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This book provides a comprehensive yet simple presentation of Preventive and Community Dentistry. Based on the syllabus prescribed by Dental Council of India, the book covers va… Read more
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This book provides a comprehensive yet simple presentation of Preventive and Community Dentistry. Based on the syllabus prescribed by Dental Council of India, the book covers various aspects of public health, dental public health, preventive dentistry, and research methodology. An important feature of the book is inclusion of additional chapters on Forensic dentistry, Hospital administration, Occupational hazards, Nutrition and oral Health, Minimal invasive dentistry and Dental Practice management. These chapters are vital for richer understanding of community dentistry. Further, some useful information like facts about tobacco, fluorides and clinical cases proforma are included separately under the Appendices. All these features make the book quite comprehensive in scope and contemporary in approach.
This book provides a comprehensive yet simple presentation of Preventive and Community Dentistry. Based on the syllabus prescribed by Dental Council of India, the book covers various aspects of public health, dental public health, preventive dentistry, and research methodology. An important feature of the book is inclusion of additional chapters on Forensic dentistry, Hospital administration, Occupational hazards, Nutrition and oral Health, Minimal invasive dentistry and Dental Practice management. These chapters are vital for richer understanding of community dentistry. Further, some useful information like facts about tobacco, fluorides and clinical cases proforma are included separately under the Appendices. All these features make the book quite comprehensive in scope and contemporary in approach.
1 Concepts of Health and Disease and
Prevention, 3
Introduction, 3
Changing concepts of health, 3
Definitions of health, 4
Dimensions of health, 4
Concept of wellbeing, 5
Spectrum of health, 6
Determinants of health, 6
Responsibility for health, 7
Indicators of health, 8
Health service philosophies, 10
Strategies for the MDG, 13
Concept of disease, 14
Concept of causation, 14
Natural history of disease, 15
Disease classification, 17
Changing pattern of disease, 17
Community diagnosis and treatment, 17
Concepts of control, 17
Concepts of prevention, 18
Modes of intervention, 19
2 General Epidemiology, 22
Introduction, 22
Epidemiology and clinical medicine, 23
Scope of epidemiology, 23
Varieties of epidemiology, 23
The epidemiologic triad, 24
Measurements in epidemiology, 25
Epidemiological methods, 28
Analytical studies, 30
Association, relationship and causation, 33
Uses of epidemiology, 34
Screening for dental disease, 35
Investigation of an epidemic, 39
3 Environmental Health, 42
Definition of environmental health, 42
Components of environmental health, 42
General impact of environment on health, 42
Specific environmental health effects, 42
Methods of identifying environmental
pollution/contamination, 43
Differences between eradication, control and
elimination of environmental health
hazards, 43
Air pollution, 43
Noise pollution, 46
Water pollution, 49
Introduction, 58
Disposal of wastes, 58
Solid wastes, 59
Occupational hazards associated with
waste handling, 64
Public education, 65
4 Health Education, 67
Introduction, 67
Definition, 67
Approaches to public health, 67
People participation in health
education, 68
Concepts of health education, 68
Nature of learning, 68
Principles of health education, 68
Levels of health education, 70
Methods of health education, 70
Types of communication, 74
Barriers to communication, 75
Planning and evaluation of health
education programme, 75
Health education and propaganda, 76
5 Primary Health Care, 78
Introduction, 78
Declaration of Alma Ata, 78
Primary health care, 80
Principles of primary health care, 80
Core activities, 81
Strategic imperatives, 81
Perceptions and commitment, 81
Problems with implementation of primary
health care, 82
Reasons for lack of implementation of primary
dental health care in India, 82
Primary health care in India, 82
Staffing pattern, 85
Functions of PHC, 86
6 National Health Programmes, 87
Introduction, 87
National health programmes in india, 88
Nutritional programme, 92
Pilot project on control of cardiovascular diseases
and stroke, 94
National programme for prevention and control
of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and
stroke (NPDCS), 95
7 International and National Health
Agencies, 97
Introduction, 97
Objectives, 97
Quarantine, 97
PAN American sanitary bureau (PASB 1902), 98
Office international d’hygiene publique (1907), 98
The health organization of the league of
nations (1923), 98
The united nations relief and rehabilitation
administration (UNRRA 1943), 99
International health agencies, 99
Indian voluntary health agencies, 111
8 Hospital Administration, 114
Introduction, 114
What is hospital administration?, 114
Services offered by the hospital, 115
Hospital as a system, 115
Hospital organization, 115
Categories of hospitals, 115
Human relation in hospitals, 118
Major areas of conflicts in hospital, 118
Quality assurance in health care, 118
Medicolegal aspects of hospital care, 119
9 Behavioural Sciences, 122
Introduction, 122
Definition, 122
Components, 122
Scope and use of behavioural science in
dental health, 122
Sociology, 123
Psychology, 124
Anthropology, 126
10 Introduction to Dental Public Health, 131
Introduction, 131
History of dentistry, 131
Definition of practice of dentistry, 134
Aims and objectives in planning dental care, 134
Scope of dental care, 134
Public health, 134
Dental public health, 136
Functions of public health dentist, 138
Roles of dental public health workers, 139
Achievements of dental public health
professional, 139
11 Epidemiology of Dental Caries, 141
Introduction, 141
Epidemiological studies, 141
Indian scenario, 142
Global scenario and current trends in
caries incidence, 142
Epidemiological factors of dental caries, 143
Host factors (demographic factors), 143
Agent factors, 146
Environmental factors, 146
12 Epidemiology of Periodontal Diseases, 148
Introduction, 148
Aetiology of periodontal disease, 148
Pathogenesis of periodontal disease, 152
Epidemiology of periodontal disease, 152
Epidemiologic studies, 152
National oral health survey and fluoride
mapping 2002–2003 (conducted by dental
council of India), 153
Epidemiologic factors, 154
13 Epidemiology of Oral Cancer, 157
Introduction, 157
Global scenario of oral cancer, 157
Spectrum of oral cancer in India, 158
Age distribution, 159
Gender distribution, 159
Ethnic basis, 159
Site distribution, 159
Trends, 159
Aetiology and risk factors, 160
Classification of oral cancer, 162
Clinical presentations of cancer of
oral mucosa, 163
Diagnosis of oral cancer, 164
Treatment of oral cancer, 164
Prevention and control of oral cancer, 164
Role of dentist in detecting and preventing
oral cancer, 168
Population-based cancer registries: invisible key
to cancer control, 168
14 Oral Health Education, 172
Introduction, 172
Considerations in oral health education, 172
Nature of learning, 173
Educational process, 174
One-to-one communication, 175
General educational theories, 176
Basic concepts of oral health education, 176
Approaches in oral health education and health
promotion, 180
15 Nutrition and Oral Health, 182
Introduction, 182
Nutrition, 182
Classification of nutrients, 182
Assessment of patient’s nutritional status, 187
Dietary history and evaluation, 187
Diet counselling and dietary advice, 188
16 Surveying and Oral Health Surveys, 190
Introduction, 190
Steps in survey, 190
Pathfinder surveys, 194
Subgroups, 194
Index ages and age groups, 194
Number of subjects, 195
Organizing the survey, 195
Reliability and validity of data, 196
Implementing the survey, 196
Survey form, 196
17 Indices, 198
Introduction, 198
Definition of index, 198
Objective of an index, 198
Properties of an ideal index, 199
Purpose and uses of an index, 199
Selection of an index, 199
Types of indices, 200
18 Dental Auxiliaries, 222
Introduction, 222
Rationale for training and use of dental
auxiliary, 222
Definition, 223
Classification, 223
Effects of auxiliaries on dental education, 224
Dental manpower planning, 225
Benefits of using auxiliaries, 227
Impact of auxiliaries in Indian scenario, 227
19 Financing Dental Care, 229
Introduction, 229
Structure of dental practice, 229
Dental plan standards, 230
Classification of payment plans, 232
State children’s health insurance programme
(SCHIP), 238
Indian scenario, 238
20 Dental Needs and Resources, 241
Introduction, 241
Dental needs, 241
Demand for treatment, 243
Manpower, 243
Scope of service, 243
Matching programmes to need and demand, 244
21 Planning and Evaluation in Oral Health, 246
Introduction, 246
Types of health planning, 246
Planning of dental health services, 246
Planning for community dental programmes, 248
Rational planning model, 251
Evaluation, 251
Framework for programme evaluation in public
health, 253
22 School Dental Health Programmes, 257
Introduction, 257
Health promoting school, 257
Importance of oral health, 258
Importance of schools in promoting oral health, 258
Planning a school dental health programme, 259
Oral health education programmes, 261
School based preventive programmes, 264
Referral for dental care, 265
School lunch programme, 265
Incremental dental care, 266
Evaluation, 266
23 Dental Practice Management, 268
Introduction, 268
Factors associated with successful dental
practice, 26
24 Ethics in Dentistry, 272
Introduction, 272
Ethics and human conduct, 272
Ethics and social sciences, 272
Evolution of medical ethics, 273
Basis for medical ethics, 273
Principles of ethics, 274
Ethical rules for dentists prescribed by DCI, 275
25 Dentist Act—1948, 278
Introduction, 278
Effect of registration, 282
Miscellaneous, 283
The dentists (amendment) act, 1993, 285
26 Dental Council of India (DCI) and Indian
Dental Association (IDA), 288
The dentists act, 1948, 288
Introductory, 288
Dental council of India, 289
The executive committee, 290
Recognition of dental qualification, 290
Qualification of dental hygienists, 291
Qualification of dental mechanics, 291
Qualification of dental hygienist, 291
Mode of declaration, 293
Preparation and maintenance of register, 294
The Indian Dental Association (IDA), 295
Management of the association, 296
27 Consumer Protection Act, 298
Introduction, 298
Supreme court decisions on the consumer
protection act, 299
Authorities for filing complaints based
on amounts of compensation, 300
Powers of consumer redressal forums
and commissions, 300
Who can sue the doctor under CPA?, 301
Against whom can a complaint be filed?, 301
Who are exempted?, 301
When the doctor can be sued?, 301
What you should do when you receive
a complaint?, 301
What is a complaint?, 302
Time limit to file a complaint, 302
Guidelines to be adopted to avoid needless
litigations, 302
Consent, 303
Salient features of consumer courts, 303
Consumer protection act and patients, 304
Consumer protection act and doctors, 304
Limitation of consumer forum, 304
28 Forensic Odontology, 306
Introduction, 306
History, 307
Common reasons for identification of found
human remains, 307
Principles of dental identification, 307
Dental identification, 308
29 Introduction and Principles of Preventive
Dentistry, 317
Concepts of preventive dentistry, 320
Scope of preventive dentistry, 320
Principles of preventive dentistry, 320
30 Dental Caries, 321
Introduction, 321
Early theories of caries aetiology, 322
Current concepts of caries aetiology, 323
Clinical manifestations of dental caries process, 328
Caries of enamel, 330
Dentinal caries, 332
Root caries, 335
Microbiology of dental caries, 335
Mechanism of adherence of microorganisms to
tooth surface, 336
Formation of plaque, 336
Role of saliva in dental caries, 337
31 Diet and Dental Caries, 340
Introduction, 340
Food, 340
Diet, 340
Nutrition, 340
Components of foods, 340
Classification of carbohydrates, 341
Evidence linking diet and dental caries, 341
Cariogenicity of sucrose, 342
Stephan curve (1940), 343
Oral clearance of carbohydrates, 344
Preventive dietary programme, 344
Dietary counselling, 345
Tooth-friendly snack or ideal snack, 345
Sugar substitutes, 345
Functions of sugar in food technology, 346
Classification, 346
Difficulties in substitution of sucrose, 346
32 Caries Risk Assessment, 348
Introduction, 348
Risk group, 348
Factors relevant for assessment of caries risk, 349
Clinical evidence, 349
Identifying relevant risk factors, 349
Caries diagnosis, 350
33 Caries Activity Tests, 352
Introduction, 352
Caries activity tests, 352
Mutans group of streptococci screening tests, 354
Uses, 355
34 Cariogram, 357
Cariogram—the five sectors, 357
Chance to avoid caries, 358
Principles of caries risk estimation based on
"cariogram" concept, 358
Using the cariogram for evaluation of caries risk, 361
35 Dental Caries Vaccine, 363
Introduction, 363
Prospects for vaccination against dental caries, 364
Route of administration of vaccine, 365
Effective molecular targets for dental caries
vaccine, 365
Synthetic peptide vaccines, 366
Risk factors, 367
Past, present and future human applications, 367
36 Fluorides, 370
Introduction, 370
Water fluoridation, 371
Physiology and chemistry of fluoride, 373
Fluoride homeostasis, 373
Fluoride biomarkers, 376
Mechanism of action of fluoride, 377
Classification of fluoride therapy, 380
Dental fluorosis, 393
Defluoridation, 398
37 Fluoride Technology: A Global Perspective, 403
Global variation in exposure to fluoride, 403
Balancing benefits and risks of fluoride, 403
Water fluoridation globally, 404
Salt fluoridation in the world, 406
Milk fluoridation in the world, 406
Global fluoride toothpaste usage, 406
Inequality in oral health and fluoride policy, 407
Developing policy on fluoride, 409
38 Oral Hygiene Aids, 412
Introduction, 412
Manual toothbrush, 412
Powered toothbrushes, 415
Dental floss, 418
Interproximal and unitufted brushes, 419
Wooden or plastic triangular sticks, 420
Tongue cleaners, 421
Rinsing, 421
Irrigation devices, 422
Dentifrices and mouth rinses, 423
39 Pit and Fissure Sealants, 428
Introduction, 428
Definition, 429
Types of pit and fissure sealants, 429
A type of fissure sealant, 430
B type of fissures, 431
Patient and tooth selection, 432
Technique for sealant application, 432
Follow-up and review, 435
Minimally invasive preventive restorations
(preventive resin restoration—PRR), 435
Sealing of carious fissures, 436
Sealants versus amalgams, 436
Cost effectiveness of fissure sealants, 437
Sealant as part of a total preventive package, 437
Present status of pit and fissure sealants, 437
40 Atraumatic Restorative Treatment, 440
Introduction, 440
Principles, 440
Contraindications, 441
Rationale for application of ART, 441
Tips on working, 441
ART: important guidelines, 447
41 Minimal Invasive Dentistry (MID), 449
Introduction, 449
Definition, 449
Principles of minimally invasive dentistry, 449
Early caries detection, 450
42 Prevention of Dental Caries, 455
Introduction, 455
Caries preventive methods and means, 455
Dietary measures, 456
Oral hygiene measures, 458
Fluoride and different vehicles to provide
fluoride, 458
Antimicrobial agents and treatments, 460
Salivary stimulation, 461
Fissure sealants, 462
General recommendations for prevention of dental
caries with respect to use of sugars, 462
Recommendations (for children at high risk of
dental caries), 463
43 Prevention of Periodontal Diseases, 465
Introduction, 465
Implications for prevention, 465
Factors predisposing to plaque accumulation, 465
Oral hygiene aids, 468
Chemical plaque control, 469
44 Prevention of Malocclusion, 474
Introduction, 474
Aetiology of malocclusion, 474
Preventive measures, 476
Interceptive measures, 477
Scope and limitations of interceptive
orthodontics, 479
45 Prevention of Dental Trauma, 481
Introduction, 481
Primary protection, 482
Secondary prevention, 483
Tertiary prevention, 485
46 Occupational Hazards in Dentistry, 486
Introduction, 486
Occupational hazards, 486
Musculoskeletal disorders and diseases of
the PNS, 490
Recommendations, 490
Hospital waste management in dental
care setting, 490
47 Infection Control in Dental Care Setting, 493
Introduction, 493
Infection control procedures, 494
Disinfection and dental laboratory, 500
48 Evidence Based Dentistry, 502
How to search for the right evidence, 503
49 Research Methodology, 507
Introduction to research, 507
Research methodology, 508
Research design and types, 508
Research questions and formulation
of hypotheses, 509
Ethical consideration in research, 509
Presenting results and basic nuances
of publishing, 509
50 Biostatistics, 511
Introduction, 511
Presentation of data, 511
Sampling techniques, 513
Statistical inference, 516
Correlation and regression, 517
1 Definitions and Glossary, 521
2 Oral Health Assessment Proforma (1997), 532
3 Case History Proforma, 537
4 Levels of Prevention, 542
5 Tobacco use, Effects on Health and
Management, 544
6 Fluoride Facts, 551