Structural Failure and Plasticity
IMPLAST 2000: 4-6 October 2000, Melbourne, Australia
- 1st Edition - October 4, 2000
- Editors: X.L. Zhao, R.H. Grzebieta
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 4 3 8 7 5 - 7
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 5 5 1 2 6 - 5
As mankind continues to push back the boundaries and begins to explore other worlds and the ocean depths, a thorough understanding of how structures behave when subjected to… Read more

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Request a sales quoteAs mankind continues to push back the boundaries and begins to explore other worlds and the ocean depths, a thorough understanding of how structures behave when subjected to extremes in temperature, pressure, and high loading rates will be essential. This symposium provided the perfect forum for presenting research into structures subjected to such extreme loads. There were a large number of papers presented under topics of impact, blast and shock loading, indicating a strong research interest in high rates of loading. Similarly new topics have been added to the traditional symposium list such as fire loading, earthquake loading, and fatigue and connection failures. It is clear now that fundamental knowledge of plastic deformation of structures to various extreme loads is coming of age. Each full paper was peer reviewed by at least two experts in the field.
Engineers and technologists interested in the behaviour of materials and structures under extreme circumstances
Preface. International scientific advisory committee. Local organising committee. Reviewers. Keynote papers. IMPLAST symposia and large deformations - a perspective (N.K. Gupta). Buckling of thin plates and thin-plate members - some points of interest (J. Rhodes). Failure predictions of thin-walled steel structures under cyclic loading (T. Usami, H.B. Ge). Impact loading. On the criteria for cracking and rupture of ductile plates under impact loading (N. Jones, C. Jones). Dynamic behavior of elastic-plastic beam-on-foundation under impact or pulse loading (X.W. Chen et al.). Load deformation of thin tubular beam under impact load (N. Ishikawa et al.). Normal impact of spherical balls on metallic plates (P.U. Deshpande, N.K. Gupta). Impact performance and safety of steel highway guard fences (Y. Itoh et al.). Impact behavior of shear failure type RC beams (T. Ando et al.). Nonlinear dynamic response design and control optimization of
flexible mechanical systems under impact loading (J. Barradas Cardoso et al.). Influence of impact loads on the behavior at alternative bending over pulleys of steel wires (G. Crespo). Dynamic actions on highway bridge decks due to an irregular pavement surface (J.G.S. da Silva). Elastic-viscoplastic-microdamage modeling to simulate hypervelocity projectile-target impact and damage (J. Eftis et al.). Experimental and numerical studies of projectile perforation in concrete targets (H. Hansson, L. Ågårdh). Prototype impact tests on ultimate impact resistance of PC rock-shed (N. Kishi et al.). Penetration equations for the impact of 7.62 mm ball projectile against composite material sheets of an aircraft (P. Kumar et al.). High strength concrete beams subjected to impact load - some experimental results (J. Magnusson et al.). Impact response of a laminated cylindrical composite shell panel (P. Mahajan et al.). Dynamic testing of energy absorber system for aircraft arrester (K.K. Malik et al.). Characteristics of crater formed under ultra-high velocity impact (S. Pazhanivel, V.K. Sharma). Diagnostic techniques for high speed events (V.S. Sethi, S.S. Sachdeva). Shock test and stress analysis of a heavy metal forge (Y.M. Wu et al.). Blast/shock loading. Air blast simulations using multi-material eulerian/lagrangian techniques (J. Marco). Damage evaluation of structures subjected to the effects of underground explosions (R. Kumari et al.). An investigation of structures subjected to blast loads incorporating an equation of state to model the material behaviour of the explosive (W.P. Grobbelaar, G.N. Nurick). An UNDEX response validation methodology (J.L. O'Daniel et al.). The effects of local cavitation and diffraction on the underwater shock response of an air-backed 2D plate structures with large deflections (L.C. Hammond, C.J. Flockhart). Ductile failure of welded connections to corrugated firewalls subjected to blast loading (L.A. Louca, J. Friis). Design criteria for blast tolerant bulkheads (I. Raymond et al.). The ballistic impact of hybrid armour systems (H.H. Billon). Large scale blast analysis of reinforced concrete with advanced constitutive models on high performance computers (K.T. Danielson et al.). Fracture mechanism of pre-split blasting (A.V. Dyskin, A.N. Galybin). Evaluation of energy absorption system for intense shock mitigation (I.J.L. Jaggi et al.). Blast damage effects of an explosion of 5 ton TNT kept in storage magazine (H. Lal et al.). Evaluation of damage and TNT equivalent of ammunition,
explosive and pyrotechnics (P. Buri et al.). New approach to street architecture to reduce the effects of blast waves in urban environments (E.H. Mahmoud, J.G. Hetherington). Generation and measurement of high stresses under shock hugoniots (S.S. Sachdeva et al.). Dynamic response of model reactor structure subjected to internal blast loads (A.K. Sharma et al.). Spallation of explosively clad metal plates (V.K. Sharma et al.). Stress and strain magnification effects in structural joints under shock loading (G. Szuladzinski). Numerical methods in underwater shock simulations (H.H. Tran, J. Marco). Reinforced masonry walls under blast loading (C. Mayrhofer). Crashworthiness. Plastic collapse mechanisms of lifeguards for the class 465 EMU bogies (E.C. Chirwa et al.). Application of multibody dynamics for simulating vehicle impacts on steel safety guardrails (G. Sedlecek, C. Kammel et al.). A large-deflection design technique for the collapse and roll-over analysis of thin-walled tubular frames (S.J. Cimpoeru et al.). A method of estimating velocity in a car crash (K. Fujiwara). Dynamic characteristics of bicycle helmets (S.K. Hui, T.X. Yu). Crash and high velocity impact simulation methodologies for aircraft structures (C.M. Kindervater et al.). Design for crash safety in mine shafts (G.J. Krige et al.). Comparison of different car front structures under nonaxial impacts (M. Kroger). Impact attenuation of frontal protection systems in passenger vehicles (P. Bignell et al.). Tubular/shell structures. Unified theory for collapse of thin rectangular tubes under compression (C.W. Kim et al.). Stress-strain relationship for confined concrete in various shapes of
concrete-filled steel columns (K.A.S. Susantha et al.). Experimental behaviour of internally-pressurized cone-cylinder intersections (Y. Zhao, J. G. Teng). FEM analysis of buckling of thin-walled tubes under dynamic loading (B. Wang, G. Lu). Axial crushing of aluminum columns with aluminum foam filler (A.G. Hanssen et al.). Failure mechanism and behavior of thin-walled reinforced concrete barrels under lateral loading (M.A. Issa et al.). Crushing behaviour of composite domes and conical shells under axial compression (N.K. Gupta et al.). The influence of residual stresses in the vicinity of circumferential weld-induced imperfections on the buckling of silos and tanks (M. Pircher, R.Q. Bridge). Improved marshall strut element to predict the ultimate strength of braced tubular steel offshore structures (K. Srirengan, P.W. Marshall). The aseismatic behaviour of high strength concrete filled steel tube (Z. Wang, Y.H. Zhen). Stub-column failure test of welded box steel section under axial compressive loading (Y.C. Zhang et al.). Strength and ductility of concrete filled double skin square hollow sections (X.L. Zhao, R.H. Grzebieta). The quasi-static piercing of square tubes (G. Lu, J. Zhang). The splitting of square tubes (G. Lu et al.). Strength and ductility of concrete-filled circular compact steel tubes under large deformation pure bending (M. Elchalakani et al.). Connections. Finite element modelling of bolted flange connections (J.J. Cao et al.). Experimental behaviour of moment connections between concrete filled steel tubes and structural steel framing beams (J. Beutel et al.). Strength and ductility of bolted connections in normal and high strength steels (A. Aalberg, P.K. Larsen). Evaluation of beam-to-column connections with weld defects based on CTOD design curve approach (K. Azuma et al.). Simulation of fracture failure of steel beam-to-column connections (Y. Chen et al.). Failure analysis of bolted steel flanges (P. Schaumann, M. Seidel). Ultimate capacity of bolted semi-rigid connections to the column minor axis (L.R.O. de Lima et al.). Buckling. The effects of fabrication on the buckling of thin-walled steel box sections (M. Pircher et al.). Inelastic dynamic instabilities of steel columns (T. Yabuki et al.). Plastic buckling of circular sandwich plates (S.C. Shrivastava). Buckling instability of a curved-straight pipe configuration conveying fluid (A.M. Al-Jumaily). Axial crushing of frusta between two parallel plates (A.A.A. Alghamdi et al.). Strength analysis of buckled thin-walled composite cylindrical shell with
hydrostatic loading (J. Brauns). Imperfection sensitivity function in dynamic response and failure of 1-D plastic structures (F.L. Chen, T.X. Yu). Straightening effects of steel I-beams failed by lateral-torsional buckling (M. Kubo, N. Sugiyama). Ductility/constitutive models. Investigation of damage accumulation using equal channel angular extrusion/drawing (R. Lapovok et al.). A simplified constitutive model for steel material under cyclic loading conditions (S. Murakami et al.). Acceleration waves and dynamic material instability in constitutive relations for finite deformation (P.B. Beda, G. Beda). Plastic deformation and creep of polymer concrete with polybutadiene matrix (O. Figovsky et al.). Study of influence of loading method on results of the split hopkinson bar test (A.D. Resnyansky). Enhanced ductility of copper under large strain rates (D.R. Saroha et al.). Kinematics of large deformations and objective eulerian rates (A. Meyers et al.). A study of the large deformation mechanisms of weft-knitted thermoplastic textile composites (P. Xue et al.). Fire loading. Nonlinear analysis of three-dimensional steel truss in fire (P. Fedczuk, W. Skowronski). Modelling of plastic strength of composite tubular members under elevated temperature conditions (M.B. Wong et al.). The experimental and theoretical behaviour of composite floor slabs during a fire (C.G. Bailey). Thermal contact resistance at the concrete/steel interface of concrete-filled steel columns (J.I. Ghojel). Mathematical model for the prediction of temperature response of steel columns filled with concrete and exposed to fires (J.I. Ghojel). Non-elastic load capacity of compressed steel truss member during fire (G. Ginda, W. Skowronski). Fire resistance of concrete filled steel tubular beam-columns in china - state of the art (L.H. Han, X.L. Zhao). Earthquake loading. Experimental study on steel bridge piers with iinner cruciform plates subjected to cyclic lateral loads (K. Iwatsubo et al.). Evaluation of steel roof diaphragm side-lap connections subjected to seismic loading (C.A. Rogers, R. Tremblay). Low cycle fatigue of concrete filled steel tube members (K. Tateishi et al.). The importance of further studies on the capacity evaluation of concrete-filled steel tubes under large deformation cyclic loading (C. Lee et al.). Design of large bridge over the matchesta river in seismic zone (A. Likverman et al.). Fracture/fatigue. Tensile fracture behaviour of thin G550 sheet steels (C.A. Rogers, G.J. Hancock). Fatigue strength properties of stainless clad steel (T. Mori). Testing of welded T-joint with fatigue cracks and comparison with
failure assessment diagram (T. Iwashita et al.). Crack surface contact under alternating plasticity (C.H. Wang, L.R.F. Rose). Modelling of the cyclic ratchetting and mean stress relaxation behaviour of materials exhibiting transient cyclic softening (W. Hu, C.H. Wang). Influence of specimen and maximum aggregate size on concrete brittle fracture (M.A. Issa et al.). Fatigue design of welded very thin-walled tube-to-plate joints using the classification method (F.R. Mashiri et al.). Cosserat and non-local continuum models for problems of wave propagation in fractured materials (E. Pasternak, H.B. Muhlhaus). Dynamic tensile deformation and fracture of metal cylinders at high strain rate (M. Singh et al.). Energy balance in dynamic brittle rock failure (B.G. Tarasov). Stress intensity factors for tubular T-joints with a curved surface crack (B. Wang et al.). Effect of the environment and corrosion on the fatigue life of a simulated aircraft structural joint (S. Russo et al.). Numerical simulation. Plastic instability simulation of steel in tension (S. Okazawa, T. Usami). Several practical criteria for nonlinear dynamic stability of lattice structures (Z.-Y. Shen et al.). Snap-through analysis of toggle frame using the software package, NIDA, by 1 element per member (S.L. Chan, J.X. Gu). Second-order inelastic analysis of steel gable frames comprising tapered members (G.Q. Li, J.J. Li). A parallel three-dimensional elasto-plastic finite element analysis in a workstation cluster environment (Z. Ding et al.). Limit analysis of cylindrical shells subjected to ring load - a comparative study between analytical and numerical solutions (J.R.Q. Franco, F.B. Barros). Finite element simulation of deep drawing of laminated steel (Y.F. Kwan, M. Takla). Analytical solution for semi-infinite body subjected to 3D moving heat source
and its application in weld pool simulation (N.T. Nguyen). Pseudorigidity method (PRM) for solving the problem of limit equilibrium of rigid-plastic constructions (Y. Routman). Damage identification and restoration of space frame using genetic algorithm (C.W. Shen et al.). Simulation of the hysteretic behavior of RC columns with footings (F.F. Sun et al.). An analytical method for analysis of curved pair members tied with struts (H. Ishihara et al.). Numerical analysis and simulation for cold extrusion (S.X. Zhang et al.). General structures. Experimental analysis on key components of steel storage pallet racking systems (N. Baldassino et al.). Response of large space building floors to dynamic loads which suddenly move
to a new position (S.W. Alisjahbana). Effects of cables on the behavior of I-section arches (Y.L. Guo, J.S. Ju). Shakedown of three layered pavements (S.H. Shiau, H.S. Yu). Laser application to surface deformation and material failure (S.H. Slivinsky et al.). Author index.
flexible mechanical systems under impact loading (J. Barradas Cardoso et al.). Influence of impact loads on the behavior at alternative bending over pulleys of steel wires (G. Crespo). Dynamic actions on highway bridge decks due to an irregular pavement surface (J.G.S. da Silva). Elastic-viscoplastic-microdamage modeling to simulate hypervelocity projectile-target impact and damage (J. Eftis et al.). Experimental and numerical studies of projectile perforation in concrete targets (H. Hansson, L. Ågårdh). Prototype impact tests on ultimate impact resistance of PC rock-shed (N. Kishi et al.). Penetration equations for the impact of 7.62 mm ball projectile against composite material sheets of an aircraft (P. Kumar et al.). High strength concrete beams subjected to impact load - some experimental results (J. Magnusson et al.). Impact response of a laminated cylindrical composite shell panel (P. Mahajan et al.). Dynamic testing of energy absorber system for aircraft arrester (K.K. Malik et al.). Characteristics of crater formed under ultra-high velocity impact (S. Pazhanivel, V.K. Sharma). Diagnostic techniques for high speed events (V.S. Sethi, S.S. Sachdeva). Shock test and stress analysis of a heavy metal forge (Y.M. Wu et al.). Blast/shock loading. Air blast simulations using multi-material eulerian/lagrangian techniques (J. Marco). Damage evaluation of structures subjected to the effects of underground explosions (R. Kumari et al.). An investigation of structures subjected to blast loads incorporating an equation of state to model the material behaviour of the explosive (W.P. Grobbelaar, G.N. Nurick). An UNDEX response validation methodology (J.L. O'Daniel et al.). The effects of local cavitation and diffraction on the underwater shock response of an air-backed 2D plate structures with large deflections (L.C. Hammond, C.J. Flockhart). Ductile failure of welded connections to corrugated firewalls subjected to blast loading (L.A. Louca, J. Friis). Design criteria for blast tolerant bulkheads (I. Raymond et al.). The ballistic impact of hybrid armour systems (H.H. Billon). Large scale blast analysis of reinforced concrete with advanced constitutive models on high performance computers (K.T. Danielson et al.). Fracture mechanism of pre-split blasting (A.V. Dyskin, A.N. Galybin). Evaluation of energy absorption system for intense shock mitigation (I.J.L. Jaggi et al.). Blast damage effects of an explosion of 5 ton TNT kept in storage magazine (H. Lal et al.). Evaluation of damage and TNT equivalent of ammunition,
explosive and pyrotechnics (P. Buri et al.). New approach to street architecture to reduce the effects of blast waves in urban environments (E.H. Mahmoud, J.G. Hetherington). Generation and measurement of high stresses under shock hugoniots (S.S. Sachdeva et al.). Dynamic response of model reactor structure subjected to internal blast loads (A.K. Sharma et al.). Spallation of explosively clad metal plates (V.K. Sharma et al.). Stress and strain magnification effects in structural joints under shock loading (G. Szuladzinski). Numerical methods in underwater shock simulations (H.H. Tran, J. Marco). Reinforced masonry walls under blast loading (C. Mayrhofer). Crashworthiness. Plastic collapse mechanisms of lifeguards for the class 465 EMU bogies (E.C. Chirwa et al.). Application of multibody dynamics for simulating vehicle impacts on steel safety guardrails (G. Sedlecek, C. Kammel et al.). A large-deflection design technique for the collapse and roll-over analysis of thin-walled tubular frames (S.J. Cimpoeru et al.). A method of estimating velocity in a car crash (K. Fujiwara). Dynamic characteristics of bicycle helmets (S.K. Hui, T.X. Yu). Crash and high velocity impact simulation methodologies for aircraft structures (C.M. Kindervater et al.). Design for crash safety in mine shafts (G.J. Krige et al.). Comparison of different car front structures under nonaxial impacts (M. Kroger). Impact attenuation of frontal protection systems in passenger vehicles (P. Bignell et al.). Tubular/shell structures. Unified theory for collapse of thin rectangular tubes under compression (C.W. Kim et al.). Stress-strain relationship for confined concrete in various shapes of
concrete-filled steel columns (K.A.S. Susantha et al.). Experimental behaviour of internally-pressurized cone-cylinder intersections (Y. Zhao, J. G. Teng). FEM analysis of buckling of thin-walled tubes under dynamic loading (B. Wang, G. Lu). Axial crushing of aluminum columns with aluminum foam filler (A.G. Hanssen et al.). Failure mechanism and behavior of thin-walled reinforced concrete barrels under lateral loading (M.A. Issa et al.). Crushing behaviour of composite domes and conical shells under axial compression (N.K. Gupta et al.). The influence of residual stresses in the vicinity of circumferential weld-induced imperfections on the buckling of silos and tanks (M. Pircher, R.Q. Bridge). Improved marshall strut element to predict the ultimate strength of braced tubular steel offshore structures (K. Srirengan, P.W. Marshall). The aseismatic behaviour of high strength concrete filled steel tube (Z. Wang, Y.H. Zhen). Stub-column failure test of welded box steel section under axial compressive loading (Y.C. Zhang et al.). Strength and ductility of concrete filled double skin square hollow sections (X.L. Zhao, R.H. Grzebieta). The quasi-static piercing of square tubes (G. Lu, J. Zhang). The splitting of square tubes (G. Lu et al.). Strength and ductility of concrete-filled circular compact steel tubes under large deformation pure bending (M. Elchalakani et al.). Connections. Finite element modelling of bolted flange connections (J.J. Cao et al.). Experimental behaviour of moment connections between concrete filled steel tubes and structural steel framing beams (J. Beutel et al.). Strength and ductility of bolted connections in normal and high strength steels (A. Aalberg, P.K. Larsen). Evaluation of beam-to-column connections with weld defects based on CTOD design curve approach (K. Azuma et al.). Simulation of fracture failure of steel beam-to-column connections (Y. Chen et al.). Failure analysis of bolted steel flanges (P. Schaumann, M. Seidel). Ultimate capacity of bolted semi-rigid connections to the column minor axis (L.R.O. de Lima et al.). Buckling. The effects of fabrication on the buckling of thin-walled steel box sections (M. Pircher et al.). Inelastic dynamic instabilities of steel columns (T. Yabuki et al.). Plastic buckling of circular sandwich plates (S.C. Shrivastava). Buckling instability of a curved-straight pipe configuration conveying fluid (A.M. Al-Jumaily). Axial crushing of frusta between two parallel plates (A.A.A. Alghamdi et al.). Strength analysis of buckled thin-walled composite cylindrical shell with
hydrostatic loading (J. Brauns). Imperfection sensitivity function in dynamic response and failure of 1-D plastic structures (F.L. Chen, T.X. Yu). Straightening effects of steel I-beams failed by lateral-torsional buckling (M. Kubo, N. Sugiyama). Ductility/constitutive models. Investigation of damage accumulation using equal channel angular extrusion/drawing (R. Lapovok et al.). A simplified constitutive model for steel material under cyclic loading conditions (S. Murakami et al.). Acceleration waves and dynamic material instability in constitutive relations for finite deformation (P.B. Beda, G. Beda). Plastic deformation and creep of polymer concrete with polybutadiene matrix (O. Figovsky et al.). Study of influence of loading method on results of the split hopkinson bar test (A.D. Resnyansky). Enhanced ductility of copper under large strain rates (D.R. Saroha et al.). Kinematics of large deformations and objective eulerian rates (A. Meyers et al.). A study of the large deformation mechanisms of weft-knitted thermoplastic textile composites (P. Xue et al.). Fire loading. Nonlinear analysis of three-dimensional steel truss in fire (P. Fedczuk, W. Skowronski). Modelling of plastic strength of composite tubular members under elevated temperature conditions (M.B. Wong et al.). The experimental and theoretical behaviour of composite floor slabs during a fire (C.G. Bailey). Thermal contact resistance at the concrete/steel interface of concrete-filled steel columns (J.I. Ghojel). Mathematical model for the prediction of temperature response of steel columns filled with concrete and exposed to fires (J.I. Ghojel). Non-elastic load capacity of compressed steel truss member during fire (G. Ginda, W. Skowronski). Fire resistance of concrete filled steel tubular beam-columns in china - state of the art (L.H. Han, X.L. Zhao). Earthquake loading. Experimental study on steel bridge piers with iinner cruciform plates subjected to cyclic lateral loads (K. Iwatsubo et al.). Evaluation of steel roof diaphragm side-lap connections subjected to seismic loading (C.A. Rogers, R. Tremblay). Low cycle fatigue of concrete filled steel tube members (K. Tateishi et al.). The importance of further studies on the capacity evaluation of concrete-filled steel tubes under large deformation cyclic loading (C. Lee et al.). Design of large bridge over the matchesta river in seismic zone (A. Likverman et al.). Fracture/fatigue. Tensile fracture behaviour of thin G550 sheet steels (C.A. Rogers, G.J. Hancock). Fatigue strength properties of stainless clad steel (T. Mori). Testing of welded T-joint with fatigue cracks and comparison with
failure assessment diagram (T. Iwashita et al.). Crack surface contact under alternating plasticity (C.H. Wang, L.R.F. Rose). Modelling of the cyclic ratchetting and mean stress relaxation behaviour of materials exhibiting transient cyclic softening (W. Hu, C.H. Wang). Influence of specimen and maximum aggregate size on concrete brittle fracture (M.A. Issa et al.). Fatigue design of welded very thin-walled tube-to-plate joints using the classification method (F.R. Mashiri et al.). Cosserat and non-local continuum models for problems of wave propagation in fractured materials (E. Pasternak, H.B. Muhlhaus). Dynamic tensile deformation and fracture of metal cylinders at high strain rate (M. Singh et al.). Energy balance in dynamic brittle rock failure (B.G. Tarasov). Stress intensity factors for tubular T-joints with a curved surface crack (B. Wang et al.). Effect of the environment and corrosion on the fatigue life of a simulated aircraft structural joint (S. Russo et al.). Numerical simulation. Plastic instability simulation of steel in tension (S. Okazawa, T. Usami). Several practical criteria for nonlinear dynamic stability of lattice structures (Z.-Y. Shen et al.). Snap-through analysis of toggle frame using the software package, NIDA, by 1 element per member (S.L. Chan, J.X. Gu). Second-order inelastic analysis of steel gable frames comprising tapered members (G.Q. Li, J.J. Li). A parallel three-dimensional elasto-plastic finite element analysis in a workstation cluster environment (Z. Ding et al.). Limit analysis of cylindrical shells subjected to ring load - a comparative study between analytical and numerical solutions (J.R.Q. Franco, F.B. Barros). Finite element simulation of deep drawing of laminated steel (Y.F. Kwan, M. Takla). Analytical solution for semi-infinite body subjected to 3D moving heat source
and its application in weld pool simulation (N.T. Nguyen). Pseudorigidity method (PRM) for solving the problem of limit equilibrium of rigid-plastic constructions (Y. Routman). Damage identification and restoration of space frame using genetic algorithm (C.W. Shen et al.). Simulation of the hysteretic behavior of RC columns with footings (F.F. Sun et al.). An analytical method for analysis of curved pair members tied with struts (H. Ishihara et al.). Numerical analysis and simulation for cold extrusion (S.X. Zhang et al.). General structures. Experimental analysis on key components of steel storage pallet racking systems (N. Baldassino et al.). Response of large space building floors to dynamic loads which suddenly move
to a new position (S.W. Alisjahbana). Effects of cables on the behavior of I-section arches (Y.L. Guo, J.S. Ju). Shakedown of three layered pavements (S.H. Shiau, H.S. Yu). Laser application to surface deformation and material failure (S.H. Slivinsky et al.). Author index.
- No. of pages: 916
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: October 4, 2000
- Imprint: Pergamon
- Hardback ISBN: 9780080438757
- eBook ISBN: 9780080551265
X.L. Zhao
Affiliations and expertise
Room 125, Building 60, Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, VIC 3168, AustraliaRG
R.H. Grzebieta
Affiliations and expertise
Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, VIC 3168, Australia