Introduction (K.N. Fedorov). Small-scale turbulence and mixing in the ocean: A glossary (SCOR Working Group 69). The use of deliberately injected tracers for the study of diapycnal mixing in the ocean (J.R. Ledwell, A.J. Watson). Some implications of ocean mixing for ocean modelling (T.J. McDougall). Merits and defects of different approaches to mixed layer modelling (E.B. Kraus). The inclusion of a surface mixed layer in a large-scale circulation model (E.B. Kraus et al). Modelling turbulence in shallow sea regions (A.M. Davies, J.E. Jones). Turbulent fields associated with the general circulation in the northern Bering Sea (E. Deleersnijder, J.C.J. Nihoul). Embedding stratification models in ocean general circulation climate models (B. Henderson-Sellers). Simulation of the mixed layer in a global ocean general circulation model (S.J. Foreman, K. Maskell). A thermodynamic model of the global sea-surface temperature and mixed-layer depth (J.-Y. Simonot et al). Coastal ocean response to atmospheric forcing (B. Rajkovic, G.L. Mellor). Parameterization of vertical diffusion in a numerical model of the Black Sea (H.J. Friedrich, E.V. Stanev). Long-term simulations of upper ocean vertical mixing models of different types (Ph. Gaspar et al). Some dynamical and statistical properties of equatorial turbulence (H. Peters, M.C. Gregg). Turbulent dissipation in the Strait of Gibraltar and associated mixing (J.C. Wesson, M.C. Gregg). Microstructure and vertical velocity shear distribution in Monterey Bay (E.C. Itsweire, T.R. Osborn). Mediterranean salt lenses (D. Hebert). Estimates of mixing inferred from temperature and velocity microstructure (N.S. Oakey). The mixing of meddy ``Sharon'' (B. Ruddick, D. Hebert). Mixing and large-scale ocean dynamics (P.B. Rhines). Vortical motions (P. Müller). The relation between Lagrangian and Eulerian spectra: A connection between large-scale waves and small-scale turbulence (K.R. Allen, R.I. Joseph). Evidence and consequences of fossil turbulence in the ocean (C.H. Gibson). Measuring turbulent transports in stratified flows (H.W.H.E. Godefroy et al). New approach to cox number in quasi-homogeneous layers (A. Icha, R. Siwecki). Theories of internal wave interaction and stably stratified turbulence: Testing against direct numerical experimentation (G. Holloway, D. Ramsden). The influence of bottom dissipation on wave growth (S.L. Weber). Internal tidal oscillations and water column instability in the upper slope region of the Bay of Biscay (R.D. Pingree). Estimates of vertical mixing by internal waves reflected off a sloping bottom (C. Garrett, D. Gilbert). Benthic boundary layers on slopes (S.A. Thorpe). Mixing in a thermohaline staircase (R.W. Schmitt). Mixing in the thermohaline staircase east of Barbados (M.C. Gregg). Layer thicknesses and effective diffusivities in ``diffusive'' thermohaline convection in the ocean (K.N. Fedorov). Explaining effective diffusivities within diffusive oceanic staircases (D.E. Kelley). Numerical experiments on thermohaline convective motions across interfaces of intrusions (S.A. Piacsek et al). Reynolds number effects on turbulence in the presence of stable stratification (A.E. Gargett). Comment on ``Reynolds number effects on turbulence in the presence of stable stratification'' (C.H. Gibson). Reply (A.E. Gargett). An overview of the 19th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics; ``Small-Scale Turbulence and Mixing in the Ocean'' (S.A. Thorpe).