Statistics for the Teacher, Second Edition focuses on the principles, methodologies, and applications of statistics. The publication first elaborates on the measurement in education, interpretation of marks, and the average or mean. Discussions focus on mean from frequency distribution of grouped data and individual marks, construction of examinations, interpretation of distributions, diagrammatic representation of data, direct and indirect measurement, and counting and measuring. The text then takes a look at the scatter of marks, comparison and addition of marks, and percentiles. Topics include graphical method of scaling marks by percentile curves, percentile from frequency distribution from grouped data, percentiles from a frequency distribution of individual marks, percentile from list of marks, comparison of marks, exercises, place on the scale, and standard deviation of frequency distribution of grouped data. The text examines correlation and normal curve, including influence of scatter, method of calculation, and correlation coefficient for grouped data. The book is a dependable source of data for teachers and researchers interested in the applications of statistics.