Chapter 1: The Basics of Modern NMR Spectroscopy
- Abstract
- 1.1. What Is NMR?
- 1.2. Instrumentation
- Solutions to problems
Chapter 2: Creating NMR Signals
- Abstract
- 2.1. Genesis of NMR signals
- 2.2. Sensitivity enhancement
- 2.3. Resolution Enhancement
- 2.4. Pulse width calibration
- 2.5. Phase cycling
- Solutions to problems
Chapter 3: Sensitivity Enhancement
- Abstract
- 3.1. Sensitivity problem
- 3.2. First milestone in the NMR sensitivity enhancement
- 3.3. Advances in NMR hardware for improving the sensitivity and detection
- 3.4. NMR tubes
- 3.5. Innovative processing and pulse techniques for improving the sensitivity and detection
- 3.6. Other methods for sensitivity enhancement
- 3.7. Key applications of sensitivity enhanced NMR spectroscopy
- Solutions to problems
Chapter 4: Spin-Echo and Polarization Transfer
- Abstract
- 4.1. Spin-echo formation in homonuclear and heteronuclear systems
- 4.2. Cross-polarization
- 4.3. Polarization transfer in reverse
- Solutions to problems
Chapter 5: The Second Dimension
- Abstract
- 5.1. Concept and genesis
- 5.2. Data acquisition in 2D NMR
- 5.3. Data processing in 2D NMR
- 5.4. Plotting of 2D spectra
- Solutions to problems
Chapter 6: Nuclear Overhauser Effect
- Abstract
- 6.1. What Is nuclear overhauser effect?
- 6.2. nOe and selective population transfer
- 6.3. Relaxation
- 6.4. Mechanism of nOe
- 6.5. Factors affecting nOe
- 6.6. Some practical hints
- 6.7. Limitations of 1D nOe methods
- 6.8. Two-dimensional nuclear overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY)
- 6.9. Saturation transfer difference (STD) NMR spectroscopy
- Solutions to problems
Chapter 7: Important 2D NMR Experiments
- Abstract
- 7.1. Homonuclear and heteronuclear shift-correlation spectroscopy
- 7.2. Homo- and heteronuclear J-resolved spectroscopy
- 7.3. Two-dimensional nuclear overhauser spectroscopy
- 7.4. Two-dimensional chemical exchange spectroscopy
- 7.5. Homonuclear Hartmann–Hahn spectroscopy (HOHAHA), or total correlation spectroscopy (TOCSY)
- 7.6. “Inverse” NMR spectroscopy
- Solutions to problems
Chapter 8: Playing with Dimensions in NMR Spectroscopy
- Abstract
- 8.1. Three-dimensional spectroscopy
- 8.2. Concatenated NMR techniques
- Solution to problem
Chapter 9: Some Key Developments in NMR Spectroscopy
- Abstract
- 9.1. Development of new hardware
- 9.2. Key developments in solid-state NMR spectroscopy
- 9.3. Innovative pulse sequences and novel applications of NMR spectroscopy
Chapter 10: Logical Approach for Solving Structural Problems
- Abstract
- 10.1. Structure elucidation step by step
- 10.2. Logical protocol
- 10.3. Examples