Students' Guide to Information Technology, Second Edition provides up-to-date coverage of significant developments in information technology, including office automation, telecommunications, expert systems, computer-aided manufacture, and computer-based training. The book first offers information on computers and computer peripherals and applications. Discussions focus on how a microprocessor handles information, microprocessors and logic, neural networks, digital signal processors, processing speeds, computer memory, monitors, printers, and input and storage devices. The manuscript then surveys computer software and technical convergence. Topics cover analogue and digital information, audio and video systems, technological convergence in audio systems, compact disc for multimedia applications, interactive video, programming languages, operating software, operating system commands, application software, and software reliability. The publication tackles the role of information technology in manufacturing and in the office, communications, and information systems. Concerns include electronic data interchange, computer-aided design, data processing systems, office automation systems, and dataflow diagrams. The manuscript is a dependable source of data for computer science experts and researchers interested in information technology.