Part 1: The Kidney as an Endocrine Organ
Section 1: Erythropoietin
1.Erythropoientin: An Historical Overview of Physiology, Molecular Biology
And Gene Regulation
David R. Mole, Peter J. Ratcliffe
2.Erythropoiesis: The Role of Erythropoietin and Iron
Herbert Lin
3.Extra-Hematopoietic Action of Erythropoietin
Zheqing Cai, Gregg Semenza
4.Development of Recombinant Erythropoietin and Erythropoietin Analogues
Iain Macdougall
5.Erythropoietin Disease States & Resistance
Ajay K. Singh, Tejas Patel, Shona Pendse, Sairam Keithi-Reddy
Section 2: Vitamin D, PTH and Novel Regulators of Phosphate
6.Vitamin D and the Kidney: Introduction and Historical Perspective
Ajay K. Singh, Tejas Patel
7. Vitamin D: Molecular Biology and Gene Regulation
Adriana Dusso, Alex J. Brown
8. Molecular Biology of Parathyroid Hormone
Peter A. Friedman
9.Endocrine Regulation of Phosphate Homeostasis
Harald Jüppner
Section 3: Renin-angiotensin
10.Introduction and Historical Overview
Joel Menard
11.Molecular Biology of Renin and Regulation of Its Gene
Timothy L. Reudelhuber, Daniel F. Catanzaro
12. Physiology and Regulation of the RAAS System
Robert Carey, Shetal H. Padia
13. The Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System and the Kidney
George Bakris, Benjamin Ko
14. The Renin Angiotensin and the Heart
Carlos Ferrario, Aaron Trask
15. The Renin-Angrotensin blockade: Therapeutic Agents
Domenic Sica
Part 2: The Kidney as a Hormonal target
Section 4: Anti-diuretic Hormone
16. Vasopressin in the Kidney: Historical Aspects
Jeffrey Sands, Lynn E. Schlanger
17. Molecular Biology and Gene Regulation
Carolyn Ecelbarger, Swasti Tiwari
18. Vasopressin Antagonists in Physiology and Disease
Tomas Berl, Robert W. Schrier
19. Diabetes Insipidus and SIADH
J Carlos Ayus, Michael Moritz
Section 5: The Atrial Natriuretic Peptides
20. ANP, BNP and CNP Physiology and Pharmacology of the Cardiorenal Axis
John C Burnett, Jr., Candace Lee
Section 6: Aldosterone
21.Introduction and Historical Overview
John Coghlan, James Tait
22.Aldosterone Receptors and Their Renal Effects: Molecular Biology
And Gene Regulation
Celso Gomez-Sanchez, Elise P. Gomez-Sanchez, Mario Galigniana
23. Aldosterone and Its Cardiovascular Effects
Gail K Adler, Rajesh Garg
24. Aldosterone Regulation
William Rainey, Wendy B. Bollag, Carlos M. Isales
Section 7: Endocrine Disorders in Renal Failure
25. Insulin resistance
Donald Simonson
26. Growth hormone
John Mahan
27.Sexual Dysfunction in Men and Women with Chronic Kidney Disease
Biff F. Palmer
28.Thyroid Status in Chronic Renal Failure Patients
Victoria Lim, Manish Suneja
29.Metabolic Acidosis of Chronic Kidney Disease
Jeffrey A. Kraut, Glenn T. Nagami
30.Pregnancy and the Kidney
Ananth Karumanchi, Chun Lam