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Books in Arts and humanities

21-30 of 1739 results in All results

Mission and Business Philosophy

  • 1st Edition
  • June 6, 2016
  • Andrew Campbell + 1 more
  • English
Mission and Business Philosophy discusses the role of a mission in an organization. The book is comprised of seven chapters; each chapter relates mission to an aspect of an organization. he first chapter discusses the findings of the research done by the author, which help explains how a mission plays a central role in organizational management. Chapters 2 to 6 relate the mission statement to the different aspects of an organization, such as motivation, culture, leadership, and ethics. Chapter 7 provides an advice in writing a mission statement. The book will be of great use to individuals, particularly those who are in leadership position.

Labour Ward Manual

  • 2nd Edition
  • June 6, 2016
  • D T Y Liu + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 4 1 2 4 - 4
Labour Ward Manual, Second Edition provides guidelines for the application of obstetric knowledge to the labor ward environment. The practice of obstetrics is still an art and as such encompasses alternative approaches to achieve the same welcome end, the safety and wellbeing of both mother and child throughout labor and after delivery. The steps suggested for patient management and presentation concentrate on safety and simplicity. Throughout this book, it is stressed that the laboring woman and the fetus are the most important persons in the labor ward. This book clearly documents the emphasis on the atmosphere of ready redress by litigation; approach to women with individual needs; special care in the sensitive issue of induction; fetal monitoring; fluid replacement together with a clear protocol for management of fetal and maternal mishaps; and problems and hazards of women in the labor ward of hepatitis B or human immunodeficiency virus (AIDS) infection. This edition provides a clear concise guidance for all those involved in child birth.

The Autopsy—Medical Practice and Public Policy

  • 1st Edition
  • June 3, 2016
  • Rolla B. Hill + 1 more
  • English
The Autopsy Medical Practice and Public Policy presents the history of autopsy. It discusses its contributions to the theory and practice of medicine. It addresses the decline of interests in the field and its rediscovery. It also explains the cause of death, a view of the depredations of disease, and insights into etiology. Some of the topics covered in the book are the historical role of the autopsy in the development of neurology; the autopsy in neuropathology; history of forensic pathology; the forensic pathologists; identification of the remains; forensic pathology and the decline of the autopsy; and environmental health hazards. The infectious disease and epidemics is fully covered. The tissues for transplantation are discussed in detail. The text describes in depth the familial disorders and genetic counseling. The insurance and other death benefits are presented completely. A chapter is devoted to the benefits to the public welfare. Another section focuses on the death certification and health statistics. The book can provide useful information to pathologists, doctors, students, and researchers.


  • 12th Edition
  • June 3, 2016
  • Geoffrey Whitehead
  • English
This 12th edition of Commerce is designed for self-study, though it is of equal value to schools and colleges. Lecturers and teachers will find that the book meet their requirements for the 16+ General Certificate in Secondary Education and comparable syllabuses in Scotland, BTEC examinations and other similar examinations. This book is organized into 24 chapters. These chapters cover all the basic commercial activities in modern free enterprise societies and explain simply and clearly the activities performed by wholesalers, retailers, importers and exporters in the distribution and exchange of goods. They also describe the activities of bankers, insurance companies and transport organizations and discuss the important aspects of communication with respect to commerce. This edition also updated some of the text using the most up-to-date documents. This book will be of interest to commerce students and teachers and all others interested in understanding commercial activities.

Beyond the Bones

  • 1st Edition
  • May 7, 2016
  • Madeleine L. Mant + 1 more
  • English
  • Paperback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 0 4 6 0 1 - 2
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 0 4 6 6 8 - 5
Interdisciplinary research is a rewarding enterprise, but there are inherent challenges, especially in current anthropological study. Anthropologists investigate questions concerning health, disease, and the life course in past and contemporary societies, necessitating interdisciplinary collaboration. Tackling these ‘big picture’ questions related to human health-states requires understanding and integrating social, historical, environmental, and biological contexts and uniting qualitative and quantitative data from divergent sources and technologies. The crucial interplay between new technologies and traditional approaches to anthropology necessitates innovative approaches that promote the emergence of new and alternate views. Beyond the Bones: Engaging with Disparate Datasets fills an emerging niche, providing a forum in which anthropology students and scholars wrestle with the fundamental possibilities and limitations in uniting multiple lines of evidence. This text demonstrates the importance of a multi-faceted approach to research design and data collection and provides concrete examples of research questions, designs, and results that are produced through the integration of different methods, providing guidance for future researchers and fostering the creation of constructive discourse. Contributions from various experts in the field highlight lines of evidence as varied as skeletal remains, cemetery reports, hospital records, digital radiographs, ancient DNA, clinical datasets, linguistic models, and nutritional interviews, including discussions of the problems, limitations, and benefits of drawing upon and comparing datasets, while illuminating the many ways in which anthropologists are using multiple data sources to unravel larger conceptual questions in anthropology.

The Transformation of Political Culture 1789-1848

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 3
  • November 24, 2015
  • F. Furet + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 8 6 5 5 - 6
This third volume in a much praised series on The French Revolution and the Creation of Modern Political Culture examines the way in which the Revolution has been portrayed in European thought and its impact upon the development of political philosophy in the nineteenth century. Opening with the influence of Burke and other contemporaries of the Revolution and the ensuing debate over the question "Why the Terror?", this volume explores such diverse themes as the legacy of the Revolution on the political and social evolution of Germany, England, Italy and Russia; the crisis it brought about in the Catholic Church; and the difficulties encountered in determining the end of the Revolution. By showing that the upheaval in European politics and philosophy caused by the French Revolution continued to shape nations, peoples and thought, the texts brought together in this volume permit a better understanding of the event's extraordinary complexity.

O Cinema Vai à Guerra

  • 1st Edition
  • May 5, 2015
  • Carlos Silva + 4 more
  • Portuguese
O projeto irá explorar a definição dos conflitos mais significativos do século XX/XXI, sua contextualização e análise à luz dos filmes mais significativos dos respectivos gêneros, seja por sua qualidade fílmica, fidelidade histórica ou mesmo sucesso comercial. Os filmes atenderão ao exposto anterior, tendo em vista duas diferenciações básicas: a) contemporâneos aos eventos e necessariamente vistos como fonte documental; e 2) que representam uma reflexão, consciente ou não, sobre tal conflito, mesmo quando realizados após este.

Enciclopédia de Guerras e Revoluções - Vol. III

  • 1st Edition
  • May 5, 2015
  • Francisco Silva
  • Portuguese
Esta é uma edição atualizada e ampliada da obra original publicada em 2004. Em face da intensa procura e do grande interesse nas temáticas abordadas, os organizadores juntamente com os autores ampliaram e atualizaram os verbetes originais para apresentarem uma versão maior, mais elaborada e mais prática da Enciclopédia de Guerras e Revoluções dos Séculos XX e XXI. O termo "revolução" é utilizado na sua acepção original, de mudança, transformação, e abarcando vários campos, desde as ciências exatas, passando pelo campo comportamental, até as revoluções propriamente políticas. Trata-se, desta forma de uma obra de referência, um guia para iniciantes e para não especialistas, escrito por especialistas numa linguagem acessível e dotado de referências bibliográficas para avançar em futuras pesquisas. A obra está dividida em três volumes. O volume I 1901-1919 aborda a época dos Imperialismos e da Grande Guerra (1914-1919), as lutas pela hegemonia na Ásia e África, e os conflitos em torno de prestígio e poder - numa escala nunca vista até então - no próprio continente europeu, serão abordados como elementos centrais do desencadear da "Grande Guerra" e em seguida dos acordos e tratados de paz que possivelmente darão origem, em vinte anos, aos conflitos subsequentes. O volume II: 1919-1945 apresenta a época dos fascismos, das ditaduras e da Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Neste volume a ênfase dos autores recai sobre os tremendos impactos, e o custo humano, da Segunda Guerra Mundial, com seu lastro de mortes e destruições, com destaque no maior crime de toda a história: o Holocausto. O fenômeno dos fascismos, incluindo seu ápice de terror com o nazismo, será um ponto central de reflexão dos autores. Os tratados do pós-guerra, incluindo o rompimento entre as potências aliadas - URSS e EUA - apontarão para os conflitos futuros. Já o volume III: 1945-2014 evidencia a época da Guerra Fria (1945-1991) e da Nova Ordem Mundial. Os autores tratam neste volume o período da Guerra Fria, seus riscos incalculáveis, e as cruéis guerras ditas "de baixa intensidade", da emergência da moderna sociedade de massas no Ocidente, da Descolonização da Ásia e África e, por fim, da crise do chamado "socialismo realmente existente" e a emergência da Nova Ordem Mundial, com suas novas e tremendas ameaças, incluindo no novo terrorismo de massas. Tratam-se de obras completas que apresentam ideias, movimentos, fatos e personagens que moldaram o início do século, tanto no campo da política e da economia, quanto das artes e das ciências.