Sleep and Health, Second Edition provides an accessible yet comprehensive overview of the relationship between sleep and health at the individual, community, and population levels, along with a discussion of the implications for public health, public policy, and interventions. Based on a firm foundation in many areas of sleep health research, this text further provides introductions to each sub-area of the field and a summary of the current research for each area. This book serves as a resource for those interested in learning about the growing field of sleep health research, including sections on social determinants, cardiovascular disease, cognitive functioning, health behavior theory, smoking, and more.
A History of Angiogenesis: Discoveries, Research and the Therapeutic Potential presents a recent history of discoveries in the angiogenic field that contribute to the development of the anatomical knowledge of the process, experimental models, and new pharmacological approaches in different angiogenesis-related diseases. This multifaceted book is enriched with deep scientific contents, and each chapter clearly defines historical steps, the emerging role during the years of new morphological findings, molecular pathways, and targets. Focus is also directed on key challenges associated and future directions.The history of angiogenesis research is an intriguing tool for discovering answers to a wide array of queries arising in the biological and medical world. This comprehensive resource skillfully integrates all the key aspects related to angiogenesis, and will be of immense help to students, researchers, and industry experts who want to explore the last two decades of angiogenesis discoveries and research.
Aging in Ophthalmology examines the aging process of the eye and how this affects the future of ophthalmology. With a strong focus on therapeutic options, the book shows the latest improvements in medical and surgical possibilities. It describes both the risks of the aging of the eye, the aging of different parts of the eye (like the retina, lens, and iris), therapeutic approaches to limit the aging processes of the eye, along with a glance into the future. This book is a valuable resource for ophthalmologists of all subspecialties and researchers interested in the aging process in the human eye.
The Organic Chemistry of Drug Design and Drug Action, Fourth Edition presents a unique approach to medicinal chemistry based on physical organic chemical principles and reaction mechanisms that rationalize drug action. The book's coverage allows readers to extrapolate core principles and mechanisms to many related classes of drug molecules. It reflects the significant changes in the process of drug design over the last decade and preserves the successful approach of the previous editions while also including significant changes in format and coverage.It is designed for undergraduate and graduate students in chemistry who are studying medicinal chemistry or pharmaceutical chemistry. Users, including research chemists and biochemists working in pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries will find this update to be useful in their daily work.
Ant Behavior utilizes evolution as a framework for comprehending the social structure and conduct of ants. This book delves into the intricate workings of ant colonies, illustrating how they function not just as societies, but as cohesive "superorganisms." The text covers vital aspects such as colony structure, nest architecture, and the division of labor, emphasizing how ants collectively achieve their societal goals. In addition to exploring the colony dynamics, this comprehensive guide sheds light on reproductive competition, communication, and intra-colonial conflict. It explains the complex caste systems and details how ants engage in collective behavior to protect their colonies.Drawing on the latest research, it provides readers with a deep understanding of ant sociality and evolutionary biology. The book is an essential resource for students and researchers in entomology and zoology, particularly those with an interest in social insects and evolutionary studies.
Amaranthus: Origins to Optimization is the first comprehensive work on this important ancient crop, tracing Amaranthus from its origin to up-to-date information. It has been cultivated for centuries in Asia and the Americas as an important food and medicinal crop. From a position of prominence in the Maya and Aztec civilizations, to relegation in the Middle Ages, and resurgence in modern times, this crop has seen great transformation in usage across continents. Amaranthus is nutritionally important due to the high protein content in the seeds and the abundance of essential amino acids, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals and natural antioxidants.The highly proteinaceous grain and leaf of Amaranthus can help to make diets more balanced in many parts of the world and can play an important role in combating ‘silent hunger’ among several populations who have little access to protein-rich diet. The seed, flour, leaf and oil of the plant are in great demand by pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food and beverage industries.
Hardware Security: A Hands On Learning Approach, Second Edition provides a broad, comprehensive and practical overview of hardware security that encompasses all levels of the electronic hardware infrastructure. It covers basic concepts like advanced attack techniques and countermeasures that are illustrated through theory, case studies and well designed, hands on laboratory exercises for each key concept. The book is ideal as a textbook for upper level undergraduate students studying computer engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, and biomedical engineering, but is also a handy reference for graduate students, researchers and industry professionals. For academic courses, the book contains a robust suite of teaching ancillaries.Users of the book can access schematic, layout and design files for a printed circuit board for hardware hacking (i.e. the HaHa board), a suite of videos that demonstrate different hardware vulnerabilities, hardware attacks and countermeasures, and a detailed description and user manual for companion materials.
Fetal Metabolic Programming in Obesity and Diabetes: From Mechanisms to Preventive Therapy describes the consequences of cellular and molecular aspects of maternal obesity (before and during pregnancy), diabetes mellitus (pregestational and gestational), and gestational diabesity (i.e., women with pre-pregnancy obesity that developed GDM). The book covers the clinical aspects of mothers and children and the protocols for treating these diseases during pregnancy. Since the patients' clinical information correlates with metabolic parameters at a cellular and systemic level, it covers several pieces of evidence, addressing the pathophysiology of obesity and diabetes in pregnancy.This is an important resource for health professionals, researchers, and postdocs in obesity diabetes, as well as public health, physiology, biochemistry, cell biology, cell physiology, cell metabolism, and clinical medicine.
Quick Guide to Diabetes Mellitus, Second Edition provides essential knowledge on the pathophysiology, etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, laboratory evaluation, and basic clinical management of diabetes and its complications targeted to laboratory scientists and technicians. Eleven percent of the U.S. population have been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, and laboratory scientists play an essential role in the diagnosis, monitoring, and management of this disease. This reference presents an easy-to-read question-and-answer format that will provide fundamental knowledge and aid in commonly encountered clinical challenges.This updated release includes new information on genetic and environmental risk factors for type 1 and 2 diabetes, pediatric glucose targets per American Diabetes Association Standards, type 2 diabetes management sections, including treatment guidelines and information on glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists and gastric bypass surgery.
The World’s Health Care Crisis: Geopolitical and Climate Change Challenges focuses on the global health care crisis, providing information on new challenges the world is experiencing, such as COVID-19, massive world migration, overpopulation, threats of global famine, nuclear war, the emergence of new infectious diseases around the planet, climate change, and their effects on health care. The book's target audience includes professionals of health systems, biomedical innovation, and global health supply chains investors and Directors in Chief, decision-makers in public health, multilateral institutions in regulatory, legislative, and executive areas, researchers, health sciences students, health economists, economist associations, pharmaco-economists, historians, and more.