System Identification 2003
- 1st Edition - June 29, 2004
- Editors: Paul Van Den Hof, Bo Wahlberg, Siep Weiland
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 9 1 3 1 5 - 5
The scope of the symposium covers all major aspects of system identification, experimental modelling, signal processing and adaptive control, ranging from theoretical,… Read more

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Request a sales quoteThe scope of the symposium covers all major aspects of system identification, experimental modelling, signal processing and adaptive control, ranging from theoretical, methodological and scientific developments to a large variety of (engineering) application areas. It is the intention of the organizers to promote SYSID 2003 as a meeting place where scientists and engineers from several research communities can meet to discuss issues related to these areas. Relevant topics for the symposium program include: Identification of linear and multivariable systems, identification of nonlinear systems, including neural networks, identification of hybrid and distributed systems, Identification for control, experimental modelling in process control, vibration and modal analysis, model validation, monitoring and fault detection, signal processing and communication, parameter estimation and inverse modelling, statistical analysis and uncertainty bounding, adaptive control and data-based controller tuning, learning, data mining and Bayesian approaches, sequential Monte Carlo methods, including particle filtering, applications in process control systems, motion control systems, robotics, aerospace systems, bioengineering and medical systems, physical measurement systems, automotive systems, econometrics, transportation and communication systems
*Provides the latest research on System Identification
*Contains contributions written by experts in the field
*Part of the IFAC Proceedings Series which provides a comprehensive overview of the major topics in control engineering.
*Contains contributions written by experts in the field
*Part of the IFAC Proceedings Series which provides a comprehensive overview of the major topics in control engineering.
Volume 1
Plenary Paper from Experiments to Closed-Loop Control
From Experiments to Closed Loop Control
Identification for Control
Exploratory Modeling for Controller Optimization
Connecting PE Identification and Robust Control Theory: The Multiple-Input Single-Output Case. Part I: Uncertainty Region Validation
Connecting PE Identification and Robust Control Theory: The Multiple-Input Single-Output Case. Part II: Controller Validation
Relation Between Uncertainty Structures in Identification for Robust Control
Strong Robustness Measures for Sets of Linear SISO Systems
Using a Sufficient Condition to Analyze the Interplay Between Identification and Control
Nonlinear Identification
Structure Selection with ANOVA: Local Linear Models
On Identification of Hammerstein Systems Using Excitation with a Finite Number of Levels
Fast Approximate Identification of Nonlinear Systems
Gaussian Processes Framework for Validation of Linear and Nonlinear Models
Functional Analytic Framework for Model Selection
Robust Complexity Criteria for Nonlinear Regression in NARX Models
Identification of Mimo Communication Channels
Analysis of MIMO Channel Measurements
Performance Evaluation of MIMO Channel Prediction Algorithms Using Measurements
High-Resolution Channel Parameter Estimation for Communication Systems Equipped with Antenna Arrays
Analysis of Spectral-Based Localization of Spatially Distributed Sources
Ray Tracing Interpretation of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Wireless Systems
Computationally Efficient Blind MMSE Receivers for Long Code WCMDA Using Time-Varying Systems Theory
Estimation in Physical and Medical Systems
Maximum Likelihood Identification of Quantum Systems for Control Design
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Signal Amplitude and Noise Variance from Complex Valued Data
Reliable Nonlinear Identification in Medical Applications
Pattern Recognition of EEG Signals During Right and Left Motor Imagery
From Dynamic Metabolic Modeling to Unstructured Model Identification of Complex Biosystems
Flow Controlled Non-Invasive Ventilation Considering Mask Leakage and Spontaneous Breathing
Stochastic Systems
Estimation and Identification of Non-Stationary Functional Series TARMA Models
Modeling Multivariate Pollutant Time Series with Wavelet Functions
Estimating the Lyapunov Exponents of Chaotic Time Series Based on Polynomial Modeling
Sampling Density Design for Particle Filters
Diffusive Representation of Af-Th Order Fractional Brownian Motion
Applications of system Identification
Multi-Channel Active Noise Control for Uncertain Secondary Channels
Channel Estimation and Coupling Wave Cancellation in OFDM Relay Station
Application of System Identification for the Prediction of Avalanche Hazard
Models for Incoming Calls Forecasting in a Customer Attention Center
Modeling the Relationships Between the Users DB and the Web-Log File of a Large Virtual Community
Financial Econometrics
A Short Introduction to Time-Varying Volatility in Financial Time Series
Forecasting Emerging Equity Market Volatility Using Nonlinear GARCH Models
Stochastic Properties of Multivariate Time Series Equations with Emphasis on ARCH
A Rational Probability Density Approach to Stochastic Volatility Estimation
Semi-Plenary. Nippets of Identification Theory in Computer Vision
Snippets of System Identification in Computer Vision
Semi-Plenary. Interval Analysis for Guaranteed Nonlinear
Parameter Estimation
Interval Analysis for Guaranteed Nonlinear Parameter Estimation
Identification in Automotive Systems
Online Detection of Tyre Pressure Deflation in Passenger Cars
A Subspace-Based Identification Approach for the Analysis of Road Vehicles Yaw Dynamics Around Steering-Pad Conditions
Identification and Fault Detection of an Active Vehicle Suspension
Non-Adaptive Neural Automotive Sideslip Virtual Sensor
Parametric Identification of the Car Dynamics
Simulating Energy Consumption of Auxiliary Units in Heavy Vehicles
Sensor Identification and Monitoring
Prior Characterization of the Performance of Software Sensors
Model Based Source Localisation by Distributed Sensors for Point Sources and Diffusion
Continuous-Time Model Identification by Using Adaptive Observer
Optimal Filtering of Nonlinear Systems Based on Pseudo Gaussian Densities
A Total Least Squares Approach to Sensor Characterization
Identification of Nonlinear Systems I
Estimation and Validation of Semi-Parametric Dynamic Nonlinear Models
Nonlinear System Modeling Using the RBF Neural Network-Based Regressive Model
Modeling and Linearization of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems
Linear Parameter Estimation and Predictive Constrained Control of Wiener/Hammerstein Systems
Identification of Wiener Systems Using Reduced Complexity Volterra Models
Structure Selection for Polynomial NARX Models Based on Simulation Error Minimization
Mechanical and Aerospace Applications
Nonlinear Identification of a Two Link Robotic System Using Dynamic Neural Networks
Neural Network System Identification for a Low Pressure Non-Linear Dynamical Subsystem Onboard the Alicia II Climbing Robot
Measurement of Young's Modulus Via Modal Analysis Experiments: A System Identification Approach
A Novel Algorithm for Fully Autonomous Star Identification
Fast Model Updates and Simulation for Efficient Flight Control Software Design
Closed-loop Identification
Continuous-Time Identification of First-Order Plus Dead-Time Models from Step Response in Closed Loop
Identification of Simple Continuous-Time Models from Relay Feedback
Continuous-Time Model Identification of Systems Operating in Closed-Loop
Multivariable Closed-Loop System Identification of Plants Under Model Predictive Control
Dead Time Measurement of Closed Loop System by Wavelet
Closed Loop Identification Method Using a Subspace Approach
Industrial Application of Identification
Model Identification of a Multivariable Industrial Furnace
Extended Fuzzy GK Clustering with Application to Identification of an Automatic Voltage Regulation Loop Dynamics
On Simplified Modeling Approaches to SMB Processes
Optimal Filtering for Bilinear Systems and its Application to Terpolymerization Process State Identification
Neural Prediction of Cylinder Air Mass for AFR Control in SI Engine
Contribution to Identification of Thermo-Mechanic Interaction at Vibrating Rubber-Like Materials
Process Control Systems
Identification of a High Efficiency Boiler by Support Vector Machines Without Bias Term
Implementing GA-Based Predictive Controller for on-line Control of a Process Mini-Plant
Long-Range Optimal Model and Multi-Step-Ahead Prediction Identification for Predictive Control
Predictive Control of Flow Quantity and Sloshing-Suppression During Back-Tilting of a Ladle for Batch-Type Casting Pouring Processes
Closed Loop and Performance Issues
Optimal Prefiltering in Iterative Feedback Tuning
Identification of Performance Limitations in Control Using General SISO Models
Control Loop Performance Monitoring by CUSUM Algorithms for Local Linear Hypotheses
Model Approximation of Plant and Noise Dynamics on the Basis of Closed-Loop Data
IV Methods for Closed-Loop System Identification
Coprime Factor Perturbation Models for Closed-Loop Model Validation Techniques
Reproducing Kernels I
An Introduction to Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces and Why they are so Useful
An Introduction to Smoothing Spline ANOVA Models in RKHS, with Examples in Geographical Data, Medicine, Atmospheric Sciences and Machine Learning
Robust Design with Nonparametric Models: Prediction of Second-Order Characteristics of Process Variability by Kriging
Geostatistical Models and Kriging
Hilbert Space Embeddings in Dynamical Systems
Bayesian Input Selection for Nonlinear Regression with LS-SVMs
Volume 2
Blind Estimation and Equalization
Blind Turbo Equalization Using the Constant Modulus Algorithm
A New Method for Channel Estimation and Data Detection in the Context of Turbo Equalization
On the Applicability to Correlated Sources of a Blind Channel Equalization Method Robust to Order Overestimation
Blind Estimation with Signal Scrambling
Blind Channel Shorteners
Multiple Antenna System Equalization Using Semi-Blind Subspace Identification Methods
Continuous Time Identification
The Identification of Continuous-Time Linear and Nonlinear Models: A Tutorial with Environmental Applications
Continuous-Time System Identification of A Food Extruder: Experiment Design and Data Analysis
Identification of Continuous Time Models Using Discrete Time Data
On Possibilities for Estimating Continuous-Time ARMA Parameters
On the Interpretation of a Continuous-Time Model Identification Method in Terms of Regularization
Input Design
A Survey of Readily Accessible Perturbation Signals
Multiple Input Design for Real-Time Parameter Estimation in the Frequency Domain
Minimizing the Worst-Case v-Gap by Optimal Input Design
Identification of Resonant Systems Using Periodic Multiplicative Reference Signals
Aircraft Parameter Estimation by Using the Optimal Input Design and Linear Matrix Inequalities
The Performance of Multilevel Perturbation Signals for Nonlinear System Identification
Identification for Flight test Exploration
Applying System Identification to Assess the Vibro-Acoustic Behaviour of Airplanes
Subspace Identification Combined with New Mode Selection Techniques for Modal Analysis of an Airplane
Flight Flutter Analysis Using Frequency-Domain System Identification Techniques 681
Real-Time Modal Analysis and its Application for Flutter Testing
Statistical Approach to Flutter Monitoring
Reliable System Identification for Large Flexible Space Structures
Identifiability Analysis of a Class of Systems Described By Convolution Equations
Identification of Fully Parameterized Linear and Nonlinear State-Space Systems by Projected Gradient Search
A Differential Geometric Viewpoint on Local Identifiability and Identification Part I: Theory
A Differential Geometric Viewpoint on Local Identifiability and Identification Part II: Application
Identifiability of Nonlinear Homogeneous Polynomial Systems
Plenary Paper. System Identification for Structural Dynamics and Vibroacoustics Design Engineering
System Identification for Structural Dynamics and Vibroacoustics Design Engineering
Selected Topics in Identification
A Personal View on the Development of System Identification
System Identification Via a Computational Bayesian Approach
A New Information Theoretic Approach to Order Estimation Problem
Conditions for Local Convergence of Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Armax Models
A Nonparametric Approach to Model Selection
Reproducing Kernels II
An Introduction to Learning with Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces
Sparse Gaussian Processes: Inference, Subspace Identification and Model Selection
Sparse Kernel Methods
A Generalised LS-SVM
Adaptive Kernel Methods
Subspace Regression in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
Identification of Nonlinear Block Models
Frequency Domain Identification of Wiener Models
Non-Parametric Identification of Non-Linearity in Hammerstein Systems
Generation of Enhanced Initial Estimates for Wiener Systems and Hammerstein Systems
User Choices and Model Validation in System Identification Using Nonlinear Wiener Models
Approximation of Feasible Parameter Set in Worst Case Identification of Block-Oriented Nonlinear Models
Parameters Set Evaluation of Wiener Models from Data with Bounded Output Errors
New Results in Subspace Identification
Constructing the State of Random Processes with Feedback
Closed-Loop Subspace Identification with Innovation Estimation
A Frequency Domain Subspace Algorithm for Mixed Causal, Anti-Causal LTI Systems
A Stochastic Realization in a Hilbert Space Based on "LQ Decomposition" with Application to Subspace Identification
Subspace-Based Identification Methods Using Schur Complement Approach
Recursive Subspace Identification for Continuous-/Discrete-Time Stochastic Systems
Identification for Process Control: Input Design
"Plant-Friendly" System Identification: A Challenge for the Process Industries
Multi-Objective Input Signal Design for Plant-Friendly Identification
Control-Relevant Design of Periodic Test Input Signals for Iterative Open-Loop Identification of Multivariable FIR Systems
Constrained Signal Design Using Approximate Prior Models with Application to the Tennessee Eastman Process
Constrained Minimum Crest Factor Multisine Signals for "Plant-Friendly" Identification of Highly Interactive Systems
Identification of Mechanical Systems
Online Identification of a Robot Using Batch Adaptive Control
Dynamic Identification of a Compactor Using Splines Data Processing
Non-Stationary Mechanical Vibration Modeling and Analysis Via Functional Series TARMA Models
Globally Convergent Adaptive Tracking of Angular Velocity with Inertia Identification and Adaptive Linearization
On Vision-Based Kinematic Calibration of n-Leg Parallel Mechanisms
A Geometric Approach to Motion Tracking in Manifolds
Software session I
Version 6 of the System Identification Toolbox
Process Identification, Controller Tuning and Control Circuit Simulation Using MS Excel
Developments for the MATLAB CONTSID Toolbox
detectNARMAX: A Graphical User Interface for Structure Detection of NARMAX Models Using The Bootstrap Method
Semi-Plenary. Data-Based Methods in Process Control
Data-Based Methods for Process Analysis, Monitoring and Control
Semi-Plenary Subspace Algorithms
Subspace Algorithms
Filtering and Estimation
Optimal Filtering for Linear Systems with Multiple Delays in Observations
The Information Analysis in Joint Problem of Continuous-Discrete Filtering and Generalized Extrapolation
Guaranteed Ellipsoidal State Estimation for Uncertain MIMO Models
Regularized Robust Estimators for Time Varying Uncertain Discrete-Time Systems
Minimax L2-E2 FIR Filters for Deterministic Continuous-Time State Space Signal Models
Numerically Reliable H͚ - Synthesis of Estimators Based on J- Lossless Factorizations
Diagnosis, Detection and Tracking
Statistical Analysis of Subspace-Based Method for Direction Estimation Without Eigendecomposition
Fault Detection of Non-Linear Systems Based on Multi-Form Quasi-Armax Modeling and its Application
A Comparison of Two Methods for Stochastic Fault Detection: The Parity Space Approach and Principal Components Analysis
Identification of Object's Movement Models in a Radar Tracking Filter
Estimation and Tracking of Quasi-Periodically Varying Processes
Volume 3
Identification of Nonlinear Systems II
A Pruning Method for the Identification of Polynomial N ARMAX Models
Generalized Orthonormal Basis Selection for Expanding Quadratic Volterra Filters
A Localized Forgetting Method for On-Line Adaptation of Gaussion RBFN Models
Subspace Identification of Switching Model
Application-Oriented Neural Modeling
Identification Methods
Closed-Form Frequency Estimation Using Second-Order Notch Filters
L1 Prediction Error System Identification: A Modified AIC Rule
On Parameter Estimation of ARMAX Model Via BCLS Method
Estimation in the Presence of Interferences
Autoregressive Spectral Analysis with Randomly Missing Data
Estimating Unknown Probability Density Functions for Random Parameters of Stochastic ARMAX Systems
Controller Tuning and Identification
Iterative Controller Tuning by Minimization of a Generalized Decorrelation Criterion
Subspace Identification Based PID Control Tuning
Evolutionary Tuning of PID Parameters
Adaptive, Cautious, Predictive Control with Gaussian Process Priors
Controller Design for Systems Suffering Nonlinear Distortions
How the Output Saturation of a Regulator Influences the Reachable Performance and Robustness Measures
Applications of Identification
Random Loading Identification of a Plastic Glass Cantilever Beam
On Sequential Identification of a Diffusion Type Process with Memory
Incremental Identification of Transport Coefficients in Distributed Systems
On the Structure of Static Balanced Flow Systems
Endogeneity and Identification in Transportation Systems: Econometric Relationships to Partial
Tool for Equal Opportunity Evaluation in Dynamic Organizations
Bioengineering Systems
Linearization in the Parameters Via Differential Algebra Techniques
A Penalty Function Approach to HIV/AIDS Model Parameter Estimation
Sensitivity Analysis and Parameter Identification of Wastewater Treatment System Based on Activated Sludge Models
A Methodology for Nonlinear System Identification Using Volterra Series. Application to an Anaerobic Digestor
Some Relations of Sensitivity Functions in Bio-Reactor Models
An Experimental Object-Oriented Modeling of an Hydraulic Valley
Particle Filters
Particle Filters for System Identification with Application to Chaos Prediction
Particle Filters for System Identification of State-Space Models Linear in Either Parameters or States
Fault Detection, Isolation and Diagnosis with Particle Filters for Nonlinear Stochastic Systems
Monte Carlo Mixture Kalman Filter and its Application to Space-Time Inversion
A Particle Implementation of the Recursive MLE for Partially Observed Diffusions
Online Sampling for Parameter Estimation in General State Space Models
Wiener Hammerstein Models
Nonlinear Structure Identification with Application to Wiener-Hammerstein Systems
Identification of a Wiener System with Some General Discontinuous Nonlinearities
Nonlinear Model Identification Using Working Point Variables
Identification of Wiener-Hammerstein Models with Cubic Nonlinearity Using LIFRED
Performance Investigation of SLICOT Wiener Systems Identification Toolbox
Identification Using basis functions
Rational Bases Generated by Blaschke Product Systems
More on Sparse Representations in Arbitrary Bases
On Spectral Analysis Using Models with Pre-Specified Zeros
Identification of Rational Spectral Densities Using Orthonormal Basis Functions
Orthonormal Basis Functions for Modeling Continuous-Time Fractional Systems
Adaptive Laguerre Time Scaling Factor in Predictive Control
Subspace Identification and Applications
Identification of MIMO State Space Models for Helicopter Dynamics
Estimation of Damped and Undamped Sinusoids with Application to Analysis of Electromagnetic FDTD Simulation Data
Application of a Recursive Subspace Identification Algorithm to Change Detection
Subspace-Based Modal Identification and Monitoring of Large Structures: A Scilab Toolbox
Identifying Positive Real Models in Subspace Identification by Using Regularization
Modeling Human Gaits with Subtleties
Identification in Large Scale Systems
Reduction of Large-Scale Groundwater Flow Models Via the Galerkin Projection
Model Reduction for Large-Scale Linear Applications
Reduced Order Modeling of an Industrial Feeder Model
Industrial Applications of Identification
Identification of the Topology of a Power System Network
LPV Identification of a Diesel Engine Torque Model
Identification and Control of a PV-Supplied Separately Excited DC Motor Using Universal Learning Networks
Validation of Stability for an Induction Machine Drive Using Experiments
Automatic Steering Control System Design Utilizing a Visual Feedback Approach - System Identification and Control Experiments with a Radio-Controlled Car
Application of RBF-Type ARX Modeling and Control to Gas Turbine Combined Cycle SCR Systems
Software Session II
Automatic Time Series Identification Spectral Analysis with MATLAB Toolbox ARMASA
MULTI-EDIP - An Interactive Software Package for Process Identification
The ADAPTx Software for Automated and Real-Time Multivariable System Identification
Frequency Domain System Identification Toolbox for MATLAB: Automatic Processing - from Data to Models
Plenarypaper Prediction Algorithms: Complexity, Concentration and ConvexitY
Prediction Algorithms: Complexity, Concentration and Convexity
Identification and Physical Modeling
Grey-Box Model Calibrator and Validator
Initialization of Physical Parameter Estimates
Parameter Estimation in Linear Differential-Algebraic Equations
Model Validation in Non-Linear Continuous-Discrete Grey-Box Models
Identification of Mechanical Parameters in Drive Train Systems
Identification and Model Predictive Control of a pH Neutralization Process Based on Linear and Wiener Models
Identification of Nonlinear Systems
Local Modeling of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Using Direct Weight Optimization
Optimality in SM Identification of Nonlinear Systems
A Suboptimal Bootstrap Method for Structure Detection of Nonlinear Output-Error Models
Identification of Nonlinear Parametrically Varying Models Using Separable Least Squares
Modeling and Identification of Rate-Independent Hysteresis Using a Semilinear Duhem Model
Least Squares Harmonic Signal Analysis Using Periodic Orbits of ODEs
Volume 4
Education and Training
Educational Aspects of Identification Software user Interfaces
An Identification Course on the Web: Rationale, Realization and Students' Evaluation
Control Related Topics in Identification - Closed Loop Experiments and Identification for Control
Teaching Semiphysical Modeling to Chemical Engineering Students Using a Brine-Water Mixing Tank Experiment
Estimating Parameters in a Lumped Parameter System with First Principle Modeling and Dynamic Experiments
Recursive and Subspace Identification
Recursive Subspace Identification Based on Projector Tracking
Subspace Identification and ARX Modeling
Parallel QR Implementation of Subspace Identification with Parsimonious Models
A New Recursive Method for Subspace Identification of Noisy Systems: EIVPM
Canonical Correlation Partial Least Squares
Frequency-Domain System Identification Techniques for Experimental and Operational Modal Analysis
Process Control: Theory
Data-Driven Modeling of Nonlinear and Time- Varying Processes
PID Parameter Cycling to Tune Industrial Controllers: a New Model-Free Approach
Stepwise Refinement of Sparse Grids in Data Mining Applications
Iterative Identification for Control and Robust Performance of Bioreactor
Modified Subspace Identification Method for Building a Long-Range Prediction Model for Inferential Control
Identification and Model Predictive Control of an Industrial Glass-Feeder
Application of system Identification
Computationally Efficient Estimation of Wave Propagation Functions of Viscoelastic Materials
Identification of Underlying Intensity Processes of Interference Patterns
Fractional Multimodels - Application to Heat Transfer Modeling
A Recursive Algorithm for Estimating Parameters in a One Dimensional Diffusion System
Regularization Method in Infrared Image Processing
Filtering of Stochastic Volatility Model
Optimal Filtering
State Estimation for Nonlinear Continuous Systems in a Bounded-Error Context
Multigrid Design in Point-Mass Approach to Nonlinear State Estimation
An Efficient Nonlinear Adaptive Observer with Global Convergence
Adaptive Observer for Discrete Time Linear Time Varying Systems
Linear Dynamic Filtering with Noisy Input and Output
The p-Norm Generalization of the LMS Algorithm for Adaptive Filtering
Semi-Plenary.Identification of Linear Systems with Nonlinear Distortions
Identification of Linear Systems with Nonlinear Distortions
Semi-Plenary. Some Problems in Statistical Inference Following Model Selection
Some Problems in Statistical Inference following Model Selection
User Choices in Subspace Identification
Choosing Integer Parameters in Subspace Methods: A Survey on Asymptotic Results
Asymptotic Variances of Subspace Identification by Data Orthogonalization and Model Decoupling
A Finite Sample Comparison of Automatic Model Selection Methods
On the Number of Rows and Columns in Subspace Identification Methods
Aspects and Experiences of User Choices in Subspace Identification Methods
Inferring Multivariable Delay and Seasonal Structure for Subspace Modeling
Identification of Static and Dynamical Nonlinear Systems
Mathematical Results Concerning Kernel Techniques
Multi-Output Suppport Vector Regression
Set Membership Identification of Piecewise Affine Models
Piecewise-Linear Output-Error Models
CMAC with Linear Functional Weights
Optimal Expansions of Discrete-Time Volterra Models Using Laguerre Functions
Identification and Model Validation
Quantification of the Variance of Estimated Transfer Functions in the Presence of Undermodeling
Reliable Parameter Estimation in Presence of Uncertain Variables that are not Estimated
Validation Test Based Parameter Uncertainty Versus Analysis-Based Confidence Bounds
Empirical Estimation of Parameter Distributions in System Identification
Uncertainty of Transfer Function Modeling Using Prior Estimated Noise Models
The Size of the Membership-Set in a Probabilistic Framework
Model Approximation
Connections Between L?-Model Reduction and Balanced Truncation
Recursive Exact Hoo Identification from Impulse Response Measurements
Properties of Optimal Solutions in L2 Identification Problem
Optimal Approximation and Model Quality Estimation for Nonlinear Systems
Linear Models of Nonlinear FIR Systems with Gaussian Inputs
An Algebraic Method for System Reduction of Stationary Gaussian Systems
Parameter Estimation and Convergence
Separable Least Squares Data Driven Local Coordinates
Optimal Yule Walker Method for Pole Estimation of ARMA Signals
Initializing Parameter Estimation Algorithms Under Scarce Measurements
Robust Parameter Estimation for Uncertain Gross-Error Models
Limit Covariance of Estimation Error for Quasistationary Function
Identification of Hydrologic Systems
Structural Identification of Multivariate Neural Networks for Rainfall Runoff Modeling
Parameter and State Regularization for Prediction of Distributed Hydrologic Systems
Time-Delay Estimation of a Managed River Reach from Supervisory Data
Geohydrological Application of a Nonlinear Physically Based Time Series Model
On Physical and Data Driven Modeling of Irrigation Channels
Identification and On-Line Estimation of the Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity in Presence of Forced Air Convection Based on a Distributed-Parameter Model
Errors in Variable Identification
Confidence Regions for Non-Parametric Errors-In-Variables Estimates
A New Criterion in EIV Identification and Filtering Applications
Strongly Consistent Parameter Estimate for Error-In-Variables Model
Ellipsoid Set Refinement by Simultaneous Use of Multiple Hyperplane Cuts
Identification Methods in a Unified Framework
Author Index
- No. of pages: 2088
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: June 29, 2004
- Imprint: Elsevier Science
- eBook ISBN: 9780080913155