Chapter headings. Preface. Historical Perspective. Women (and men) and sun in ancient times (P.U. Giacomoni). The Advantages of Sunlight. A perspective on the beneficial effects of moderate exposure to sunlight: bone health, cancer prevention, mental health and well being (M. F. Holick). Clinical Effects of Solar Radiation. The negative effects of solar radiation: a clinical overview (F. Urbach). The effects of sunlight on the skin of Asians (J.H. Chung). Effects of solar radiation on the human immune system (M. Norval). The negative effects of solar and artificial irradiation: photoaging of the skin, its clinical appearance and underlying mechanisms (M. Wlaschek et al.). The epidemiology of solar radiation and skin cancer (B.K. Armstrong, A. Kricker). Hazards of sunlight exposure to the eye (J.E. Roberts). Photodegradation of human hair (S.B. Ruetsch et al.). Molecular Effects of Solar Radiation. UV damage to nucleic acid components (J.L. Ravanat et al.). Lipid photo-oxidative damage in biological membranes: reaction mechanisms, cytotoxic consequences and defense strategies (A. W. Girotti). Photo-oxidation of proteins and its consequences (M.J. Davies, R.J.W. Truscott). Cellular And Physiological Consquences Of Solar Radiation. Erythema: a link between UV-induced DNA damage, cell death and clinical effects? (M. Heenen). UV radiation, mutations and oncogenic pathways in skin cancer (F.R. de Gruijl, H.J. van Kranen). Modulation of gene expression by solar ultraviolet radiation (S. Basu-Modak, R.M. Tyrrell). Cytotoxicity and morphological endpoints of exposure to UV: cultured cells as a model system (E. Straface et al.). Drug-induced skin phototoxicity: lessons from the fluoroquinolones (N.K. Gibbs). Natural Defence against Solar Radiation. Pigmentation of human skin after UV (A. Young). Nucleotide excision repair of UV-radiation induced photolesions in human cells (A.A. Van Zeeland et al.). Natural defence against ultraviolet radiation. The role of heat shock proteins (F. Trautinger). p53 Protein and the response of human skin to UV (D. Decraene et al). Effect of solar radiation on detoxification mechanisms in the skin (S.K. Katiyar et al.). Artificial Protection Against Solar Radiation: Blocking The Photons. Eye protection from sunlight damage (J. Gallas, M. Eisner). Artificial protection against solar radiation - fabrics(B.M.H. Driscoll). Self tanning (G. Monfrecola, E. Prizio). Photochemical and photophysical properties of sunscreens(A. Cantrell et al.). Sunscreens: use and misuse(B.L. Diffey). Sunscreens: practical applications(D. Orentreich et al.). Artificial Protection Against Solar Radiation: Stimulating Self Protection. Protection against solar radiation-protective properties of antioxidants(W. Stahl, H. Sies). Systemic photoprotection. Dietary intervention and therapy (H.S. Black, L.E. Rhodes). Enhancement of repair of UV damage in humans (C. Yarosh). Boosting the immune system (F.M. Strickland). Skin pigmentation enhancers (D.A. Brown). Metabolic consequences of solar radiation and boosters of intermediate metabolism (E.L. Jacobson et al). How Can Science Provide Help To Everyday's Life? An Example. Sunlamps and sunbeds: safety and regulatory issues (W.H. Cyr, S.A. Miller). Physics of our environment: solar radiation spectra. The physics of solar radiation (H. Seidliz).