I. Introduction.
1. Solid waste: What is it? (I. Twardowska).
2. Solid waste origins: sources, trends, quality, quantity (I. Twardowska, H.E. Allen).
II. Legislation, regulations and management strategies.
1. Regulatory frameworks as an instrument of waste management strategies (I. Twardowska, W.J. Lacy).
2. The Basel Convention and its implementation (I. Rummel-Bulska).
III. Chemical pollution potential from solid waste: Short- and long-term effect.
1. Assessment of pollution potential from solid waste (I. Twardowska).
2. Agricultural wastes (T. Al Seadi, J.B. Holm-Nielsen).
3. Agrochemicals: transport potential in the vadose and saturated zones (K.-P. Seiler).
4. Sewage sludge (I. Twardowska, K.-W. Schramm, K. Berg).
5. Dredged material (W. Calmano, U. Förstner).
6. Mining waste (J. Szczepanska, I. Twardowska).
7. Coal combustion waste (I. Twardowska, J. Szczepanska).
IV. Advances in solid waste characterization and monitoring.
1. The changing face of environmental monitoring (D. Friedman).
2. Identification of unknown solid waste (Tung-ho Chen).
3. Remote monitors for in situ characterization of hazardous wastes (T. Vo-Dinh).
4. Advanced biomonitoring of solid waste and waste disposal facilities.
4.1. Biomonitors based on immunological principles (D. Knopp, R. Nissner).
4.2. A simple cleanup procedure and bioassay for determining TCDD-toxicity equivalents of environmental samples (K.-W. Schramm, A.A.F. Kettrup).
5. Principles of vadose and saturated zones monitoring in solid waste sites exemplified in mining waste dumps (J. Szczepanska, I. Twardowska).
6. Specimen banking as a source of retrospective baseline data and a tool for assessment and management of long-term environmental trends (A.A.F. Kettrup, P. Marth).
7. QA/QC in solid waste characterization, waste disposal monitoring and waste management practice - quality assurance: organizational - catalytic - technical (G.F. Simes).
V. Evaluation and prognosis of the vadose zone and groundwater pollution and protection at solid waste disposal sites.
1. Modeling reactive metal transport in soils (M.C. Amacher, H. Magdi Selim).
2. Modeling bioavailability of PAH in soils (W.H. Rulkens et al.).
3. Computer modeling of organic pollutant transport to groundwater - exemplified by SNAPS (H. Behrendt, R. Bruggemann, G. Nutzmann).
4. Evaluating the susceptibility of aquifers to pollution (K.-P. Seiler).
5. Regional prediction of the transport of contaminants from the flotation tailings dam (R. Duda).
6. Design of a groundwater protection system at an inactive hazardous waste disposal facility (A.C. Bumb).
VI. Advanced/emerging solid waste use, disposal and remediation practice.
1. Utilization of organic wastes - one of the major tasks of today's waste management policies (T. Al Seadi, J.B. Holm-Nielsen).
2. Success stories of composting in the European Union - Leading experiences and developing situations: ways to success (E. Favoino).
3. Thermal waste treatment - a necessary element for sustainable waste management (P.H. Brunner, L. Morf, H. Rechberger).
4. Municipal landfills - A case study: remediation and reclamation at Nanji Island (South Korea) (C.G. Uchrin, S.S. Park).
5. Recycling of plastic waste, rubber waste and end-of-life cars in Germany (P. Dreher et al.).
6. High-volume mining waste disposal (I. Twardowska, S. Stefaniak, J. Szczepanska).
7. Use of selected waste materials and biofertilizers for industrial solid waste reclamation (A.S. Juwarkar, A. Juwarkar, P. Khanna).
8. Bulk use of power plant fly ash in deep mines and at the surface for contaminant and fire control (I. Twardowska).
9. Agricultural utilization of coal combustion residues (U. Kukier, M.E. Sumner).
10. Hazardous waste site remediation technology selection (E.J. Martin, R.C. Chawla, J.T. Swartzbaugh).
11. Innovative soil and groundwater remediation: the SITE program experience (A. Gatchett, R.A. Olexsey).
VII. New developments in solid waste information and environmental control strategies.
1. The clean, green net: environmental computer resources under construction (W.B. DeVille).
2. Solid waste management policies for the 21st century (J.H. Skinner).
Subject Index.