Contents of Previous Volumes
1. Motion Analysis of Rapid Events by White Light Pulses
1a. Classification of Photographic Methods of High-Speed Analysis
1b. Photonics and Spark Light Camera Systems
1c. Interferometry, Diffraction, and Flow Visualization
1d. Hypervelocity Impacts
1e. Shock Waves of Sparks in Liquids
2. White Pulse Light Sources
High-Temperature Discharges, Ultraviolet
3. Nanosecond Radiation Sources
Nanosecond Sparks
4. Discharge Lamps in Photography, Photolysis, and Laser Pumping
4a. Ball- and Point-Shaped Sparks—High-Speed Silhouette Photography
4b. Properties of Tubular Xenon Flash Tubes (for Laser Pumping, Flash Photolysis, and High-Speed Photography)
4c. The Ignition of Elongated Discharge Tubes
4d. Life Expectancy and Selection of Flash Tubes
5. Spark Light Sources for Special Requirements
5a1. Sparks in High-Speed Photography
5a2. Light-Emitting Diodes as Short-Duration Light Sources
5b. Sparks and Discharge Tubes in Instrument Groups
5c. The Plasma Focus
5d. Superradiation Pulses
6. Visualization of Flows, Cracks, and Particles
6a. Repetitive Submicrosecond Light and X-Ray Flash Techniques and Applications in Precision Analysis of Motions and Flows
6b. Impact Observation by High-Speed Photography
6c. Compression Rings of Spark Discharges in Liquids, Cavitation Bubbles, Impact, and Crack Propagation
6d. Submicrosecond Spectrographic Measurements
6e. Flow Visualization
7. Laser Pulse Technology
7a. Pulsed Lasers and Sparks
7b. Mechanical or Thermal Effects
7c. Chemical Effects Caused by Lasers
7d. Mode Locking
7e. Self-Focusing
7f. Lasers and Fusion