The Cat Primary Visual Cortex
- 1st Edition - October 15, 2001
- Editors: Bertram Payne, Alan Peters
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 5 5 2 1 0 4 - 8
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 5 2 5 3 2 - 7
Written by experts on the forefront of investigations of brain function, vision, and perception, the material presented is of an unparalleled scientific quality, and shows that… Read more

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Request a sales quoteWritten by experts on the forefront of investigations of brain function, vision, and perception, the material presented is of an unparalleled scientific quality, and shows that analyses of enormous breadth and sophistication are required to probe the structure and function of brain regions. The articles are highly persuasive in showing what can be achieved by carrying out careful and imaginative experiments. The Cat Primary Visual Cortex should emerge as essential reading for all those interested in cerebral cortical processing of visual signals or researching or working in any field of vision.
- Comprehensive account of cat primary visual cortex
- Generous use of illustrations including color
- Covers research from structure to connections to functions
- Chapters by leaders in the field
- Topics presneted on multiple, compatible levels
Neuroscientists, neurologists, cell and developmental biologists, and anyone involved in the visual sciences field
1 The Concept of Cat Primary Visual Cortex
Milestones in the Development of the Concept of Cat Primary Visual Cortex
Composition of Area 17
Comparison of the Architectonics of Areas 17 and 18 and Identification of Borders
Visual Maps in Areas 17 and 18
Circuitry and Signal Processing in Areas 17 and 18
Visually Guided Behavior
Recent Challenges to the Primacy of Areas 17 and 18
2 Optical Imaging of Functional Architecture in Cat Primary Visual Cortex
Methodological Aspects of Optical Imaging
Optical Imaging of Functional Maps in Cat Visual Cortex
Relationships between Columnar Systems
Comparison with the Functional Architecture in Other Species
Concluding Remarks
3 2-Deoxyglucose Architecture of Cat Primary Visual Cortex
Orientation Domains
Ocular Dominance Domains
Spatial Frequency Domains
Development and Experience-Dependent Changes of Cortical Maps
Advantages and Disadvantages of the 2-DG Technique
4 Functional Mapping in The Cat Primary Visual Cortex Using High Magnetic Fields
Limitations of Current Techniques, or Why We Need Another Mapping Technique
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Functional MRI of the Cat Primary Visual Cortex
5 Relationships of LGN Afferents and Cortical Efferents to Cytochrome Oxidase Blobs
Parallel Processing in the Mammalian Visual System
Organization of CO Staining in Cat Primary Visual Cortex
Geniculate Inputs to the CO Blobs
Molecular Markers for Other Blob/Interblob Inputs
Outputs of the CO Blobs
Projections to Area 19
Comparisons with Primates
The Vertical Meridian Rule
Callosal Fibers Interlink Cortical Sites That are in Retinotopic, Rather Than Anatomical, Correspondence
Interhemispheric Correlated Activity Guides Callosal Development
Summary and Concluding Remarks
7 Essential and Sustaining LGN Inputs to Cat Primary Visual Cortex
The Reversible Inactivation Technique
Two Circuits in Area 17
Area 18: More Integrative Than Area 17
Functional Architecture of Visual Cortex
8 Integration of Thalamic Inputs to Cat Primary Visual Cortex
Simple Receptive Fields
Numerical Aspects of the Geniculocortical Projection
Feedforward (Thalamic) Connections and Simple Cell Responses
Intrinsic Connections and Simple-Cell Responses
9 The Emergence of Direction Selectivity in Cat Primary Visual Cortex
Directional Tuning: The Basics
Computational Requirements for Direction Selectivity
Biological Instantiation of Computational Principles
Origins of Cortical Timings: The Lagged/Nonlagged Cell Model
Comparison with Recent Models
Intracortical Inhibition: Experimental Evidence
How are Inputs Combined?
Intralaminar and Interlaminar Interactions
Summary and Conclusions
Future Directions
10 Long-Range Intrinsic Connections in Cat Primary Visual Cortex
Historical Overview
Layout of Long-Range Horizontal Connections
Types of Neurons Forming Long-Range Horizontal Connections
Synaptic Targets of Long-Range Intrinsic Connections
Divergence and Convergence of Long-Range Horizontal Connections at the Ultrastructural Level
Topographic Relations between Long-Range Intrinsic Connections and Functional Cortical Maps
Possible Functions
Plasticity of Long-Range Connections in the Adult
11 Pharmacological Studies on Receptive Field Architecture
Receptive Field Architecture in Cat Striate Cortex Cells
Specific Local Synaptic Input Systems to Striate Cortex Cells
Striate Cortical Network Effects on RF Properties
12 Orientation Selectivity and its Modulation by Local and Long-Range Connections in Visual Cortex
Overview and Introduction
Contributions of Local Cortical Excitation to the Generation of Orientation Selectivity: The Emergent Model
Effect of Long-Range Connections on Orientation-Specific Responses
Supraoptimal Responses and Dynamic Properties of Recurrent Inhibition
Short-Term Plasticity of Orientation Tuning Induced by Pattern Adaptation
Concluding Remarks
13 Response Synchronization, Gamma Oscillations, and Perceptual Binding in Cat Primary Visual Cortex
Two Complimentary Strategies for the Representation of Relations: Smart Neurons and Assemblies
A Need for Dynamic Response Selection and Binding
Dynamic Grouping Mechanisms
Response Synchronization in Striate Cortex
Response Synchronization, Mechanisms and Properties
Relation between Response Synchronization and Perceptual Phenomena
Dependency on Central States and Attention
Plasticity of Synchronizing Connections
The Impact of Synchronized Responses
Gamma Oscillations and Visual Perceptions in Human Subjects
Stimulus Locked Synchronization and Perceptual Grouping
14 The Special Relationship between Β Retinal Ganglion Cells and Cat Primary Visual Cortex
Identification of Subsystems and Connections
Visual System Connections and Function in the Newborn
Visual Cortex Lesions
Factors Linked to Survival and Death of Ganglion Cells
15 Primary Visual Cortex within the Cortico-Cortico-Thalamic Network
Structure-Function Relationships
16 Behavioral Analyses of the Contributions of Cat Primary Visual Cortex to Vision
The Behavioral Consequences of Lesions of the Visual Cortex
Insights Gained from Cats Reared with Selected Forms of Early Visual Deprivation
- No. of pages: 725
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: October 15, 2001
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Hardback ISBN: 9780125521048
- eBook ISBN: 9780080525327
Bertram Payne
Affiliations and expertise
Boston University School of Medicine, Massachusetts, U.S.A.AP
Alan Peters
Affiliations and expertise
Boston University School of Medicine, Massachusetts, U.S.A.Read The Cat Primary Visual Cortex on ScienceDirect