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Textbook of Neuropathology
- 2nd Edition - January 1, 1946
- Author: Arthur Weil
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 0 0 9 3 - 4
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 1 2 5 3 - 1
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 2 5 9 6 - 8
Textbook of Neuropathology, Second Edition covers some of the significant advances in understanding the theoretical and experimental aspects of neuropathology. Neuropathology is… Read more
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Request a sales quoteTextbook of Neuropathology, Second Edition covers some of the significant advances in understanding the theoretical and experimental aspects of neuropathology. Neuropathology is the study of the nervous tissue in disease and the determination of deviations of its structures from the normal. This edition is composed of 13 chapters, and begins with the description of the chemical changes occurring in the cell through autolysis and fixation. The subsequent chapters are devoted to studies on better understanding of the vitamin deficiencies, the discovery of the sulfonamides and their contribution to the therapy of meningitis, and the different forms of shock treatment applied to selected cases of neurosis and psychosis. The remaining chapters explore the contribution of neuropathological investigation in various medical conditions, including anemic softening, arteriosclerosis, inflammation, infections, intoxications, injuries, degenerative diseases, tumors, and congenital malformations. This book will be of use to neuropathologists and workers and researchers in the allied fields.
Preface to the First EditionPreface to the Second EditionIntroductionChapter I. Changes through Autolysis and Fixation Autolysis Postmortem Infection Action of Ferments Fixation Effect of Formalin Fixation Effect of Alcohol Fixation Corpora Amylacea and Amyloid BodiesChapter II. Diseases of the Neuron Normal Variations and Postmortem Changes Specific Reactions Incrustations Lipoids Glycogen and AmyloidChapter III. The Glia and Its Pathology Astrocytes Oligodendroglia Microglia Degenerative (Regressive) Changes of Glia CellsChapter IV. Pathology of the Myelin Sheath and the Axis-Cylinder Experimental Demyelinization Degeneration of the Myelin Sheaths Disease of the Axis-Cylinders Regeneration of the Peripheral NervesChapter V. Anemic Softening The Oxygen Consumption of the Brain Anoxemia Etiology of Anemia Anemic Softening of the Brain Hemorrhagic Softening of the Brain Brain PurpuraChapter VI. Arteriosclerosis Vascular Disease in Arteriosclerosis Atherosclerosis Arteriolosclerosis Calcification of the Media Arteriocapillary Fibrosis Pathology of the Brain Apoplexy The Arteriosclerotic Brain Arteriosclerosis of the Spinal CordChapter VII. Inflammation Definition The Hemato-Encephalic BarrierChapter VIII. Infections The Mode of Invasion of Micro-organisms Classification of Infections 1. Meningo-Encephalitis 2. Metastatic or Embolic Disseminated Encephalitis 3. Diffuse Polio-Encephalitis 4. Disseminated Polio-Encephalitis 5. Disseminated Encephalitis with Demyelinization 6. Diffuse Perivenous Focal Encephalitis Tissue Alterations Following Infection Exudation and Proliferation Meningitis Acute Leptomeningitis Chronic Leptomeningitis Ependymitis Epidemic Meningitis Nonepidemic Forms of Purulent Meningitis Infectious Encephalitis and Myelitis Purulent Encephalitis and Brain Abscess Purulent Myelitis Acute Epidemic Encephalitis Acute Poliomyelitis Tuberculosis of the Central Nervous System Tuberculous Meningitis Tuberculoma Pott's Disease Syphilis of the Central Nervous System Syphilitic Meningitis Gumma Syphilitic Meningo-Encephalitis Syphilitic Meningomyelitis Vascular Syphilis General Paralysis Tabes Dorsalis Blastomyces Infections Protozoal Infections Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis Disseminated Sclerosis Diffuse SclerosisChapter IX. Intoxications Alcohol Alkaloids and Narcotics Lead and Arsenic Insulin and Metrazol Carbon Monoxide Endogenous Intoxication Meat Poisoning Liver Disease Uremia Avitaminosis Subacute Combined DegenerationChapter X. Injuries The Brain Concussion Skull Fractures and Brain Wounds The Spinal Cord Concussion Compression The Peripheral Nerves Effects of X Rays, Heat, and Electrical CurrentChapter XI. Degenerative Diseases The Muscular Dystrophies Dystrophia Musculorum Dystrophia Myotonica Myotonia Congenita Myasthenia Gravis The Amyotrophies Progressive Neuropathic (Peroneal) Muscular Atrophy Progressive Muscular Atrophies Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis The Heredofamilial Ataxias Chorea Chronic Progressive Chorea (Huntington) Infectious Chorea Parkinsonism Familial Amaurotic Idiocy Cerebral Cortical Degeneration Senile Cortical Degeneration Pick's Disease (Lobar Sclerosis)Chapter XII. Tumors Tumors of the Meninges Tumors of the Glia Group 1: 1. Astrocytoma. 2. Oligodendroglioma. Group 2: 1. Glioblastoma multiforme. 2. Spongioblastoma Polare. 3. Astroblastoma. 4. Medulloblastoma. 5. Neuro-epithelioma. 6. Medullo-epithelioma Tumors of the Neuron 1. Ganglioneuroma 2. Neuroblastoma Tumors of the Ependyma Tumors of the Choroidal Epithelium Tumors of the Blood Vessels Tumors of the Hypophysis Tumors of the Craniopharyngeal Duct Tumors of the Pineal Gland Tumors of the Nerves Tumors of the Spinal Cord Syringomyelia Metastatic TumorsChapter XIII. Congenitcal Malformations Cortical Malformation Tuberous Sclerosis Malformations of the Sheaths of the Central Nervous System Hydrocephalus Internus Little's DiseaseAppendix Tables 23-30 Autopsy and Fixation of the Central Nervous System Staining Methods Embedding 1. Axis-Cylinders 2. Myelin Sheaths 3. Nissl Bodies and Nuclei 4. Connective Tissue 5. Micro- and Oligodendroglia 6. Astrocytes 7. Microglia 8. Glia Fibers 9. Fat Stain 10. Hematoxylin-Eosin StainBibliographyIndex
- No. of pages: 370
- Language: English
- Edition: 2
- Published: January 1, 1946
- Imprint: Butterworth-Heinemann
- Hardback ISBN: 9781483200934
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483212531
- eBook ISBN: 9781483225968