Thoroughly revamped and revised edition carrying precise information in a concise manner.
Radical changes have been effected in the chapters Death and Its Medicolegal Aspects: Forensic Thanatology; Sudden and Unexpected Deaths; Asphyxial Deaths; Deaths Associated with Surgery, Anaesthesia and Blood Transfusion; Custody Related Torture and/or Death; Medicolegal Examination of the Living; Injuries by Firearms; Complications of Trauma: Was Wounding Responsible for Death?; Consent to and Refusal of Treatment; Medical Negligence; and Intricacies of Forensic Toxicology.
Enriched with photographs, drawings, sketches, flowcharts, and tables for easy and catchy understanding.
Old cases have been replaced with new ones, making way for the readers to appreciate medicolegal implications.
Reflects author’s personal experience of about three decades and the knowledge gathered from extensive reading, interactions, deliberations, etc. at various platforms.