L.K. Abbott, A.D. Robson, and C. Gazey, Selection of Inoculant Vesicular-arabuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi.
I.C. Tommerup, Methods for the Study of the Population Biology of Vesicular-arabuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi.
D.M. Sylvia, Quantification of Externa; Hyphae of Vesicular-arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi.
H. Schüepp, M. Bodmer, and D.D. Miller, A Cuvette System Designed to Enable Monitoring of Growth and Spread of Hyphae of Vesicular-arabuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi External to Plant Roots.
J.-E. Nylund and H. Wallander, Ergosterol Analysis as a Means of Quantifying Mycorrhizal Biomass.
G. Bécard and Y. Piché, Establishment of Vesicular-arbuscular Mycorrhiza in Root Organ Culture; Review and Proposed Methodology.
S. Gianinazzi and V. Gianinazzi-Pearson, Cytology, Histochemistry, and Immunocytochemistry as Tools for Studying Structure and Function in Endomycorrhizae.
P. Bonfante-Fasolo and P. Spanu, Pathogenic and Endomycorrhizal Associations.
S. Rosendahl and R. Sen, Isozyme Analysis of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Their Mycorrhiza.
P.A. McGee and S.E. Smith, Enzymatic Separation of Vesicular-arabuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi from Roots: Methods, Applications, and Problems.
P.G. Williams, Axenic Culture of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi.
S. Perotto, F. Malavasi, and G.W. Butcher, Use of Monoclonal Antibodies to Study Mycorrhizae: Present Applications and Perspectives.
B. Hock, S. Liebmann, H. Beyrle, and K. Dressel, Phytohormone Analysis by Enzyme Immunoassays.
R. Toth, The Quantification of Arbuscules and Related Structures Using Morphometric Cytology.
vS. Rajapakse and J. Creighton Miller, Methods for Studying Vesicular-arbuscular Mycorrihizal Root Colonization and Related Root Physical Properties.
C. Pacioni, Wet-Sieving and Decanting Techniques for the Extraction of Spores of Vesicular-arbuscular Fungi.
M. Habte, Usefulness of Pinnule Technique in Mycorrhizal Research.
F. Feldmann and E. Idczak, Innoculum Production of Vesicular-arbuscular Mycorrihizal Fungi for Use in Tropical Nurseries.
D.J. Bagyaraj, Vesicular-arbuscular Mycorrhiza: Application in Agriculture.
G.L. Bethlenfalvay, Vesicular-arbuscular Mycorrihizal Fungi in Nitrogen--fixing Legumes: Problems and Prospects.
J.M. Barea, R. Azcon, and C. Azcón--Aguilar, Interactions between VAM and Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria.
E. Cervantes and C. Rodríguez-Barrueco, Relationships between the Mycorrihizal and Actinaorhizal Symbioses in Non-legumes.
Chapter References.