Supergene and Surficial Ore Deposits
Textures and Fabrics
- 1st Edition, Volume 3 - December 2, 2012
- Author: Bozzano G Luisa
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 5 9 8 9 9 - 8
Supergene and Surficial Ore Deposits; Textures and Fabrics is a collection of papers that deals with economic geological deposits, particularly as endogenic type, or as an integral… Read more

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Request a sales quoteSupergene and Surficial Ore Deposits; Textures and Fabrics is a collection of papers that deals with economic geological deposits, particularly as endogenic type, or as an integral part of their geological environment. One paper explores the possibility that the evolution of ores of sedimentary affiliation or of sedimentary rocks and their chemistry during geologic history can be a product of the evolution of the outer spheres of the earth combined with a cycling phenomena that proceeds in a spiral way. Another paper discusses the role of climate on a large range of depositional environments through mobilization, both by chemical and physical events, of metal-ions. Mobilization can also occur by controlled deposition and enrichment of the "mobilized" ions in a certain sedimentary environment. Various depositions occur in different climates, for example, bauxites, requiring higher precipitation levels, form in humid zones. One paper points that ore-mineral accumulations controlled by descending supergene solutions play a significant role in ore-mineral depositions. The collection is beneficial to geologists, industrial chemists, researchers, technical designers, and engineers whose works are related with ore deposits and mining.
Chapter 1. Evolution of Ores of Sedimentary Affiliation through Geologic History; Relations to the General Tendencies in Evolution of the Crust, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere and Biosphere Introduction Ores of Sedimentary Affiliation and their Trends in Geologic History Residual Deposits and Weathering Crusts Deposits Associated with Fluviatile to Deltaic Clastic Sediments Base-Metal Strata-Bound Deposits of Marine and Marine-Volcanogenic Associations Sedimentary Iron and Manganese Deposits Potential Resources Interim Summary Evolution and Composition of the Continental Crust Evolution and Composition of Sedimentary Rocks Consequences Discontinuities in the Geologic Record General Tendencies in the Evolution of the Earth's Crust, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere and Biosphere - a Discussion Evolution of the Crust Evolution of Oxygen Evolution of Carbon Dioxide(?) Final Vomments Note Added in Proof Acknowledgements ReferencesChapter 2. Ore Deposits in the Light of Palaeoclimatology Introduction Climatic Control of Fe and Mn Deposits Banded Iron-Formations Oolitic Iron Ores Manganese Deposits Ore Deposits of Warm and Hot Climates Laterites Bauxite Supergene Uranium Deposits Arid Concentration Deposits Metals in Evaporitic Basins Ores in Reef Complexes and Carbonate Shelves Ore Deposits of Glacial and Cool-Temperate Climates Influence of Glacial Climate on Ore Formation and Ore Prospection Lake and Bog Iron Ores of Cool-Temperate Climates Weathering of Primary Ore Bodies Placer Deposits Conclusions ReferencesChapter 3. Pedogenesis, Chemical Weathering and Processes of Formation of Some Supergene Ore Deposits Introduction Geochemical Differentiation During Chemical Weathering and Pedogenetic Processes Pedogenesis and Chemical Weathering Types "Weathering Balance" of Zonal Pedogeneses Major Factors of Pedological Differentiation Conclusion Aluminium Ore Deposists: The Problem of Bauxites and Laterites Generalities Analytical Study of Bauxites Mineralogy of Bauxites Genesis of Bauxites and Laterites Supergene Concentration of Manganese Generalities Conclusion Supergene Concentration of Nickel Generalities on the Geochemistry of Nickel Nickel Concentration-Importance of Secondary Concentrations Conditions of Formation of Weathering Ore Deposists Conclusion Behaviour of Chemical Elements in Supergene Conditions Distribution of Elements in Minerals Empirical Determination of Supergene Behaviour of Elements Mechanisms Controlling the Mobility Conlcusion ReferencesChapter 4. Karsts and Economic Mineral Deposits Introduction Summary of Current Literature General Characteristics of Karst Deposits Karst Typology and Environmental Characteristics Formation of Karstic Cavities Formation of Karstic Accumulations Examples of Economic Deposits in Karsts The Lead-Zinc (Barite-Fluorite-Silica) Deposits of Laurium, Greece The Zinc-Lead Deposit of Salafossa, Central Italian Alps The Galena-Cerrussite-Barite Deposit of Arenas, Sardinia The Barite Deposits of Barega, Sardinia The Zinc Deposits of the Lower Ordovician Kingsport Formation and Mascot Dolomite of East Tennessee Fluorite Deposits in Triassic Complexes of the Central Alps The Lead-Zinc Deposit of Ali-ou-Daoud, Morocco The Uranium-Vanadate ("Tyuyamanite") Deposit of Tyuya Mayun, Fergana, U.S.S.R Comparison with Similar Deposits Conclusion Bibliography I. Karstification II. Chemico-Physical Equilibria III. General Problems of Karsts and Ore-Metal DepositsChapter 5. Placer Deposits Introduction Cassiterite (SnO2) Gold Monazite Marine (Offshore) Placers Alluvial (Stream) Placers Beach Placers Eluvial, Residual and Fossil Placers ReferencesChapter 6. Mineral (Inorganic) Resources of the Oceans and Ocean Floors: A General Review Introduction Raw Materials from Ocean Water Mineral (Inorganic) Resources of the Ocean Floors Locally Enriched Minerals Minerals Originating from Chemical Concentration Summary and Conclusions ReferencesChapter 7. Typical and Nontypical Sedimentary Ore Fabrics Introduction General Remarks Bedding, Fine Bedding, Rhythm Pb-Zn-Fe-Ba-Ores Manganese Ores Bauxites Gels Nonparallel Apposition: Oblique Bedding, Cross-Bedding Syndiagenetic Deformations Resedimentation Geopetal Fabrics Internal or External Apposition? Nontypical Sedimentary Ore Fabrics Recrystallized Aggregates Syndiagenetic Network Mineralization Resedimentary Breccias Syndiagenetic Vein Breccias, Vein Mineralization Concluding Remarks Acknowledgements ReferencesChapter 8. Rhythmicity of Barite-Shale and of SrIN Strata-Bound Deposits of Arkansas Introduction Strata-Bound Barite and Shale in the Chamberlain Creek Syncline. Arkansas Rhythmicity of Sr in Barite Nodules and in Bedded Barite Sequences Relations of the Sr Contents in Barite Strata Interpretation of Genesis of Rhythmicity References
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Volume: 3
- Published: December 2, 2012
- Imprint: Elsevier Science
- eBook ISBN: 9780444598998
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