Mohammadali Ahmadi
Dr. Mohammadali Ahmadi holds a BSc with distinction (Petroleum University of Technology), an MSc (Petroleum University of Technology) in Petroleum Engineering, and an MEng (Memorial University of Newfoundland) in Process Engineering, as well as a Ph.D. in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering from the University of Calgary. He published more than 160 papers in highly-ranked ISI journals and served as an invited speaker and session chair for various conferences worldwide. According to a database published in Elsevier publishing group in collaboration with Stanford University, he was named as a top 2% of the most cited scientists from 2018 to 2022. He was the recipient of multiple prestigious awards and scholarships, such as the Vanier scholarship, Izaak Walton Killam Doctoral Scholarship, the Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarship, and the J. B. Hyne Research Innovation Award. As an Associate Editor, Editorial Board Member, and Advisory Board Member, he has served several international chemical engineering and energy-related journals. His research interests include molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, mathematical modeling, enhanced oil recovery (EOR), thermodynamics, and artificial intelligence and machine learning application in the oil and gas industry.
Affiliations and expertise
Vanier Scholar/Killam Laureate, Reservoir Simulation Research Group, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary, Canada