The Chemistry and Bacteriology of Public Health
- 1st Edition - October 22, 2013
- Authors: C. L. Dunn, D. D. Pandya
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 9 5 5 3 - 7
The Chemistry and Bacteriology of Public Health deals with public health hygiene. This book reviews the alkalimetry, acidimetry, standard solutions, normal solutions, and the… Read more

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Request a sales quoteThe Chemistry and Bacteriology of Public Health deals with public health hygiene. This book reviews the alkalimetry, acidimetry, standard solutions, normal solutions, and the preparation of solutions in public health laboratories, including methods of estimating equivalent weights of substances. In collecting water samples for analysis, the investigator should avoid all sources of extraneous contamination. The Wanklyn's process analyzes organic matter in the water: different tests give quantitative estimates of water contamination or bacterial purity. The authors point that the process of analyzing sewage and sewage effluents are the same as in water analysis except that sewage is diluted with distilled water. The authors also explain how air and water are analyzed, soil analysis being a complex process. The authors discuss milk analysis (fresh, boiled, skimmed, powdered, condensed), butter, cheese, food grains. Microscopic examination of bacteria from samples taken are examined alive, in film preparations, or in sections. The book describes in detail the different types of bacteria, their occurrence, and how these are examined or cultured. This book is intended as a laboratory handbook for students taking up the examination in Public Health. The book can also prove beneficial for social worker, public health officials, and for undergraduate medical students.
Part I Chemistry Chapter I. Alkalimetry, Acidimetry, Standard and Normal Solutions Chapter II. The Physical and Chemical Examination of Water Chapter III. The Analysis of Sewage and Sewage Effluents Chapter IV. The Analysis of Soils Chapter V. The Analysis of Air Chapter VI. Milk Analysis Chapter VII. The Analysis of Butter, Ghee and Cheese Chapter VIII. The Examination of Food Grains, Bread, Beverages, etc Chapter IX. The Examination of Disinfectants Part II.—Bacteriology Chapter I. The General Morphology and Biology of Bacteria Classification Nomenclature The Anatomy of Bacteria The Physiology of Bacteria Variation and Mutation The Bacteriophage Chapter II. The Microscopic Examination of Bacteria and Staining of Specimens Microscopic Preparations Staining Methods Staining Sections Chapter III. The Preparation of Apparatus and Media and Cultivation of Bacteria Sterilization Cultivation Isolation Incubation Filtration Preparation of Media Blood Cultures Biochemical Reactions. Chapter IV. Sera, Serum Tests, Vaccines and the Collection of Material for Examination Agglutination The Absorption Test Preparation of Agglutinating Sera The Opsonic Index The Hsemolytic Test The Wassermann Reaction The Preparation of Bacterial Vaccines Inoculation of Animals Examination of Dead Animals The Collection of Material for Pathological Examination Chapter V. Immunity Natural Acquired Antitoxic Sera Antibacterial Sera Haemolysins Opsonins Agglutinins Precipitins Chapter VI. The Non-pathogenic Bacteria and the Hyphomycetes B. prodigiosus B. subtilis B. megatherium B. mycoides The Putrefactive Organisms Proteus vulgaris Proteus mirabilis Proteus zenkeri Micrococcusureae B. acidi lactici The Hyphomycetes Chapter VII. The Pathogenic Bacteria—I.—Aerobic The staphylococci The Streptococci The Pneumococcus The Gonococcus The Brucella B. pyocyaneus B. tuberculosis B. leprae B. mallei Actinomycosis B. Anthracis The Colon-typhoid-dysentery group B. Diphtheriae V. Choleras B. Influenza B. Pestis Chapter II. Anaerobic B. Tetani The Anaerobic Organisms Associated with Septic Wounds B. Botulinus Bacterial Food-Poisoning Chapter VIII. The Spirochaetae, Rickettsia and the Filter-passing Viruses Spironema Pallidum Spirochseta Refringens Spirochaeta Gracile Spirochaeta Minutimi Spirochaeta pertenuis Spirodiaeta microdentium Spirochaeta of Vincent's angina Leptospira icterohaemorrhapiae Leptospiraicteroides Leptospira hebdomadis Spirochaetamorsus muris Spirochaeta obermeieri Spironema duttoni Rickettsia Filter-passing Viruses Smallpox Hydrophobia Epidemic Poliomyelitis Epidemic Encephalitis Chapter IX. Pathogenic Protozoa Trypanosoma Leishmania Trichomonas Giardia Blood Parasites Resembling Malarial Parasites-Malarial Parasites Plasmodium praecox-Piroplasma Theileria Haeniogregarines The Amoeba Chapter X. Animal Parasites Trematodes Cestodes Nematodes—Filariae Chapter XI. The Extra Corporeal Hosts of Pathogenic Organisms Ticks Sarcoptes Sandflies Tabanidae Muscidae Lice Bugs Fleas Mosquitoes Chapter XII. The Bacteriological Examination of Water, Air and Soil Chapter XIII. The Bacteriology of Milk, Meat, etc Chapter XIV. The Determination of the Germicidal Power of Disinfectants Index
- No. of pages: 426
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: October 22, 2013
- Imprint: Butterworth-Heinemann
- eBook ISBN: 9781483195537
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