal resources, production and use in Brazil
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Coal use in Brazil
6.3 Blending philosophy for coke-making
6.4 Future trends
6.5 Use of coal for power generation in Brazil
Chapter 7: Coal resources, production and use in the Russian Federation
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Coal markets
7.3 Coal processing
7.4 Development of the coal industry
7.5 Summary
Chapter 8: Coal Resources, Production and use in India
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Primary energy resources: reserves and potential
8.3 India’s current and future energy needs, opportunities and challenges
8.4 Coal washing: an introduction
8.5 Key drivers for and barriers to washing Indian domestic coals
8.6 Current status of coal preparation
8.7 Coal washing challenges
8.8 Future trends for coal washing
8.9 Acknowledgement
Chapter 9: Coal Resources, Production and Use in Indonesia
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Coal Consumption and Export
9.3 Coal Utilisation and Clean Coal Technologies
9.4 Conclusion
Chapter 10: Coal Resources, Production and Use in China
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Coal production and consumption
10.3 Coal production, transportation and safety for mining
10.4 China’s power sector
10.5 Coal gasification and poly-generation in China
10.6 Metallurgical coal use
10.7 Conclusion
Part III: Coal utilisation in industry
Chapter 11: Thermal coal utilization
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Technology developments in thermal coal utilization
11.3 Formation of pollutants and emission control technologies
11.4 Thermal coal utilization in a carbon constrained world
11.5 Conclusion and future trends
Chapter 12: Coal use in iron and steel metallurgy
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Cokemaking
12.3 Blast furnace ironmaking
12.4 Coal-based direct reduction processes
12.5 Self-reducing burden materials for the blast furnace and direct reduction
12.6 Smelting reduction processes
12.7 Electric steelmaking and further uses of carbon in iron and steel metallurgy
12.8 Future trends: a steel industry without coal?
Chapter 13: Advances in pulverised fuel technology: understanding coal comminution, combustion and ash deposition
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Coal grinding
13.3 Grinding and breakage mechanisms
13.4 Grinding difficult coals
13.5 Combustion processes
13.6 Ash deposition in pulverised fuel boilers
Chapter 14: Evaluation of coal for metallurgical applications
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Coals for use in coke-making
14.3 Coals for use in pulverised coal injection (PCI)
14.4 Coals for use in alternative iron-making processes
14.5 Conclusion
14.6 Acknowledgements
Chapter 15: Coal utilisation in the cement and concrete industries
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Background
15.3 Cement manufacturing process
15.4 The rotary cement kiln
15.5 Coal’s contribution to cement clinker
15.6 Coal combustion products in concrete manufacture
15.7 Other issues of fly ash use in concrete
15.8 Future developments
Chapter 16: Coal gasification and conversion
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Conversion of coal to liquids and chemicals (CtL)
16.3 Gasification technologies
16.4 Coal properties and gasification performance
16.5 Tools for gasification performance assessment
16.6 Gasification as a route to efficient carbon capture
Chapter 17: Value-in-use (VIU) assessment for thermal and metallurgical coal
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Metallurgical coal
17.3 Value-in-use (VIU) considerations relevant to coke
17.4 Coke making
17.5 VIU considerations relevant to coking coal
17.6 Coal injection
17.7 VIU considerations relevant to PCI coal
17.8 Metallurgical coal VIU modelling and examples
17.9 Thermal coal and power plant performance
17.10 Thermal coal selection processes, coal supply chains and power plant performance improvement
17.11 Value-in-use assessment for thermal coal
17.12 Conclusion
Chapter 18: Future directions toward more efficient and cleaner use of coal
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Future role of coal in the global economy
18.3 Collaboration along the coal supply chain
18.4 Developments in mining and processing technologies
18.5 Developments in coal utilisation for electricity generation
18.6 Developments in coal utilisation for iron ore reduction
18.7 Development of low emissions coal-based power generation technologies
18.8 Integrated coal complexes and polygeneration
18.9 Final words
18.10 Acknowledgments
- No. of pages: 576
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: October 31, 2013
- Imprint: Woodhead Publishing
- Paperback ISBN: 9780081013755
- Paperback ISBN: 9781782421160
- eBook ISBN: 9781782421177